I swatted Lion again Thursday night. This time it was for annoying me on Wednesday. He wondered if his bleeding was because of dry skin. He’s been moisturizing for a few days. Still, I had him wear panties. I think I swatted harder. There was only a small spot of blood when I was done. Either he’s right about dry skin or I really didn’t swat harder.[Lion — She swatted harder!] Or maybe his hide is getting toughened up. In any case, the next time Lion needs a reminder of how to behave, he will get it without panties.

This morning, in our emails back and forth, he said his butt was sore. I suggested he think about what he did to get that sore butt. If he can remember punishment day and not annoy me, maybe he won’t have so much trouble sitting down. While we’re on the subject, it just occurred to me that his not following the rules is annoying to me. So why did I change the lesser infractions to funishments? Hmmm. Maybe this is 3.0 talking. Maybe, once I get in the habit of catching and punishing him for the more serious offenses, the lesser ones will cease to be funishments. Maybe 3.0 just needs to step up and find more rules.

Lion was in his cage for a day. He managed to spray pee all over the toilet and the floor around it. He cleaned it up like a good boy, but yuck! Is it really worth it to have him be caged if he’s going to make a mess? I don’t think so. Actually I told Lion I didn’t want to unlock him last night. He said he thought I had plans to play with him. I did. But I didn’t want to put the cage back on. This was before we decided he should stay wild because of the pee spraying problem. I don’t mind when the cage is on or off. I don’t even mind taking it off. It’s putting it on that annoys me. Every time he gets a new one I think it’ll be better. Either it’s a bitch to line up the cage with the base ring or the lock is difficult or I have to jam the head into something. I know he likes having the cage on (until he thinks about it and realizes he’s caged again) but I’m happier when he’s wild. Of course, I don’t share his bondage needs.

I finally agreed to take it off and I played with him. I’m not even sure I got him to the point of being convincingly hard. He was on his way and then plateaued again. I even thought about telling him I’d leave the cage off until he could get to the edge. I figured that could go one of two ways: either he’d see the cage as a reward for getting hard or he’d figure I’d given up on him. I didn’t know which way so why risk it? Plus, do I really want him trying to get hard so I have to wrestle with the cage again?

I think I’m as undecided about the cage as he is. He wants it on until it’s on and then he thinks better of the idea. I don’t care if it’s on or off; I just don’t want to have to put it on. We’re quite a pair.

One thing I am decidedly decided about is the fact that I’m not giving up on trying to get Lion to the edge. I don’t think he’s broken. I won’t give up until a doctor tells me there’s no hope of revival. Do not resuscitate. Until then, I’ll do what I can for him.

I asked for it in my post yesterday. I said that I wanted Mrs. Lion to lock me up in a male chastity device again. Later, in the evening, I mentioned it to her again. She was having a problem with feeling comfortable. She had spent the day working around the house and I think she had done a little too much. Even so, when I reminded her that she planned to lock me up, she said,

“Oh yes, I remember. Which cage do you want?

“How about the Cherry Keeper?”

frong view of cherry keeper cage on lion's penis
The headlock feature keeps the head of my penis firmly in place with my urethra nicely centered.

“Okay I’ll get it out.”

Mrs. Lion struggled a bit getting the head of my penis past the headlock in the Cherry Keeper cage. Eventually, she got it in and locked the cage shut. Once the cage was in place, I started having second thoughts. It’s not that the cage is uncomfortable. The Cherry Keeper is both very light in weight and fits perfectly. I hardly know it’s there. It’s also very good at keeping my urethra nicely centered in the opening meant for it. It’s just that I like being wild. I told that to Mrs. Lion. She smiled and said,

“I know you do.”

“Will you unlock me if I want?”

“We can discuss that in June.”

June? That’s six months away. That’s the problem with asking my lioness to do something for or to me. Once she does, it goes out of my control and usually ends up getting me into trouble. I do like being wild. But I also miss the penis bondage provided by a chastity device. I like the ability to easily use the toilet and occasionally play with it and make it hard. Obviously, I can’t do that anymore.

cherry keeper on lion's penis side view
The Cherry Keeper cage is quite short. It nestles between my balls and is invisible under clothing.

There is very little difference in my sex life whether I am caged or not. Mrs. Lion controls 100% of my sexual pleasure. I get to ejaculate when she decides it’s time. It doesn’t matter whether or not I’m wearing a chastity device. I suppose when I’m wild, there’s that tiny chance I might cheat and get myself off. Mrs. Lion and I both know that I won’t do that. I might have years ago before I got so well-trained. The simple fact is I’m thoroughly conditioned to give ownership of my sexual pleasure to my lioness.

After I started writing this post, I sent Mrs. Lion an email asking her if she was serious about six months minimum in the chastity device. She wrote back that she was kidding. She didn’t say what the joke was. Did she mean that she might unlock me sooner if I wanted? Or, did she mean that June wasn’t when we could discuss it? She might not have any intention of discussing it or unlocking me. It could be that my wild lion days are over.

When we began enforced male chastity, the rule was that I stay locked in a chastity device except when she wanted to tease me or when I had some good reason to be wild, such as a doctor’s appointment when I would have to remove my pants, or business trip. In other words, my usual state was to be locked into a chastity device.

After about three years of this, I needed surgery which required me to be wild not only for the operation but for my recovery as well. It was for a torn rotator cuff. The recuperation lasted three months. I ended up being wild considerably longer. I got used to being able to deal with my penis as I wished so long as I didn’t give myself an orgasm. I could test toys to see if they made me very aroused. I could do limited play with my penis. I suppose being wild gives me a sense of ownership of my penis.

That’s exactly how I feel when I’m allowed to be wild without Mrs. Lion being present. That feeling disappears very quickly when my penis is caged. Mrs. Lion keeps the key in a safe. It’s a real safe with a digital combination lock. I don’t know the combination. She is the only one who can free my penis. I know that it’s really not mine. It’s her weenie to do with as she wishes. That’s different than letting her control my penis’ pleasure. In the first case, she takes what she wants and it has nothing to do with me. She locks it up, she unlocks it and plays with it or does nasty things to it as she wishes. Then she puts it away in its cage until she wants to play again.

When I’m wild, I let her give me pleasure if she wishes, tease me, or do nasty CBT. There’s actually no difference in the physical activities. The difference is in my head. It’s absolutely impossible for me to claim ownership of my penis when it is in a chastity device. I can’t touch it, play with it, or do anything else with it other than urinate. And I do that through an opening in the bars. I get sexual attention at the pleasure of Mrs. Lion. I can’t fill in with any sexual pleasure of my own.

bleeding areas on lion's butt

We are both puzzled about why I would bleed during a spanking. I’ve heard from one other man who is in a domestic discipline relationship that in the beginning, he would bleed during spankings. It isn’t that Mrs. Lion is hitting so hard that the edge of the paddle would break my skin. The edges are safely rounded and the entire paddle is finished in a smooth lacquer

One theory that I have is that the skin might crack in places and allow blood to escape. The areas that bleed tend to be swollen with a leathery feel. That’s normal in a spanking. I’ve always gotten those when Mrs. Lion whomps me hard. I didn’t necessarily bleed.

It occurred to me that maybe my skin is too dry. So, I have been putting moisturizer on my behind. If my theory is correct, there should be much less bleeding. Another argument in favor of the dry skin theory is that I still bleed when Mrs. Lion puts me in panties before spanking me. The panties would definitely protect me from any sharp edges. However, there is no change in the blood appearing. It doesn’t seem to come from large areas. It seems that the cut opens here and there. Usually, by the end of the spanking, there is no trace of the bleeding continuing.

It’s obviously not dangerous since there are no open sores. The toys, as well as the underwear Mrs. Lion is now making me wear, have never been used with anyone else. When Mrs. Lion gets blood on her paddle, she cleans it thoroughly. She’s decided, and I completely agree, that the bleeding is not an issue and shouldn’t have any effect on her spanking.

I would love to know why this is happening. I’m very glad that it isn’t scaring Mrs. Lion away. For the record, her spankings are pretty severe but not so brutal that she bruises me very often. In fact, the last two spankings did not result in any bruises at all. The paddle she uses, the Hanson ferule, stings like crazy and often hurts for a long time, but rarely leaves much in the way of bruising. Some bruising is desirable since it is what gives me painful reminders for a day or two after the punishment. Some spankers I’ve known, use a second instrument for the bruising. Mrs. Lion may have to go to that strategy.

Very few disciplined males write about their actual punishments. That’s because when you do, the people who want jerk off fodder will read the posts as BDSM porn. None of us want that. On the other hand, non-porn conversations about effective spanking would benefit those of us who have been trying to find our own way. So far, my discussions of the subject have elicited a combination of personal porn comments, which I delete, and obscene criticism claiming that Mrs. Lion is an abuser. Conspicuously absent are comments from other couples in a similar lifestyle. I’m not sure how we can promote this but I’m hoping that if you share a domestic discipline relationship, you can provide input as to how you handle punishment.

Meanwhile Mrs. Lion and I will go on doing the best we can. I’m very proud of Mrs. Lion’s ability to give me an effective punishment spanking. She can actually spank me enough that I will work very hard to avoid another spanking. That was the goal. She’s done an amazing job as my disciplinary wife. I’m eternally grateful to her.

Compared with many locked males I did quite well in the orgasm department. Mrs. Lion is going to improve her oral stats, she says.I hope so. Maybe we will hear from Team Vagina too.

We’ve closed the books on another year. 2019 with a very tough year for me. I had a lot of medical issues that ranged from kidney stones through spinal surgery, to glaucoma and three eye surgeries. Mrs. Lion took wonderful care of me through all of this. I missed 13 consecutive weeks of work because of the spinal surgery. Through all this we had a pretty active sex life. You can see the year-end statistics in the chart to the right. You might note that October was a very big month for orgasms. That was because we were celebrating Unlocktober. Mrs. Lion did her very best and managed to get me off 8 times. Despite that, my average wait time was seven days.

This year we had New Year’s Eve fireworks of our own. Mrs. Lion, in response to my comment that her spanking the day before wasn’t bad because she had me wearing panties, decided to do an encore performance. This time, I may not have seen fireworks but I certainly saw stars during my spanking. She had me wear a pair of her old panties (she had given them to me earlier in the year for my collection of women’s underwear). She adjusted her stroke to compensate for the extra protection the cloth gave me. That spanking really hurt! She told me that I was bleeding. I wasn’t surprised. The panties had a big blood spot when she was through.

Earlier in the day, she sent me email with a very sweet message:

” I guess I’m sort of proud of me too. Who knew that the person barely hitting you at first, is now whomping you and making you sorry you ever asked for it?”

I was surprised when that message came in out of the blue. This is the first time Mrs. Lion actually said that she felt good about her spanking skills. She’s absolutely right. When I get in trouble, I am sorry I ever asked her to spank me. [Mrs. Lion – It wasn’t out of the blue. Lion said he was proud of me first.]

Even more importantly, this is no longer something I can ask her to stop. Both enforced male chastity and our Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD) belong to her. On this first day of 2020, I’m surprised that sexual control and corporal punishment have gone from something I wanted because it was hot to think about to a part of my marriage. Yes, I did want this not to be under my control. Before someone says, “Be Careful What You Wish for,” I’m not a bit disappointed. As Willy Wonka said at the end of the original Willy Wonka movie with Gene Wilder, “Do you know what happened to the little boy who got everything he wanted? He lived happily ever after!”

That’s me. Well, that’s me right now. Last night, bent over the side of the bed being paddled with Mrs. Lion’s very painful ferule paddle, I was anything but happy. We’ll see if I remember to remind Mrs. Lion on Saturday that it’s punishment day. I better; otherwise I expect I’ll have to endure a 10 minute spanking. The one last night was five minutes long.

If you haven’t already figured it out, I’m writing this on New Year’s Day. I write my posts the day before they publish. My posts are released at 5 AM my local time (PST). I’m not getting get up at 3 AM to write. I’m sound asleep when they go out. This creates a rather confusing situation. Mrs. Lion writes her posts the day they are published. You hear about what happened the night before. Then I come along the next day with my perspective on the same night that Mrs. Lion wrote about. That’s one of the hazards of daily posting. When I don’t write about what happened to me, everything works perfectly. When I do, I’m a day behind.

Speaking of behind, mine still hurts from last night (New Year’s Eve). In fact, it hurts more now than it did then. Last night, before midnight, Mrs. Lion attempted to give me an orgasm. She used her Magic Wand. It automatically turns itself off after about 20 minutes. You can turn it on again, of course. She applied it to my penis until it turned itself off, and then turned it on again. She kept trying. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t get there. I commented that I’m really broken. She gave me that look and said I’m not.

Coming up later this year will be two reviews: I’ll be reviewing the Evotion chastity device and I will be doing a rundown on the latest male sex machines. The Lion test labs will be busy. I got an email a bit ago from a chastity device maker. They were discussing having me review their device. They said that they liked the idea because I had a sex-friendly blog. How does the maker of chastity devices, which prevents sex, think a sex-friendly blog is a good place for a review? I’m just kidding. We all know that caged males are always horny. I’m very sex friendly, especially when locked up.

Speaking of locked up, I wonder if Mrs. Lion is going to mark the new year by snapping the lock shut on one of my devices. There certainly is an incentive: my lack of sexual responsiveness may be a way of my body asking for captivity again. I don’t know. I know that I do consider having a chastity device on my penis as a sexy thing. Maybe it’s time to return to the cage. It’s a little embarrassing to do it, but I’ll ask Mrs. Lion. I’m sure she will oblige me. She’s ever so nice that way. She’s not so nice about unlocking me if I want to get out.

My life is a little bit like a roach motel; it’s easy to get in, but impossible to get out. It’s a good thing I like it so much.

I swatted Lion with him wearing an old pair of my cotton briefs last night. I hit quite a bit harder than I did the night before. He yelped quite a bit louder. And he bled more. I think he’s learned his lesson about forgetting Saturday punishment day. But, then again, I said that last week. We’ll have to see what this weekend holds.

We were watching TV and snuggling when I decided to get the Magic Wand. I figured if oral attention wasn’t getting the job done, I’d go for the big guns. He was very interested. I thought I was even on the verge of edging him, but then everything fizzled out. He said he didn’t think he could go any further. Dammit! I really, really wanted him to have one last orgasm in 2019. Not that there’s any real difference between yesterday and today in the overall scheme of things. One day just rolls right into the next. But the calendar says there’s a difference and we’re programmed to notice.

Lion is worried that he’s really broken. It’s been less than two weeks since his last orgasm. I think it’s too early to proclaim him broken. I’m pretty sure he’s come back from longer slumps than this. However, I’m wondering if I contributed by not edging him. I’ve just been playing with my food. I haven’t been getting him all the way to the edge. He’s been close but not quite there. Now that I want him to get there, he can’t. Did I do him a disservice? I guess there’s no way to know for sure. The best we can do is keep trying and hopefully, he’ll get there before too long.

When I did just the oral activity, I didn’t play with him. Maybe his body is waiting for his balls to be tied, or Icy Hot or some other evil thing to happen. If I find the other straps and cuffs, would the simple act of tying him to the bed be enough to tip the scales? Like a reset button? “Ohhhh, okay. I’m tied down. I recognize this. Continue.” And we all live happily ever after. I’m not sure. I can tie his balls up tonight and see what happens. But I was sure the Magic Wand would work and it didn’t. I feel like I’m just rolling the dice and hoping for whatever number means you win in craps.

It’s a good thing I don’t give up easily. We’ve got a whole new year to work with. This one will be better than last.