blind lion
blind lion rescued by ADI. I’m rescued by Mrs. Lion.

It has been a while since I have posted to our blog. As Mrs. Lion wrote, I had some serious trouble with my one good eye. I suffer from glaucoma and the pressure in my right eye was getting to the point that it would be dangerous. The ophthalmologist wanted to install a tube in the eye that would relieve the pressure. The tube is supposed to have a valve in it that only lets the pressure go down to a point. The surgery to insert the valve was perfect. Later that day I could see normally from that eye. The trouble started the next morning.

When I woke up, I was completely blind. My right eye didn’t work at all, and of course, my left eye was already not functioning. Needless to say, I panicked. We had appointment with the ophthalmologist for the one-day follow-up from the surgery and reported the problem to him. He tested the pressure in the eye. The eye is supposed to have a pressure between 5 and 15. Below that number the eye can’t retain its shape and above that number glaucoma can take vision away by killing the optic nerve. My pressure was two. The ophthalmologist sent me to another doctor who specialized in retina and back of the eye problems. This doctor had a hard time seeing anything because of debris to the lens of my eye. She guessed that that was part of the problem.The original surgeon brought me back into the OR and reinflated my eye using a gel. The pressure was 10. Good! Unfortunately, the next day the pressure was back down to two. He repeated the procedure but also put sutures across the tube shutting off its ability to drain eye. The device that he inserted is defective. The valve that is supposed to control pressure doesn’t work. I’m reporting this prompt to the FDA and I plan to sue the manufacturer. Anyway, the retina doctor performed a surgery on Thursday and cleaned the gunk off lens. The pressure was holding since the tube had been sealed off.

When the bandage was removed the next morning, I could see! Unfortunately, everything is very blurry. I’m told that will take about a month from my eye to recover. It turns out that the eye is like a balloon. The fluid pressure inside keeps it inflated. When the pressure dropped because the defective device let the fluid out the back of my eye deflated like a balloon. And that’s what caused the trouble.Anyway, it was a very scary time for me. Being blind is amazingly difficult. Mrs. Lion was great and helped me deal with tasks of daily living. I have a good memory of the layout of our bedroom, bathroom, and some of the other rooms in the house. That helped me navigate by touch. Right now, I can see enough to find my way from room to room. I can’t read the screen and I’m using a voice device that’s built into Windows to take dictation so I can write this post. Mrs. Lion will edit it and get rid of the junk and the grammar that comes from this sort of writing.We are going to try some sex this weekend. I’m excited about that. It’s been several weeks. Sex was not high on my priorities when I was blind.One thing bothered me: Capitalize nobody commented when Mrs. Lion talked about my problem. I had hoped that some of my fellow bloggers would offer well wishes, but no one did. I know a lot of people read this blog. I also can tell from our statistics that many people read here. I’ll never understand what that means. Anyway, I’m sort of back and life for us is slowly returning to normal. Mrs. Lion won’t be able to spank me until my eye heals up to allow me to lie down on my stomach and accept the paddle. That’s probably a month away. I am very grateful that I can see.


Tomorrow, I’m going for my second eye surgery this year. My right eye is the victim this time—that happens to be my “good” eye. The left has almost no vision. After the surgery, I will be blind for a while. About six hours after the surgery, we take off the eye patch. I will still have very little vision because I need to wear a contact lens. It will be two weeks before I can wear it. I’m worried about how I will manage.

Mrs. Lion has made some preparations for my surgery. We have an inexpensive wheelchair that she bought a few years ago. We plan to use it to get me from the car to our bedroom. After my last surgery, the lingering effects from the anesthesia made me too weak to get up the three steps from the garage to the house. I collapsed. Mrs. Lion bought a portable ramp (12 feet long) that she installed in the garage. Now, she can wheel me into the house. Yuck! I hate being an invalid.

The surgery will interfere with any plans to restore our disciplinary relationship. Until my eye has a chance to heal, I guess we’ll be mostly vanilla. That’s not much of a change since we have gotten out of our usual routine.  We’ve discussed our options several times but don’t seem able to get going. The surgery will add another delay.

Mrs. Lion’s shoulder has been giving her trouble. That’s another reason why my bottom is rarely spanked. It’s also why we can’t snuggle the way we like. It hurts her to lie in that position. Even without the snuggles, having her with me makes life exciting and fun. After being together for over 22 years, it’s better than ever. I’m very lucky.

I’ll post again when I can read my screen.

A couple of days ago, I asked Mrs. Lion if she was going to tell me when I could wear a shirt around the house. She replied that it was up to me. If I’m cold, I can wear one. I had been routinely wearing one every day regardless of temperature.  I’m not cold today, so no t-shirt. She generally likes me to have a bare butt at home. The only exceptions are days she puts out panties for me to wear.

On Friday night, I forgot to get my pill packets before dinner. I asked Mrs. Lion to get them for me. She got them and told me that I was supposed to do that myself. Forgetting pill packets is a spankable offense—so there was no spanking. I don’t know if she will punish me, but she did remind me that I broke a rule. Mrs. Lion waxed me yesterday. I imagine she decided to delay punishment until today.

It’s too easy to forget or put off punishment. Mrs. Lion has a lot to do and disciplining me isn’t generally top of mind for her. It isn’t good for me to get away with things. It’s not that I’m intentionally naughty. I need to build the correct habits. We’ve learned that consistent spankings for breaking a rule results in me remembering to do the right thing. I try not to think too deeply about what this means.

Every couple has “squeeze the toothpaste in the middle of the tube” annoying issues. They aren’t big enogh to get a divorce lawyer, but they are irritating. We’ve learned that consistent punishment for doing things like that generally cures the issue without the stress of bickering or nagging.

A big benefit of domestic discipline is that it provides a simple way to deal with problems. The problem is that it is easy for Mrs. Lion to forget to punish me. I realize that it takes work to train me, but when Mrs.. Lion forgets it makes me wonder if she is losing interest in me. I realize that this is irrational. It feels good when she is using her paddles to help me.


We are on a five-day staycation. We had planned to go to a nice spot in Oregon, but we decided to take the loss and stay home. A big reason was the cost. The boarding kennel for our dog was going to cost over $400. The trip would cost over a thousand dollars if we added in gas, meals, and extras. We decided it was worth it to lose the motel cost.

We’ve had a relaxing time so far. Mrs. Lion has been spared many hours of driving, and instead she can relax at home. Well, she has had to take care of a few chores. She spanked me on Thursday night. I yelped right from the start. Cross-crack beatings are much more painful. I can’t object. After all, the entire point of spanking is is to make it hurt.

On the anniversary of our first date, I wanted to have anal sex. That’s what we did when we met for the first time. Yes, it was a bit odd. I found Mrs. Lion on an Internet dating site. We chatted and talked on the phone for a couple of days. We met on the third day and had very hot sex. It may sound odd, but it was what we both wanted.

Obviously, it was the right move. We met and had various kinds of sex several days a week for a while. We both wanted to be together more. It wasn’t just sex. Mrs. Lion moved in with me. We’ve been together ever since.

There’s absolutely no way I can explain what happened. There’s no need to. I’m more in love with her today than I was all those years ago. I’m grateful that she decided to be with me. I’m even happier that she hasn’t changed her mind.

By the way, I got a blow job instead of anal sex. It was wonderful. We’ll get around to anal one of these days.