Lion wanted to go to the casino on Saturday. I went outside to do some yard work and, when I came back in, I wasn’t feeling very well. It wasn’t particularly hot, but I felt almost like I did when I tried to do yard work when I had COVID. I rested for a while. Then I decided, if we were going to the casino, I needed to get the grime of yard work off of me. Besides, I reasoned, a shower might help me feel better. It got the grubbiness off but it didn’t really make me feel better. We decided to put it off until Sunday.

I’m very burned out by casinos. For a few trips, I thought the slot machines would give me a migraine. Yesterday, I figured out it’s the glare on the screen and the over abundance of noise that bothers me. The flashing lights don’t help either. Unfortunately, Lion loves the lights and the noise. Especially the noise. He turns the volume up as high as it can go. Maybe he’s trying to drown out the other beeps and boops of the other machines. [Lion — Modern slot machines are programed with highly interactive effects. If I’m going to lose money, I want to enjoy the show.[

Anyway, pertinent to this blog, I decided either Friday night or Saturday morning that Lion would be wearing a diaper to the casino. It wasn’t vindictive. I wasn’t trying to make him suffer for dragging me to the casino. He wants me to take more control and, as he put it, keep him off balance. As he sat there pushing the buttons, he was reminded that he had a diaper on. There wasn’t anything he could do about it. He was sitting in a diaper.

Now, the bonus for me was that he didn’t need a restroom trip. It’s very difficult for him to navigate, and I know how lost he is when he has to go into a huge bathroom by himself. Will he drop his cane? Will he fall? Will anyone help him? I worry about him. There’s a family bathroom, but it always seems to be closed. The diaper served two purposes.

On the way home, he asked what time it was. It was 9:30, which meant we’d be home around 10:30. He said he guessed it was too late for a Cialis. He wanted to be out for hours and have sex? Now that he’s rediscovered boner pills, he thinks he’s Superman.

Four days ago, I did a shot of Edex and had a very nice oral orgasm. Over the last few days, Mrs. Lion has been putting out panties for me to wear. I’ve been feeling rather frisky. I felt stirring between my legs. After Mrs. Lion finished work yesterday, I took 60mg of generic Viagra (3 20mg tabs). I was curious to see if it might work. I told Mrs. Lion we had to wait thirty minutes for the drug to work.

A half-hour later, Mrs. Lion went to work. I got hard! It was a full erection. Mrs. Lion jerked me off to orgasm. I didn’t produce any semen, but still… We were both surprised. It’s been over a year since I was able to get hard without injecting a boner drug.

I had morning wood this morning. That’s something that hasn’t happened in years.

What the hell?

I know that there is no organic reason why I had severe ED. My testosterone was tested and found to be well within normal levels. I have no prostate issues and no other organic issues. The urologist I’ve been seeing for the ED problem thought it might just be an aging issue: “manopause?”

It could also be psychological. That’s behind a lot of ED. There was no way to know. The evidence suggests that’s my problem. Am I suggesting that some deep-seated need to wear women’s underwear was behind my ED? I don’t think so. Cross-dressing has never appealed to me.

The answer might be just as simple as Mrs. Lion’s decision to exercise sexual control. It can’t be simple domination. She’s been spanking me consistently with no erection improvement. So what’s different now?

Part of it is that her (no prompting from me) decision to make me do something triggered sexual thinking for me. Spanking can alos work, but only if associated with a reason she invents. If I’m right, it’s not too complicated.

I’m surprised at my reaction to such a simple change. I started thinking back about what I wrote about over the years. Mrs. Lion has done a great job of most of what I suggested. Recently, there’s been a change. It’s subtle but very significant. Some of the activity has continued, but was limited to the action, not the underlying reason for doing it.

The easiest example is spanking. Mrs. Lion spanks me fairly regularly. She understands that it’s important to me. Is it the spanking that I need, or is it something else? Simply paddling me doesn’t get my motor running very well. It should. I’ve wanted it forever.  Could it be that expressing a desire to be spanked isn’t the real need?

I’m sure that it isn’t. That’s the problem. Mrs. Lion often follows my lead. I need spanking; she spanks me. Job done. Spanking is the obvious physical activity. Why would I want it? That’s the question she didn’t answer. I’m pretty sure that she knows, but for reasons of her own limited her participation to the obvious end game.

Spanking works for me only if there is a reason for it. She knows that. She refers to “punishing me.” Right! I need that more than just paddling. It’s a game that involves understanding what pushes my buttons and then building a little drama around it. Catching me doing something “wrong” and punishing me for it is what I need. Silently spanking me doesn’t touch that deeper need. Obviously, it’s harder to set the scene and follow through at punishment time. I get it, but that’s what works.

The same is true of sex. Why did I want my cock locked in a male chastity device? It was because I wanted to feel Mrs. Lion’s sexual control. Why is wearing panties exciting? Same reason. Waiting for me to ask for an orgasm and then giving me oral sex or a handjob doesn’t work. It’s providing the end activity without any surrounding scene setting.

All this stuff is my version of foreplay. It’s more than that. It’s what feeds my sexual and emotional health. I need it.

It isn’t all that easy to provide. It requires thought and planning. It takes time and consistent effort. I get that. It’s why professional dominants get paid so much. It isn’t their ablity to use toys. It’s the emotional environment they create for their clients. They determine what works for the client and then they provide it. If they fail, he won’t be coming back.

I’m not going anywhere. If Mrs. Lion doesn’t provide the environment that works for me, then we’ll be back to Edex. We may be back to it anyway, but I’ll have a lot more fun if she discovers what works and then follows through.

Nationalism has great inherent appeal. America first! Yeah, I can get behind that. The problem is that it isn’t as simple as flag wavers want you to believe. Every single fascist dictator got into power using nationalism as his message. Hitler, Mussolini, and Putin all ran on strong nationalistic platforms. Does that mean that nationalism is reserved for dictators?

I suppose it isn’t. The idea of isolation centers around the idea that a country should seal its borders put high tariffs on foreign products, and rid itself of undesirable people. You can see how these concepts would appeal to people who choose not to think too deeply. Let’s look into each of these concepts.

seal the borders

One of the most popular planks in the nationalist platform is to seal the borders and keep foreigners out. Build a wall. Get the army to prevent illegals from getting in. Most of us like that idea. I certainly don’t want thousands of illegals entering the country every month. America for Americans! Right?

Everyone agrees with that. But, that’s not the whole story. A nationalist leader brands these people as criminals, insane hospital patients, rapists, and parasites ready to feed at the public trough. These undesirables shouldn’t just be kept out; we need to find any living among us and get them out of the country, too. Again, not completely unreasonable. History has taught us that nationalistic leaders never stop at expelling the obviously illegal aliens. They also include other people who don’t belong to the majority. Sometimes, they even kill them.


Make foreign companies pay tariffs on products they export to us. Let’s make China pay a ten percent tariff on everything they send here. The idea is that by adding a tariff, Chinese products will be more expensive, and people will buy American products instead. This is great in theory, but it can have devastating effects on our citizens.

Let’s say there is a Chinese TV that wholesales for $500. It retails for $1,000. Add a ten percent tariff, and it now wholesales for $550, and retail is $1,100. There are no comparable American products, so people pay another $100 because of the tariff. China will sell less TV sets here. But our citizens either pay more or do without. I know this is a silly example, but the point is that thoughtless tariffs hurt us more than the countries who pay it.

There are cases where tariffs make a lot of sense. For example, China has developed sodium-ion batteries that replace the Lion batteries we use in electric cars. Cherry, a big Chinese car company, is selling electric cars that get 600 miles on a charge for about $29,000, about half of what European electric cars cost. The Chinese government has paid Cherry millions to help them. The European car companies can’t compete. A tariff makes sense here to level the playing field. The EU is considering a 100 percent tariff on these cars.

pandering to the base

One thing that all nationalistic leaders have in common is that they work hard to stay popular with their base. Usually, it’s the working-class white Christians. They were the majorities in Italy and Germany. They are also the majority here. They share a suspicion of foreigners, Jews, Blacks, and college-educated people. Nationalistic leaders cultivate these prejudices.

Nationalists ask their base why they have to pay hard-earned money for entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. Stop funding old people and cut over a quarter of the Federal budget. That idea is very popular with the base.

Nationalists sell hate and fear. They provide easy-to-digest answers for complex questions. They build loyalty by pandering to the lowest common denominator. Once in power, they will do anything to stay there. Anything, from declaring elections fraudulent to inciting mobs to take the government by force.

The only thing that has kept America free from this is our constitutional, peaceful transfer of power. All US presidents, save one, have put this above their personal ambition. I, for one, would vote for a head floating in blue liquid before supporting a candidate who presents a threat to our way of life. It isn’t about issues to me. It’s about electing someone who believes in our country and its constitution above personal ambition.

Tjere’s one other serious issue a nationalist creates is people who would have no chance of getting into powerful positions, finding themselves able to buy their way into the nationalist’s government. He values loyalty to him above all else. That is probably the most dangerous aspect of this. Don’t believe me? Read Plan 2025.

Mrs. Lion is full of surprises. This morning, she told me a pair of panties was on the bed. Yeah, she wanted me to wear them. How is it that we have dozens of yet-to-open cartons, but my panties are right there when she wants them? A mystery. She selected a red g-string with a red fringe on the back (see image above). They’re designed for a man. There’s a pouch in front that comfortably houses my cock and balls.

I had nothing to do with her decision to make me wear panties, which is great news for me. It means that she thought about things that push my buttons. I hope it’s the start of a trend. She hasn’t been feeling very well and is tired. Making me wear panties is a nice, low-energy way to assert her control. She can be diabolically creative when she wants.

We canceled our four-day mini vacation, which frees some of her paid time off to cover my upcoming surgeries. I will be getting two eye surgeries in the next couple of months. The first is next Friday. I need Mrs. Lion to drive me to the appointments. She may take Friday off. That will give us a long weekend and perhaps a trip to a casino. The one we usually visit has a restaurant that serves good sushi. I love sushi. It also has other food that Mrs. Lion likes. I wonder what I’ll be wearing under my jeans.

BDSM and sex are hard to think about if you don’t feel well. I understand that Mrs. Lion sometimes struggles to deal with the things she needs to do. At times like that, even thinking about my kinky needs takes more energy than she has. I also know that other couples have similar issues. The big problem is that knowing she isn’t meeting a need of mine stresses Mrs. Lion and makes her feel guilty. The decision to put me in panties is an excellent way to deal with my needs and her stress.

There are many other easy options when her energy is limited. Anal play–butt plugs, for example–require a little effort to insert and have a huge effect on me. The same is true of locking me in a male chastity device. Even my locking cock ring provides me with continuous sensation without requiring a lot of energy on her part.

It boils down to taking a little time to plan. The things that work for me don’t require a lot of energy, but they do need consistency. That’s why panties and locking cock toys are effective. When the energy is there, spanking and teasing are nice additions. Mrs. Lion isn’t a planner. I get it. I also know that making lists is a great way to build good habits.

She could start a list of lion activities when she has a few minutes. Then, she could review it every day and decide what, if anything, would work. This is no different from how Mrs. Lion learned to punish me for breaking rules. In the beginning, we created a structure that assured me I would break rules and she would punish me. It worked, and good habits were built.

This is no different. It isn’t about running a three-ring BDSM circus; it’s about remembering to provide the stimuli that I need and the play we both enjoy.
