The other day when I wrote about the effective way to spank me, I made reference to ball swatting. Julie, who is the undisputed queen of all things spanking, noted that she needs to add her husband’s balls to her repertoire of spanking activities. Mrs. Lion swats my balls frequently. She says she does it because I asked her to do it. In the distant past I did. It occurs to me that it may be worth a post to talk about male genital spanking.

We guys aren’t going to be particularly helpful about ways to spank our cocks and balls. The most diehard male pain slut, who doesn’t break a sweat after an hour of caning, will squick out in the face of genital spanking. I think of spanking, my butt that as erotic, at least at first. I greet the prospect of genital spanking with fear. That’s not to say I don’t get hard when Mrs. Lion prepares to swat me there. I do. I just don’t spend too much time looking forward to it.

Oddly, many women love male genital spanking. I’m not going to go all Freudian on it. You draw your own conclusions. Anyway, there is a need for understanding the proper technique in cock and ball beating. Unlike the butt, the genitals are easy to injure and turn a fun session into a medical problem.

Penis spanking
The penis is filled with spongy tissue that fills with blood to create an erection. This tissue is delicate, particularly when the penis is hard. Just as it is dangerous to bend or fold a hard cock, swatting the shaft can produce permanent injury Fortunately, for the spanker, the head of the penis has a different structure and is very safe to swat. It is also more sensitive than the shaft. Soft or hard, it is safe to spank the head. Support the shaft with one hand while spanking the head.

The best toys for this purpose are lightweight, smaller objects. A  paint stirrer (free at warehouse stores) is great for cock heads and balls. You can sometimes find very small floggers that are perfect for male genitals. Mrs. Lion likes to snap a fingernail against the head of my penis. That really stings! A little sandpaper on the cock head is an easy way to make it more sensitive.

If you stick to the head of the penis, you can safely cause a lot of extreme discomfort. Some tops find it amusing to get the head nice and sore and then have their boys fuck them. Sex is both exciting and excruciating. It’s really making a male’s instincts work against him.

Balls are both rugged and delicate. The testes themselves are not safe to beat. A blow to them will often make the male fall down and throw up. However, the scrotum is a safe and effective spanking target. Your trusty paint stirrer is perfect for ball spanking. You can be the scrotum bright red without any risk of hurting it’s precious contents. A light flogger, even a riding crop are also effective on the scrotum. When Mrs. Lion uses one of these on me, it burns like fire.!

The biggest advantage in genital spanking is the mental effect it has on the man. We are frightened of anything beating our cock and balls. Very little effort will yield big results. If you pull the cock and balls back between the thighs and then use a belt to bind the thighs tightly together so they can’t escape,  you have ass and genitals available for spanking. I can tell you that a standard, butt swatting takes on new terror when my cock and balls are also in range of the paddle. Also, you can alternate between butt swatting and cock and ball spanking without turning him over. How convenient for you!


  1. an infrequent paddling of my naked butt which is totally deserved—as my wife has had to put up with way too much is ok with me–I got it coming in spades and my bare butt sure hurts—but only my butt no other place. any one of any age who gets spanked anywhere else but the buttocks is a little wierd and maybe harmful—–my butt is fleshy and can absorb the spanks–as can almost anyone

  2. When I could have sex, I liked my wife to slap my shaft with her fingers as foreplay, but more the head, especially the very tip, straight on. We did balls very carefully, because a little goes a long way, but I liked it gently. We never used implements for various reasons. The couple of times I suggested using something other than fingertips on my nipples, there was no indication of agreement. So I never pursued using a paint stir stick, which I thought of as an excellent tool for nipples and cock tip. She liked having her nipples spanked, but not her pussy, but she did like slapping cock.

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