From my side of the paddle, spanking seems to be something Mrs. Lion learned and consistently applies. I lie lengthwise on the spanking bench. She straps me down and then begins. Her preferred technique is to alternate cheeks, first hitting one, then the other. This technique is typically what over-the-knee spankers use. It makes sense. Large enough paddles to cover both cheeks are very difficult to use over the knee.

The defunct Disciplinary Wives Club website suggested that a disciplinary wife has two spanking implements: a hairbrush or other OTK tool and a longer, more substantial paddle for severe corrections when the husband is draped over a chair or other object. The larger paddle is used to hit both cheeks at once.

I can attest that larger, longer paddles are far more painful than smaller ones. Since I’m always in a position where Mrs. Lion can use either type, she has a lot of choices. Even so, when she uses a larger paddle, like the one I recently got her (right), she still uses it in the alternating cheek technique.

That got me thinking. I’ve seen many videos and GIFs that show spankings with the larger paddles. They always cover both cheeks with each swat. When Mrs. Lion decides to hit me that way, I really feel it. It’s far worse than the alternating cheek method. Part of the reason is that the larger paddle has a bigger target, and Mrs. Lion feels safer hitting harder. I hate those twin-cheek spankings.

After a few swats on both cheeks, Mrs. Lion generally goes back to the alternating cheek spanking. I think she is more comfortable with that technique. Smaller paddles and alternating cheeks have their advantages. For one thing, it is possible to reach tender areas between the butt and thighs. She can also spread my cheeks and apply a paddle to the anal area and my perineum. I truly hate that.

However, a twin-cheeks spanking is more memorable to me. Each swat revisits an already-stinging area of my bottom. It feels like my butt is on fire after a few swats. I complain and yelp to convince Mrs. Lion to take it easy. I’m usually successful in getting her to ease up. Sometimes, she will give me a short respite and then push me to my limit. Occasionally, she will repeat this process over and over. That’s the worst.

She knows how much I hate a twin-cheeks spanking. [Mrs. Lion — I do? I find it awkward to hit both sides at once and I’m never sure if one side is actually taking the brunt of it. I thought alternating concentrated the force on one area and that made it worse. Live and learn.] That’s why I’m surprised that she rarely gives me more than a few swats on both cheeks. Is it habit that pushes her back to the alternating cheeks? I wonder.

paddle on bare butt

There were fireworks here on the First of July. Mrs. Lion got a new paddle with a message (see image above). The message was a lie! It didn’t hurt a little; it hurt a lot. I ordered the paddle from an Etsy vendor (Serenity Theory). Mrs. Lion commented that it was a bit lightweight, but she thought she could make use of it. She certainly did!

As  you can see in the image, the paddle spanned both of my cheeks. Most of her paddles cover a smaller area. The smaller paddles let her here apply more force to a smaller area of mybottom. The large paddle, while requiring more effor to swing, doesn’t give any area of my bottom a rest. Her normal pattern is a swat on one cheek, then the other. The cheek not being swatted gets a second or so to revover. The whole-bottom treatment gives no respite at all.

Well-paddled male butt
My butt after the new paddle got a workout.

Another big difference (to me) is that swats from the larger paddle tend to land higher on my bottom in the fleshy center area. It feels different there. Her usual target is my”sit spot” below the center. Of course, she can just move down and hit both sides of my sit spot at the same time. She didn’t do it this time.

I was yelping from the beginning. It was a very painful ten minutes. It had been 26 days since my last spanking. I’m out of practice, I guess. After a while, Mrs. Lion took some mercy on me and switched to a leather paddle. I was still yelping and kicking, but the pain wasn’t quite as intense.

In the past, Mrs. Lion has stayed away from larger paddles, though on occasion, she has done two-cheek swatting. I can’t claim to have a preference. No matter what she chooses to do, I’m not a happy camper.For the record, my butt is still a little sore and I feel the aftershocks as I sit in my desk chair..

I must have an internal clock that sets off an alarm when too much time has passed since my last spanking. I woke up this morning thinking about being spanked. That’s odd for me. It isn’t the sort of thought that usually greets my day. I went online and checked our site. The counter said that it’s been 25 days since the last time Mrs. Lion spanked me. I went to my spreadsheet to confirm. Yup, 25 days. That’s a long time for us to go without even discussing a spanking.

Mrs. Lion hasn’t been enforcing her rules. I frequently forget to send her a morning email (I am supposed to send one every workday before noon). She hasn’t said anything. I wrote at least one post about being spanked during the last month. No reaction from myl ioness. I was happy that she didn’t want to spank me, but well, not exactly happy. Something is going on.

She rarely initiates any discussion about how she feels. Is she tired of doing things for me? Is it too much trouble to check her email? Is spanking me something she no longer wants to do? I don’t know. As I think back on the spankings I’ve gotten since we’ve moved, they haven’t had the same energy or sense of ironic fun Mrs. Lion brought to the spanking bench. It isn’t so much that her spankings have gotten milder–they have–i’ts more her approach to them.

For example, she dislikes the safety belt we use to hold me down, but hasn’t looked for the box in the living room with the strap she likes. In the past, no matter how painful the spanking, she always had a sense of fun about it. More recently it felt more like a chore.

Spanking was a routine part of our lives before we moved. Mrs. Lion would never let too much time pass between paddlings. We both understood that spanking was important to our marriage. I’m not sure that either of us understand why that’s true, but we agreed it was. Moving changed everything. Mrs. Lion seems to feel more pressured. Everything, from dinner to sex makes it worse for her. She is unhappy when she has to get out of bed to make dinner. Edex and sex is cheerless. No wonder there are no spankings.

Indeed, I can’t do much around the house. That has to make things much harder on Mrs. Lion. But I’m still the same person that she fell in love with. I haven’t lost my ability to perceive what’s happening around me. I don’t expect rainbows and unicorns when Mrs. Lion gets up to make dinner. I also don’t need to feel guilty about putting her out. In the scheme of things, spanking and enforcing rules has to be low priority. If just cooking a meal is so much trouble, it’s no wonder we have no spankings.

I don’t think that she understands how I feel. She’s working too hard just to keep things going here. I get the feeling that I’m startring to become one more reason she’s tired. How long will she put up with that?

homemade leather spanking paddle
The leather paddle I made over 20 years ago. (Click image to view larger)

Tuesday evening, after my shower, Mrs. Lion directed me to the spanking bench. It was time. My last spanking was just over two weeks before. This time, she meant business. The spanking began with the thick leather paddle I made over twenty years ago. It’s several layers of saddle leather glued and sewn together. It hurt like hell!

Things went downhill from there. Mrs. Lion switched to the bloodwood paddle with sandpaper on one side, and I was yowling. She let up a little by changing to a less painful paddle but soon resumed more painful swats. She reminded me that I had been complaining that she wasn’t severe enough. I knew I would regret that. Oh boy, did I ever! She took the full ten minutes despite my pleading and complaints.

Another surprise was waiting for me. While I was in the shower, Mrs. Lion put a strip of very scratchy coconut matting on the bed. When she finished spanking me, she instructed me to put my butt on the matting. It was very uncomfortable. The rough fibers dug into my tender, just-spanked flesh. I don’t know how long she made me stay on it. It felt like hours.

I’m writing this post on Wednesday afternoon. It hurts to sit in my desk chair. The pain is an echo of Mrs. Lion’s efforts the night before. I also remembered that during my spanking, I considered whether maybe I didn’t want to be spanked anymore. I certainly wasn’t having any fun. I know, I’m not supposed to be having fun. The truth is that this spanking was the first one in a long time that made its point. I hated it. The punishment, “dessert,” having to sit on the coconut shell mat, underlined just who was in charge.

It’s easy for me to forget that Mrs. Lion is in control. She’s very laid back and almost never asserts herself. This spanking was all her. From the moment I stepped out of the shower, she took charge. I wasn’t happy about it. I wasn’t in the mood to be spanked. Am I ever? At that moment, I  just wanted to lie in bed and watch TV. Mrs. Lion wasn’t interested in what I wanted to do. Now, a day later, I realize how good that was for me. I missed those times when my lioness reminded me who was really running the lions’ den. Even though it hurts to sit, I’m a happy camper.