Whether you will be playing with a partner or alone, enforced chastity requires hardware that will safely keep your penis out of trouble and safely under your keyholder’s control. For long term wear, more than an hour or two, any device must be able to:

  1. Prevent useful erections. Your body will try to get you hard no matter what device you wear. However, an effective one will contain the effort and deny any sexual pleasure.
  2. Prevent masturbation.
  3. Allow you to perform the usual bodily functions. If you can’t pee wearing it, the amount of time you can stay locked up is very short.
  4. Permit ventilation. Human skin is not meant to be wet all the time. Any device that prevents sweat, pee, or any other moisture from evaporating will promote irritations and infections.
  5. Let you keep it clean. Even if you have a chastity belt that prevents getting close to your penis, it must allow you to get water inside to keep you clean. It doesn’t take very long for a really bad smell to develop if you can’t clean up.
  6. Wear Comfortably. If you are in pain while you are caged, you and your keyholder will become tired of enforced male chastity. The Getting A Good Fit section offers valuable advice.
  7. Provide reasonable security. More about that later.

There is a lot of mythology about chastity belts. Supposedly, men locked up their women before heading out to the Crusades. The fact is that there is no evidence of any chastity devices existing prior to the Victorian era. In that time, chastity belts and other devices were developed for “medical” reasons; namely to prevent excessive male masturbation. It was believed that erection and masturbation by boys would damage their minds and promote insanity. Female chastity devices have never been very successful. The myths would have us believe that men of yore locked up their women to prevent them from bearing bastards. The fact is that any attempt to block the vagina also blocks its ability to keep itself clean. Fungal infections and worse occur frequently. Fortunately, we males don’t have that problem and can be safely locked up forever.


A common fantasy is that you are locked in an escape-proof device and will never be able to free your penis or stimulate it without your keyholder’s permission. A decade ago the most popular male chastity passtime was to defeat the latest devices. This is an expensive hobby since high end chastity devices can run hundreds of dollars. Virtually all of these “escape artists” were single men who locked themselves up. There were relatively few couples practicing male chastity.

The reason escape-proof devices are so elusive is that male sexual anatomy is surprisingly adaptable.  The human penis has no bone. Other mammals have penile bones that support the penis during intercourse. The human penis is essentially an inflatable toy. When not aroused the penis is an extremely flexible little tube. It’s flaccid. As such, it can be compressed, stretched, bent, and twisted. Since the purpose of enforced chastity is to keep that little guy in the flaccid state, any device must be designed to prevent it from using that very flexibility to defeat it.

A completely normal penis can shrink down to less than an inch in length. Since any cage or tube needs a gap that will allow the scrotum to hang below the cage, this tiny guy can be encouraged to escape through that gap. Once out, it can enjoy itself without permission or supervision.

To prevent this, some devices have blunt pins on the body end of the cage that are supposed to cause pain if extraction is attempted. Pins can be quite long and cause serious discomfort for a naughty boy. Some are even sharpened. This won’t completely prevent escape, but it will discourage it. There is a problem: each time the little guy tries to get hard its diameter increases. If there is an anti-pullout pin, that pin will dig painfully into the shaft. You might be thinking, “Well isn’t that the point?” Not completely. Every male has involuntary erections in his sleep. So, if you don’t enjoy being awakened a couple of times a night by a painful jab in your penis, you will find the anti-pullout pins unbearable.

Back in the day of escape artist play, several companies around the world made full male chastity belts. These belts effectively prevented any possibility of escape. However, the belts are made of metal and must be sized for each wearer. If the male gains or loses weight, the belt will no longer fit. These belts are expensive too and prevent a full range of motion. For most of us they are simply impractical.

For the rest of us who can’t wear full belts, we need to cooperate with our keyholders. Obviously, any practical device has the potential of escape. How much potential is a trade between comfort and security. Since we are asking to be locked up, we should have the self control to not attempt escape. Those of us who are locked 24/7 need the ability to enjoy uninterrupted sleep and to go about our daily business while remaining caged. The trade off is that we have to not attempt escape. It was our idea, we should be able to do that. Right? On the other hand, we also want to feel that we are securely locked up and that our keyholders truly own our cocks. I know that I can’t easily escape my cage and I am pretty sure that if I do, I won’t be able to get it back in so my transgression will be noticed. I don’t want to think about what would happen if she discovered her toy went on an independent field trip. That is sufficient deterrent for me.

I wondered if I secretly unlocked myself because I wanted to play with someone, would there be visual evidence. It turns out there is. I was out of my cage for almost six days and It would be completely obvious to anyone who looked that I wear a device. It’s just like the mark left when the wedding ring is removed. Enough said.


Let’s face it, our fantasies never consider the comfort of our confinement. However, spend thirty minutes in an uncomfortable device and you will see that comfort jumps to the top of the priority list. Having rigid steel or plastic enclosing our genitals is a comfort challenge. Sensitive skin can easily be pinched, scratched and bruised. Imagine sitting at your desk while your cage is cutting into your little penis. Very distracting to say the least. You will be begging for release in no time. See our Getting A Good Fit page for help getting things right. There are many designs for chastity devices. While you may want to select yours based on appearance and apparent security, the first consideration has to be fit. You will not be able to wear a badly fitting device. It’s that simple.

A good fit is a very good start. Next, consider what you wear with your device. Most of the good chastity devices are virtually invisible under clothing. No one can tell I am wearing one. However, invisibility is only one factor. The second is support. We are all built differently and how we and our keyholder’s cage work together will determine how comfortable we are when wearing clothes. Your underpants can spell the difference between a comfortable day and a miserable one.  I like briefs and have been wearing Ex-Officio briefs for years. However, with my cage on, they just didn’t provide the support and cushioning I need to get through my day pain free. By chance I discovered Wearever men’s incontinence underwear. These are very normal looking briefs that have some padding in the front and down through the crotch. They even have a fly. It turns out that the combination of the way the brief is made and the padding provides a nice resting place for my keyholder’s toy. I can sit, walk, run, and move about without any discomfort. The underwear looks fine so that even if I am seen in it, no one would guess there is anything going on. An added benefit is that the padding further hides any edges of my cage from showing through my pants, even tight jeans. The padding is also treated to kill any odors, so if I drip, which sometimes happens after I pee, there is no trace.

While the primary objective of enfored male chastity may be transfer of ownership and control of your penis to your keyholder, just as important is to be able to safely and comfortably wear her cage for as long as she likes. If you are uncomfortable, you won’t be able to make this dream come true.


  1. Author

    Good article

  2. Author

    Interesting!I thought these things WERE escape proof.I guess I’m just reconciled to not having a penis.

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