hairbrush paddle on Lion's butt
The hairbrush paddle on my butt (Click image to view larger)

Mrs. Lion has been spanking me for nearly two decades. The vast majority of them were delivered with wooden paddles. Recently, at my request, she switched to leather. I find it much easier to take a spanking, even a very hard one, that is given with one of our leather paddles. That shouldn’t be surprising. Leather stings and can sometimes bruise, but it flexes and conforms to my bottom. Wood, on the other hand, doesn’t yield at all. My flesh has to absorb the full force of each blow.

It’s not surprising that I prefer leather. I’m a little more surprised that Mrs. Lion agreed to switch. So far, I haven’t had a sore bottom the day after a leather paddle spanking. I almost always feel the aftereffects of wood for several days after a spanking. Mrs. Lion may prefer leather because there’s no blood during a spanking with leather paddles. I tend to bleed a bit when the wood is firmly applied. It isn’t serious bleeding, just some blisters the paddle creates breaking. Or a little skin cracking from the swelling produced by a firm wood spanking.

A firm wood paddle spanking will cause my skin to swell and feel leathery. There is much less swelling when Mrs. Lion uses leather. I find it a little easier to take leather. It stings less than wood. I think that Mrs. Lion has to work harder with leather. I can get numb and used to the spanking.

Once I’m strapped down to the spanking bench, I can’t move more than an inch or two. I have absolutely no control over what happens to me. Based on what I’m writing now, it seems that Mrs. Lion may be getting soft on punishing me. She hasn’t shown much interest in catching be breaking rules. Her spankings have been much less severe since we moved in February.

apanking for me instead of to me

There’s a subtle difference in the disciplinary atmosphere. In the past, Mrs. Lion used spanking to let me know I broke a rule. I realize that she spanks me because I asked her to. But in the past, she took her role to heart and made sure that I hated being spanked. Yes, I’m turned on thinking about spanking, but receiving one can be pure hell. Mrs. Lion took pride on doing a complete job of making me miserable that I sinned. Punishment was delivered the same day or the day after an infraction. If I had the msfortune of breaking two rules, my spanking lasted at least fifteen minutes instead of ten. I don’t think I’ve been spanked for a full ten minutes more than once or twice since we moved.

Her lack of focus is certainly understandable. She has a long list of things to do here. Even so, it takes about fifteen minutes to set up and deliver a spanking. It takes energy, which is in short supply. Poor Mrs. Lion has been working very hard. Still, we were both happier when she was strict with me. I know that I will regret writing this post because I truly hate being spanked with wood. I also know that we will be happier and feel closer when Mrs. Lion returns to her former, strict self.

Our dog has decided to be a night owl. For whatever reason, she does not want to go out just before we go to bed. The lights have to be off and I have to roll over to get ready to sleep. I’ve tried staying on my back, but she consistently waits till I roll over. Sometimes she’ll even wait until later. I get less sleep and then I’m falling asleep at my desk.

Despite being half asleep, I was thinking I should spank Lion today. I’m sure he’s done something to annoy me, although I can’t give an example. Luckily, I don’t need an actual reason. I can just whomp away. He needs to be spanked and that’s good enough.

I straightened up in the living room over the weekend. Lion asked if I could get rid of the extra boxes in the bedroom. I took a few out, but there are more. When it’s finally cleared, the initial thought was to bring in the treadmill from the garage. We should still have room for waxing supplies and maybe a spot for some paddles. I haven’t found the over-the-door shoe holder that I put some of the paddles in. The closet door will be the perfect place for it.

Speaking of waxing, he’s gotten furry again. I don’t really like waxing him, but he likes to be clean. The dog is going for a bath Saturday. Maybe Lion will have a spa day on Sunday. He also needs a haircut. No one told me owning a Lion would be so demanding. They really should put that in the adoption agreement. Unfortunately, I was already in love with him before these things came to light. I was bamboozled. Hoodwinked. Hornswaggled.

bulge under jeans

Since January 1, 2016, I’ve had 374 orgasms. I started keeping track when Mrs. Lion forgot how long I had been locked in my male chastity device. I began a spreadsheet detailing each ejaculation. Geeky, right? Anyway, that’s about 425 weeks. about 2,950 days. That means Mrs. Lion has given me an orgasm about once every eight days. She never bothers herself about how long it’s been between orgasms. Nevertheless, her average is about right for a man in a male chastity relationship. Pretty much all of the women who write about male chastity say that an orgasm every seven to ten days is enough for a man. More frequent orgasms are considered excessive.

I started thinking about this when I entered last night’s orgasm into my spreadsheet. We used our dice to determine what we would do. We also solved the problem of which die was for BDSM and which was for sex very simply. Mrs. Lion rolled the BDSM die, and I rolled the sex die. Problem solved. Mrs. Lion rolled tied balls. I rolled blow job. That’s what we did and it was big fun.

There was an unplanned twist. In addition to the sex, we decided to go to a new Chinese restaurant for dinner. Mrs. Lion assumed the Edex shot would wear off soon after my orgasm. It doesn’t. I maintain a 75 percent erection for at least an hour after the shot. That meant I had a boner when we went out to dinner. It didn’t fully subside until an hour after we got home. It was an odd feeling. I was reminded of my teenage years when unwelcome boners haunted me. It wasn’t a big problem, just a feeling I hadn’t experienced in many years.

Speaking of orgasms, I think that sometimes male chastity can push people apart. Giving and receiving orgasms are primal bonding activities for primates. Sex is much more than reproductive for humans. It’s a kind of social glue that keeps us bonded to our mates. That doesn’t mean relationships fail when sex disappears. We are far too complex for any single factor to destroy that bond. It does mean that sex is a positive force to reinforce love.

Male chastity is a power game that resonates strongly with some men. It does in me. I don’t know why, but it does. Surrendering control of my orgasms is both an act of trust and a very exciting gamble. The problem is that there is a chance that the game will extinguish the bonding that orgasms provide. For a long time, I believed that the power exchange and the excitement of being kept aroused without relief would replace the orgasms I wasn’t getting. I was wrong.

Male chastity, like any other game, needs rules. I realize that there are guys who do better by going extended amounts of time without orgasms. They and their partners have found other ways to replace his orgasms. Some women are happy with receiving orgasms without their partner having them, too. Many are not. I’m not trying to dictate how anyone should play the male chastity game. I am saying, as someone who has successfully played for over a decade, that receiving orgasms on a regular basis, combined with Mrs. Lion’s control of exactly when I get them, has proven to provide a stable base for our sexual kink.

While I average an orgasm every eight days, I don’t get them that regularly. There have been times when I’ve waited 28 days and others when I had an orgasm every other day. However, most of my orgasms come about a week to ten days apart. That’s long enough to make me horny and very anxious to ejaculate but short enough to allow orgasms to help glue us together. The average wait might be very different for you, but that’s what works for us.

Male chastity has always been hidden in a dark corner of sexual activities. Before the worldwide web, it was something practiced by a tiny group of men. Sites like ours have made the practice more accessible. Last night, Mrs. Lion and I started watching season three of “Hacks” on Max. If you haven’t discovered this show, it’s worth subscribing to Max just to see it.

It’s a comedy about a young comedy writer who works for an older, established female comic. Think Joan Rivers. There are a lot of laughs in every episode. It’s an adult show including topics not suitable for kiddies. I don’t want to give away the story. It’s too good to spoil. In the second episode of season three the older comedian has a chance to host a late night show. She says that the show is one guest short and brings up a member of the audience to sit on the couch.

He says that he works for the TSA. The comedian asks if he has seen anything unusual in people’s luggage. He answers by telling her that a man went through the metal detector and had a cage on his… This triggers a few jokes. The TSA agent says that the cage has a lock on it. The comedian acts surprised. He replies by saying, “Yes. His wife has the key and she’s in Miami.”

Big laugh from the audience. How about that? It is not only a joke about male chastity but also a punchline that correctly talks about how a chastity device is used. It also happens to be the worst nightmare of anyone who is locked in a male chastity device. Whoever wrote that joke had a correct understanding of male chastity. The producer and actors also had to understand the gag. Hollywood is kinkier than I thought!

I think that this joke is significant. The fact that it was on a popular TV show is one thing. It also means that the people behind the show believed that viewers would get the joke. Something totally out of left field wouldn’t be funny. It would either shock or go over the heads of the audience. This joke was probably included to tickle the hip viewers. The folks in Utah wouldn’t get it. Of course, they probably wouldn’t watfch an adult comedy like this.

It’s impossible to know how the writers and cast learned about male chastity. The writer had to know a lot to create the joke. He had to know how chastity devices work; not hard to learn online. He also had to know about men wearing male chastity devices worry about going through airport security. That isn’t common knowledge. I don’t want to overanalyze it, but it is obvious that at least one person on that show has a working knowledge of male chastity. It’s also obvious that the other writers, producers, and actors got the joke.