Wife spanking husband cartoon

I am not in the mood to be spanked. Am I ever in the mood for that? Well, if I’m thinking about being spanked, the answer is “yes.” But if Mrs. Lion says she wants me to mount the spanking bench, the answer is almost always “No.” Surprised?

In her post, “A Day In My Life,” she says that she may get around to spanking me today (Tuesday). It has been nine days since the last time I rode the spanking bench. She pointed out that I’d been interrupting and forgetting to get my medicine packets. I don’t recall interrupting, but I have definitely been forgetting my packets.

Mrs. Lion knows that if she wants me to change, she has to be consistent in punishing me when I break a rule. Mrs. Lion knows this. When she decides to get serious about enforcement, I’ll find out. I’m always the second to know.

Punishment spankings are easy to recognize. Mrs. Lion always takes at least the full ten minutes, and she often uses wood paddles, which are the most painful. When I’m spanked for a reason, it’s always more painful, and the pain lingers for days.

My lioness has been under the weather lately. She may have a cold that just hangs on and on. This prevents her from having the energy to swat my bottom. I understand. Take your time and wait until you feel better.

Given the huge backlog of work around here, it’s no wonder that she isn’t feeling well. The house is still full of unopened moving boxes, and progress in unpacking has been slow. It’s not her fault. Mrs. Lion only has so much energy and hours in her day. Catching and punishing me can feel like too much on top of everything else.

I understand and can wait. Oh yeah. I can wait.

Listen to this post.


  1. A new erection drug. From Medscape a portion of the article.
    Up to 60% of men with erectile dysfunction who were not candidates for phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors achieved erections in less than 10 minutes after a single application of a first-on-the-market nonprescription gel to the glans, a new study found.
    Dr Wayne Hellstrom

    Wayne Hellstrom, MD, chief of andrology at Tulane School of Medicine in New Orleans, who presented the study of MED3000 [Eroxon] on May 5 at the 2024 annual meeting of the American Urological Association in San Antonio, Texas, said that the gel is considered to be a device by the US Food and Drug Administration. The agency approved the product in June 2023.

    1. Author

      Have you tried it? Sounds too good to be true. I did a little research and according to an article in “Psychology Today,” it’s largely ineffective. The study done to authorize it in the US showed minimal success. Amazon UK, where it has been on sale for a long time gives it 2-1/2 stars. That’s not very encouraging. It’s expensive. The lowest US price I found was $65 for four doses.

      Oh well.

  2. Next week turn 62 still lucky that I can get erections and yes still chasten 24/7 which is more me than Mrs427 but feed back from you Lion is inside information but Australia is different from USA , Spanking is more a sexaul play been a month since my last Spanking myself and Mrs427 have been hit with flu this year it got harder to shake off so it been on the waiting list for buns to be toast. Thankyou and Mrs Lion for your blog enjoy it now for years started reading your blog more for FLR chastity now 10years to the lifestyle. 🔐🐓🇦🇺

    1. Author

      Glad to see that you are having fun “down under.” Thank you for being such a loyal reader.

      1. Again thanks and your reply back 🐓🇦🇺🔐

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