When we started out with enforced male chastity over six years ago, we didn’t have any idea how life would change for us. Now that we are approaching our 4000th post, I guess I’ve grown more reflective. Change has a way of sneaking up on me. Something starts out as a sexy novelty, like male chastity. It feels weird and fun in a sexy way. Over time, the novelty wears off. By then, it’s become a habit. It’s just the way we are.

I’ve been required to be naked at home for so long I just don’t notice. I have learned to stand back when cooking to avoid hot fat hitting my protrucing penis.

This came home to me on Sunday morning. We were lying together in bed watching “In the Kitchen with David” on QVC. We like to see the new products and enjoy the silly demos. The show is a combination of, “I can’t believe anybody would want that!”, and “Let’s order that.” Yesterday we ended up with some delicious cinnamon bread and a couple of sliding stands for our coffee pots. By the way, I have decided to start adding information about exactly what we use to do things.

Apropos of nothing, Mrs. Lion turned to me and said,

“You forgot something, didn’t you?”

I thought for a second and nothing came to mind. I gave Mrs. Lion a blank look. She reminded me that I didn’t set up the coffeepot. One of my daily chores is to add water to the coffeepot put a new filter in and put the washed coffeepot into the coffee maker. I replied,

“I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

In a very matter-of-fact voice, Mrs. Lion said,

“Yes you are. You also forgot something else. Yesterday was punishment day.”

“Oh shit.”

I asked her what was going to happen. In that same matter-of-fact tone she said you are going to be spanked. I made a vague reference to the fact that these were minor offenses. She simply said,

“You forgot punishment day.”

I didn’t say anything else. Clearly, forgetting to set up the coffee maker is a misdemeanor, but to Mrs. Lion continuing to forget punishment day on Saturday has become a more serious offense.

Cuisinart coffeemaker that grinds beans and brews coffee automatically. We use Peter’s Blend from Porto Rico Coffee in New York. They ship.

That’s what got me reflecting. It wasn’t that I’ve earned a spanking. It was that this entire process has become a routine event. There is nothing notable about earning and delivering punishments. They are simply part of our lives. I did ask when I was going to be spanked. Mrs. Lion told me it would be today (on Sunday). That’s it. I will also get a punishment for forgetting the coffee maker. I suppose I’ll find out what that is when she decides to administer it.

In most other people’s homes, this would be a fairly notable event. How many husbands and wives routinely receive and administer punishments? No discussion is required or expected. At the proper time Mrs. Lion will tell me to get into the bedroom. I will assume the position and she will punish me. Routine. No different than making the bed or letting the dog out.

Since we have been together, I have had a rule that I’m not allowed to wear clothes while home. There are exceptions: I can wear a T-shirt if I’m cold, and if we have company, I can be dressed. This is so ingrained that it’s not even noted anymore. Only at times like yesterday morning, when I’m thinking about how things were a decade earlier, I realize that things other people might consider incredibly odd are routine parts of our lives.

We aren’t the only people doing things like this. In a recent post on another blog, the blogger noted that her husband isn’t allowed to wear clothes at home either. That blog’s been around about as long as ours.

Over the years, we’ve evolved these practices to work for us. It’s true, while being spanked maybe routine, I still think about it and I am not pleased that sitting down tomorrow will be uncomfortable. I also feel angry that I forgot such an obvious pair of chores. I’m going to work much harder to avoid making those mistakes again.

the hanson ferule paddle in bloodwood. ouch!
The Hanson ferule paddle. This bloodwood model is the most effective spanker she owns. If Bloodwood isn’t available, they usually have a 1/2″ Maple. Select the thickest, hardest wood for best results. They have a model with holes. Totally unnecessary. Ouch!

That last paragraph is a very good example of how something is working for us. A year ago, I would’ve been focusing on how hot it was to be spanked on my bare bottom. I might even get a little aroused thinking about it. Now, I think about how simple it would’ve been to just prepare the coffeepot and remind Mrs. Lion of punishment day. Stupid lion!

That’s not to say I’m not going to forget again. But I felt a really strong incentive to be have a better memory. I know that a spanking of Mrs. Lion’s new variety is really horrible. It’s serious enough to incentivize me to be a lot more careful about what I do. As I reflect, I realize that this is exactly the reason she does it. Domestic discipline (FLRD) is fully integrated into our marriage. It’s no joke.

I’ve learned that it takes a while to transition from novelty to an integral part of our relationship. If something we do has potential to improve our lives, we have learned to pursue it even though in the beginning it’s difficult. The best example of this is Mrs. Lion and spanking. She’s evolved from a timid, gentle spanker, to a full-fledged disciplinarian. She has told me that her focus is to effectively send her message. She’s doing a good job. She’s tried a lot of different paddles. I think she settled on one that is absolutely the most painful. She’s not worried about me having a good time anymore. She’s interested in helping me learn to do what I’m supposed to.

We are still in the very early stages of Mrs. Lion punishing me for doing things that annoy her. I can think of several times that I cut her off or changed the subject before she could finish her thought. She didn’t do more than growl a little when I did. I’m not sure why she didn’t punish me. She said she would even for the slightest thing. I guess more work is needed there.

Anyway, my Sunday reflections feel good. We’ve changed a lot over the last six years. We’ve made lifestyle changes that neither of us considered in the past. They’ve successfully helped me to change, helped Mrs. Lion express her feelings, and helped us keep the romantic fires burning. I guess in our house we use a paddle to light the Yule Log.

lion's punishment stool
Lion’s punishment stool with the coir welcome mat on top. Those tabs I cut are designed to catch his balls.

I didn’t get much accomplished yesterday. Mid-afternoon we decided we needed to go to the store. I was trying to avoid all stores since it’s the weekend before Christmas, but we needed things for Christmas dinner. As it turned out, the grocery store was not all that crowded. We piled our cart high with necessities and non-necessities, grabbed Chinese take out and had a date night watching “Love Actually”. It’s one of my favorite movies.

Lion started the wax early so we could finish at a reasonable time, but then we went shopping and that always takes more time than I think it should. We were back after 5 and I had to put all the food away before our dinner got cold. Lion asked if we’d do the waxing. When I said no he was disappointed. Wouldn’t that have been the same thing as doing it after work? No, thank you. However, now it’s hanging over my head today. The wax is currently melting and maybe I can get it the hell out of the way before the day is completely shot again.

Since Lion had his orgasm Friday night and we were having date night watching a movie, we didn’t do anything sexual. We held hands and snuggled a bit. I’m not sure Lion was looking for anything other than maybe anal play anyway. Oddly enough, to me, date night means watching a movie and not necessarily doing anything sexual.

Somewhere around dinnertime, I realized Lion hadn’t reminded me of punishment day. It was still early so I didn’t say anything. He had time. This morning, I told him he was in trouble. He had no idea why. For some reason he has trouble remembering Saturday punishment day. He’s been punished for it in the past and apparently even that didn’t help. He wondered what his punishment was going to be. Without thinking I said a spanking. Then I remembered it should be a funishment. The problem with that is that it’s a repeat offense. What if he completely loses his mind and eats first three days out of a week? Should that still get a funishment? I think it should escalate to a spanking. And to think, I nearly did away with that rule. Silly me!

When I went out to start breakfast, I realized Lion didn’t put the coffee pot together. This is a fairly new rule and he’s been doing very well with it. Again, it seems like weekends are a problem for his memory. This is definitely a funishment rule. It only warrants a mouth soaping or time on the punishment stool. Since he’s getting spanked tonight, I think he should sit his sore bottom on the punishment stool. I’ll have to decide if he does it with or without the welcome mat. The punishment stool, if you remember, has rough stair tread on the surface already. Adding the welcome mat to it just makes it more prickly when the coconut husks dig into his buns. It’s particularly painful after a good spanking.

I’m sure Lion won’t forget punishment day or the coffee pot for at least a week. Saturday is coming up all too soon though. Let’s see if he’s learned his lesson.

Since this blog is about male chastity and female dominance, I generally feel bound to limit my writing to topics directly related to sex and our various kinks. It’s easy to get the impression that Mrs. Lion and I spend our waking hours doing things related to this. Of course we don’t. We are very much like every other married couple. Even the seemingly extreme power exchange is virtually invisible to outsiders. What we do is comfortable for us. Yes, we test and move the limits. But we do it in a way that feels safe. It does because we both know that the most important thing is our love for each other. We tend to take this for granted.

Every so often something reminds me that the way we manage things is fairly unusual. One blogger I read is a middle-aged woman who has spent years searching for a younger, submissive male she can have for a life partner. She trolls the usual Internet chat rooms and forums. Apparently her profile is provocative enough to draw a lot of responses. Based on her writing, she is successful in getting what she feels she needs. Her writing is literate and witty. Her insights and advice to others seems right on target as far as I can tell. But yet, her search continues with disappointing results.

I can understand why she makes the need for her prospective mates to be submissive to her. The longer her search goes on, the more she is convinced that his submissive qualities are the most important factor in a prospective relationship. This isn’t unusual. I know a lot of people from New York who went on similar quests. They always ended up disappointed. The relationships would burn hot for a year or less and then the flame would die. I think the reason for this is pretty obvious. BDSM, male chastity, and female led relationships are constructs rooted in sex. Even though the activities can go on 24/7, they don’t have the depth to meet a couple’s deeper, human needs.

In my former life, I was lucky enough to meet lots of people who are successful pursuing power exchanges and happy relationships. Without exception, every one of them met and fell in love with the objective of finding a wonderful mate. Some of them got into BDSM sometime after they were together. Others started soon after they decided they cared for each other. I think the key was that the pursuit of a partner wasn’t based on finding the perfect submissive or dominant. It was much more conventional.

This was true of Mrs. Lion and I. My story began when after nearly 15 years of marriage I realized that my wife and I weren’t relating so much as a couple. We were parents and sex partners. We stopped being best friends. I also discovered my interest in BDSM thanks to the Internet. I wanted to be spanked. I didn’t have any more advanced ideas other than the fact I thought it would be hot to get a spanking. I asked my wife if she would do it. She gave me a funny look and said, “No way,” in a soft-but-very-definite way. Something happened inside me at that moment.

I don’t know what I expected. I didn’t have any fantasies about her pulling down my pants and putting me over her knee. I just figured we could talk about it and try it is a form of foreplay. She wasn’t a prude. We had every sort of sex. She never talked about it. But one way or another, we would end up having sexual fun. One night, she spooned into me rubbing her naked butt against my penis. Eventually I took the hint, and I entered her anally. From then on, when she was in the mood for this sort of sex, she would spoon me in that way. We never said a word about it. Sex was something we did but never discussed.

Anyway, after her dismissal of my desire to be spanked I realized that there was a lot more wrong than I wanted to admit. I became consciously aware of how we grew apart. Within a year we were separated and divorced. Obviously, there were bigger problems than an unspanked rear end. Her refusal without discussion built a wall I couldn’t break down. In our case, trying to inject BDSM was the straw that broke our marriage.

After the divorce, I had a series of relationships, most included a healthy dose of spanking and other play. I realized that I could be far more successful attracting a female if I did the spanking instead of receiving it. I guess BDSM is largely transactional. So, I spent many years as a top/dominant (that’s a bad word -“dominant” is an adjective, not a noun). Anyway, lots of females sought my attention. I had a lot of fun. I even got spanked sometimes. Contrary to what you read on the Internet, tops frequently switched and topped each other. One of my favorite partners is a famous author in the BDSM world. Her books have sold endlessly for many years. We would meet at BDSM events and take turns topping and bottoming. At one event I would top her; at the next she would top me. It was a lot of fun. I never switched with the women who sought me out as a top.

Anyway, I ended up with a woman who wanted to be a “slave”. She wanted me to own her. In exchange, she would provide me not only with sex, but with all the domestic services needed to maintain my household. The idea of this sort of situation appealed to me. I agreed. We spent about 10 years together. Somewhere along the line, it became tiring to always be in charge. I really wasn’t all that interested in inspecting each task she completed. She was beautiful and the sex was great. She was also a really good person who I enjoyed. The problem was that I wanted more of a conventional relationship and she wanted to keep up in her role. She tried all sorts of ways to rationalize this. She understood what I wanted. But in the end she just couldn’t do it.

Shortly before she moved out, and quite a while after we had stopped any sort of sexual activity, I met Mrs. Lion through an online dating site. At that point in time all I wanted was sex. I wasn’t thinking about being spanked or spanking anyone. I didn’t want the stress and turmoil I’d gone through in my 24/7 master/slave living situation. I visualized a peaceful, loving physical relationship. I dreamt of a calm, happy partnership that felt comfortable and warm. I imagined myself snuggled in a comfortable bed under a warm comforter with her beside me.

At the time I put my profile into this dating site, I wasn’t particularly interested in trying to find that comfortable relationship. I was horny and thought it would be very nice to find someone who also wanted sex. As it turned out, Mrs. Lion was looking for exactly the same thing. Her marriage had deteriorated some time ago and she just wanted a man who would want her and want to make love to her.

See? Sometimes you can find exactly the right person online. I think the key in our case was that neither of us had a complex set of requirements we were trying to fill. I wasn’t looking for that dominant woman who would spank me and make me do all sorts of sexy things. I told myself that I was perfectly happy to give that all up if I could have the warmth and peace I dreamt about. At the time, I figured that sooner or later I might find such a great relationship, but for now nice fucking would be fun.

Mrs. Lion and I chatted through emails for a while; actually not very long. I don’t know how the subject came up but somehow it turned to anal sex. If Mrs. Lion hadn’t reminded me recently that that was the way we started, I would’ve never remembered. I’ve never considered anal sex a priority. I thought of it as a fun diversion, but never the main course. But for some reason, we apparently wrote to each other about it and decided that would be what we did the first time we were together.

All I remember about that initial meeting was that we met in the motel; both of us still had former partners living with us. We met in the parking lot and I went into the office and got a room. We walked together to the room without a word. I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but within a very short time were both naked and she was on the bed on her knees, butt in the air and me standing behind her. I remember that it felt really good being inside her. I don’t remember that it was her butt and not her vagina.

In any case, we had fun. We lay on the bed together afterward. I do remember that. And we snuggled a bit and talk. We got dressed. Got in our cars, and drove home. I loved it. I hoped she did to because that want to do it again. We did do it again once or twice a week for a while. When my former slave finally departed, Mrs. Lion would come to my house. We still had lots of sex, but we also had the time and space to just relate to one another. In those days she had a job delivering newspapers.

When she stayed over with me, she would have to wake up at about 1 AM and drive back to our old neighborhood, pick up the papers and make deliveries. I hated when she had to go. At some point along the line, I asked her she could just stay. She did. We both realized that we were much happier when we were together. It was a simple as that.

Somewhere in this time period, I mentioned my interest in being topped. I didn’t feel any desperate need for it, but it was something I had been thinking about. I think I told her during the time we were renting motel rooms. I do remember the first time she tried to spank me. I laid down on my stomach in the middle of the motel bed. Mrs. Lion knelt beside me and gave me my first lioness spanking. I could barely feel her hand at it gently swatted me. It was very sweet. I realized that doing this to me crossed the line she had never considered before. Afterward, we talked about it a little and she agreed she’d try harder next time.

This story isn’t about how she improved as my top. Obviously, she got great at it. It’s about the fact that we started out together with absolutely no expectations beyond getting laid. A friendship and love developed between us that had no transactional conditions. I loved her whether or not she would spank me.

That’s the key. There’s a very big difference between searching and discovering. When you search for something you have a set of requirements and you are trying to find whatever it is that meets those requirements. Our middle-aged, female blogger has a very large set of requirements. That means she has to do an awful lot of searching to find someone that will meet most of them. Almost certainly along the line, she passed up on someone would’ve been perfect for her. He may have been too old; she wants a much younger man. He may not have been particularly expressive about submitting to her. He may have been too anxious.

He didn’t check enough boxes on her requirements. If I had approached my search in a similar way, my profile would’ve contained a list of things I was looking for. Mrs. Lion would have walked right past me. She couldn’t check any of the boxes. Fortunately, I was smart enough to realize that my efforts at finding someone who would be perfect for me hadn’t been very successful. I decided I just wanted to keep things simple. So instead of searching, I simply expressed my single desire: sex. I figured that would be enough for now.

I’d like to claim that I’m brilliant at relationships. I’d like to tell you that all along I was very sure this is the best way to go. I’d be lying. I was horny and sick of jerking off. I wanted to be with a woman who I can have sex with and then snuggle comfortably. That’s it. Well it worked. I got laid on a regular basis and ended up with my best friend and mate. I was lucky. It was absolutely a case of right place and right time. It would’ve been so easy to blow this.

My advice is to consider our story. I don’t think it’s that unusual. The moral is that the longer the list of requirements, the lower the probability of finding something that will make you happy. I’m convinced that I really had no idea what I needed to do. All I knew was I was horny, lonely, and sick of drama. All the other stuff that I think is important to me got put aside. What if Mrs. Lion, like my ex-wife, refused to spank me. Would I have gone back to the dating website?

The answer is a firm No. I had resolved that peaceful love was much more important than the spanked bottom. It was a good decision. Over time, I learned that my need to bottom is much deeper than I thought. We went through periods of time we didn’t play at all. I didn’t go into a deep depression or consider finding someone who would play with me. But I wasn’t as happy as I could be. Mrs. Lion noticed that. So, she included topping me as part of our marriage. It made me very happy. I think that made her happy.

Does that mean I was lucky? Sure, it does. Is this an unusual story? Not so much. The difference between us and our frustrated dominant blogger is that we put each other first right from the start. There were no requirements that had to be met. We only needed to feel that special kind of love. We didn’t let other things blur this most important requirement. We had no list. I had no special physical type. I just wanted to feel warm and loved.

I do. And, I get a sore bottom is a bonus.

lion anal discomfort
Easy! It’s starting to hurt.

It’s true that a lot of our toys are out of sight, out of mind. I bought Lion that cock ring, wrist restraint, nipple clamp getup and never made him wear it. The spiky thong was worn once. I’m not sure why some toys are used and others aren’t. Maybe they seemed like a good idea at the time and then it doesn’t pan out. However, when we’re actively trying out new things, they do tend to get used.

I was doing anal training with Lion about a week ago. Then I stumbled onto the blow job idea and ran with that. I guess I thought we couldn’t do both. Why not? I didn’t have any problem doing anal training followed by a hand job. The hand jobs were largely a waste of time since he’s grown bored with them, but I still tried. Why not substitute oral sex for a hand job?

I guess that’s what I did at first. I mean, that first night I did anal training and then sucked him. But something in my mind must have changed it because he really enjoyed being sucked even if he didn’t get to the edge. At that moment, it became an experiment. How long could he go “just” being sucked? And, oddly, I even thought we were actually doing something like enforced chastity again. Not that I was doing much of the enforcing since he couldn’t make it to the edge. But I was somehow controlling him again.

Rather than kill myself to get him to the edge, I was deciding when to give up. The Mrs. Lion timer was deciding it. Was my neck getting sore? Let’s stop. Was my jaw tired? Let’s stop. Was I running out of saliva? Let’s stop. And Lion still loved it! He was frustrated because he was getting hornier, but he wasn’t frustrated because he hadn’t gotten an orgasm. I used to think he needed to get to the edge to get hornier and frustrated. And, yes, I realize he was frustrated because I didn’t get him to the edge or give him an orgasm. The point is, he was happy with oral attention no matter when it stopped.

I know I’ve always had the power to stop, but I never wanted to disappoint Lion. I see it as my job to turn him on and get him to the edge. When he can’t make it, he apologizes to me. I think that’s silly. I should apologize to him. In reality, neither of us needs to apologize. Things go well. Things don’t go well. Life goes on.

I was planning on going back to anal training last night anyway. We’d gotten quite far and then I just stopped. The vibrating butt plug was charged. We were in business.

The butt plug is large, but I thought I could use its gradual increase in size to stretch Lion again. Not so. I had to start again with my fingers. And even with four fingers in, he couldn’t accept the butt plug. He’s suggested we go back to the training butt plug and start over. There’s no rush. We can take all the time we need.

After I cleaned him up, cleaned the butt plug and put everything away, I decided to go right to sucking him. I paid some attention to his balls and then started playing with his weenie. He made a comment that for someone who likes when he gets hard in my mouth, I was doing a lot to get him hard before he ever made it in. He doesn’t have to get hard in my mouth all the time. I like to play with my food all sorts of ways. I asked if he was critiquing me and he said,

“No, ma’am!”

I didn’t think so.

I didn’t consciously make the decision to go until he had an orgasm. I had no idea if he was going to get there or not. I just teased him with my mouth and I knew he was going to come if I kept going. So I kept going. I didn’t think about how many days he’d waited or whether letting him come would derail our experiment. And I was rewarded for my efforts by a nice full ejaculation. Yum!

[Lion– It was 9 days]

I did wonder afterwards if it was the anal play or my mouth that made him more excited, but it doesn’t really matter. He had a wonderful orgasm after many days of wonderful torture. And when he’s ready we can start all over. Will it be all oral next time? I don’t know. I have a feeling if we do nothing but oral, he’ll get just as bored as he’s become with hand jobs. I don’t want that.

The key, obviously, is to mix things up. It’s my job to keep him guessing. It’s my job to keep him happy.

[Lion — I think the anal play stimulates my prostate. Contrary to Internet crap, the prostate doesn’t contribute much liquid to semen, but I think the stimulation there triggers my semen factory to go to work.]