Four days ago, I did a shot of Edex and had a very nice oral orgasm. Over the last few days, Mrs. Lion has been putting out panties for me to wear. I’ve been feeling rather frisky. I felt stirring between my legs. After Mrs. Lion finished work yesterday, I took 60mg of generic Viagra (3 20mg tabs). I was curious to see if it might work. I told Mrs. Lion we had to wait thirty minutes for the drug to work.

A half-hour later, Mrs. Lion went to work. I got hard! It was a full erection. Mrs. Lion jerked me off to orgasm. I didn’t produce any semen, but still… We were both surprised. It’s been over a year since I was able to get hard without injecting a boner drug.

I had morning wood this morning. That’s something that hasn’t happened in years.

What the hell?

I know that there is no organic reason why I had severe ED. My testosterone was tested and found to be well within normal levels. I have no prostate issues and no other organic issues. The urologist I’ve been seeing for the ED problem thought it might just be an aging issue: “manopause?”

It could also be psychological. That’s behind a lot of ED. There was no way to know. The evidence suggests that’s my problem. Am I suggesting that some deep-seated need to wear women’s underwear was behind my ED? I don’t think so. Cross-dressing has never appealed to me.

The answer might be just as simple as Mrs. Lion’s decision to exercise sexual control. It can’t be simple domination. She’s been spanking me consistently with no erection improvement. So what’s different now?

Part of it is that her (no prompting from me) decision to make me do something triggered sexual thinking for me. Spanking can alos work, but only if associated with a reason she invents. If I’m right, it’s not too complicated.

I’m surprised at my reaction to such a simple change. I started thinking back about what I wrote about over the years. Mrs. Lion has done a great job of most of what I suggested. Recently, there’s been a change. It’s subtle but very significant. Some of the activity has continued, but was limited to the action, not the underlying reason for doing it.

The easiest example is spanking. Mrs. Lion spanks me fairly regularly. She understands that it’s important to me. Is it the spanking that I need, or is it something else? Simply paddling me doesn’t get my motor running very well. It should. I’ve wanted it forever.  Could it be that expressing a desire to be spanked isn’t the real need?

I’m sure that it isn’t. That’s the problem. Mrs. Lion often follows my lead. I need spanking; she spanks me. Job done. Spanking is the obvious physical activity. Why would I want it? That’s the question she didn’t answer. I’m pretty sure that she knows, but for reasons of her own limited her participation to the obvious end game.

Spanking works for me only if there is a reason for it. She knows that. She refers to “punishing me.” Right! I need that more than just paddling. It’s a game that involves understanding what pushes my buttons and then building a little drama around it. Catching me doing something “wrong” and punishing me for it is what I need. Silently spanking me doesn’t touch that deeper need. Obviously, it’s harder to set the scene and follow through at punishment time. I get it, but that’s what works.

The same is true of sex. Why did I want my cock locked in a male chastity device? It was because I wanted to feel Mrs. Lion’s sexual control. Why is wearing panties exciting? Same reason. Waiting for me to ask for an orgasm and then giving me oral sex or a handjob doesn’t work. It’s providing the end activity without any surrounding scene setting.

All this stuff is my version of foreplay. It’s more than that. It’s what feeds my sexual and emotional health. I need it.

It isn’t all that easy to provide. It requires thought and planning. It takes time and consistent effort. I get that. It’s why professional dominants get paid so much. It isn’t their ablity to use toys. It’s the emotional environment they create for their clients. They determine what works for the client and then they provide it. If they fail, he won’t be coming back.

I’m not going anywhere. If Mrs. Lion doesn’t provide the environment that works for me, then we’ll be back to Edex. We may be back to it anyway, but I’ll have a lot more fun if she discovers what works and then follows through.

Heart paddle on lion's butt

Our blog is Mrs. Lion’s main way of communicating with me about our domestic discipline. In her post “An Old, Married Couple,” she let me know that I was going to be spanked for pissing her off. It’s true that she snarled at me a few times but never suggested I would be punished, that is, until her post. I asked her if she planned to spank me. She gave me that you’re-a-silly-lion look and said yes.

Other times, when I broke a rule, she limited her comment to a reminder that I missed something. She almost (maybe always) never said she would be punishing me. I can’t remember any time she told me that she was going to spank me. I’m not sure that means anything. She spanks me when she decides I need it. But maybe there is a reason she never tells me what she is going to do.

She is even less outgoing about interrupting or annoying her. I understand that and I’m glad she can use the blog to inform me of offenses. Mrs. Lion has made a lot of changes to support my need for spanking/punishment. It’s not easy to integrate becoming a disciplinarian into an otherwise-vanilla marriage. She isn’t sexually interested in dominating me. She isn’t turned on by spanking me. It took her a long time to learn how to spank me without feeling bad about hurting me.

She works hard to assume her role, but it’s not easy. I’m glad that she’s willing to discipline me. I’m also happy she can use the blog to communicate her intentions. Some couples use emails for this purpose. It’s a lot easier to discuss sensitive subjects like this in writing. When Mrs. Lion worked away from home, she would also use email to let me know when I was in trouble. I would also use it to let her know when I was horny.

I don’t mind this at all. I would prefer being told I earned punishment, but how I find out isn’t really important. What counts is that Mrs. Lion consistently punishes me when I do something she doesn’t like. That’s what I need.

Spanked butt
This is Lion after just ten minutes of spanking.

I guess I’m spanking Lion tonight for sure. He technically already had an offense on the books. Last night he forgot his pills again. I don’t think he reminded me today is punishment day, and I just realized he hasn’t been sending me emails. In his defense, I always forgot about the emails. In fact, the last one he sent was March 1. Does that mean I can whomp him for many, many, many days of missing it?

He will have to be content with a ten, maybe fifteen, -minute spanking tonight. Whatever hurt feelings he may have over the missing punishment pales in comparison to the hurt buns he’d have if I were to give him an hour long spanking. (I didn’t actually calculate how long the spanking would be, but I’m sure neither of us could stand an hour.)

I don’t know if I’ll stick to leather or if I’ll throw in some swats with a wood paddle. It stands to reason that leather would allow me to hit longer than wood and still maintain a non-bloody butt. Maybe I’ll save wood until the very end so I can go for some lasting memories.

spanked husband

Here it is Sunday afternoon, and two punishment days have passed with my bottom pristine. I know that Mrs. Lion didn’t forget her decision to spank me on punishment days. I’m sure she remembers that I interrupted her.   I’m pretty sure that her shoulders are too sore to face spanking me. That makes me feel bad, not because I’m not being spanked, but because she’s hurting. Mrs. Lion doesn’t like to admit she hurts or is sick. I wish she would. I may not be able to help, but I can still sympathize and look for ways to make things easier for her.

There’s another issue: we need to find a new house. Yesterday, we looked at one that was just what we wanted. A big real estate company owns it. It had been on the market for three months. We toured the house and spent about a half hour going through very carefully. I wondered why it remained unrented for so long. Houses in this area rent within days of being listed. It turned out that the house had a tiny backyard. That was probably the issue. The house was perfect for us. I started the application to lease it before we left for home. When we got home, the house was no longer listed. I called the management company and they said the house was rented. Huh? It had been vacant for three months. Suddenly it’s gone at the exact time we applied? I’m going to follow up tomorrow and try to find out what happened.

punishment delayed

It’s been over a week since I interrupted Mrs. Lion. Is the upcoming spanking still going to be punishment for that? In the past, we had an informal rule: if too much time went by before a punishment, it would be forgiven. It’s hard to stay focused on an old offense. However, we both realize that discipline and spanking, in general, are important for us. Maybe we need to cancel that old rule.

It’s been ten days since my last spanking. I know that I’m long overdue for a ride on the spanking bench. It’s been a week since my last orgasm. Maybe it’s time for one of them too.  I ordered a new can of IcyHot Max Strength spray for Mrs. Lion. It arrived today. Perhaps I’ll have a burning bottom and burning balls.