I woke up at 9:30 this morning. I’d been up a few times before then with the dog, to turn off the alarm and to tell my boss I wouldn’t be in again today. The plan, as I understood it, was for me to take Lion to physical therapy. He didn’t want to take the bus and I think the physical therapist can help with the muscle spasms. This morning, he said he didn’t want to go to PT because he’s in pain. However, he wasn’t in enough pain to tell me to get out of bed and get moving because there are things to do. Again, am I amused or annoyed? I can’t tell.

Right now I’m hampered by the fact that the robot vacuum is learning a new floor pattern so she’s all over the place and Lion is on the phone for work so I’m trying to make as little noise as possible. He’ll tell me I could have made all the noise in the world if I wanted to, but I know if I do he’ll tell me to stop making noise. Catch-22. So I’m writing my post in the meantime.

I don’t have too much to say because we haven’t done anything in the past few days. Yesterday I guess I had my day off I’ve been waiting so long for. I didn’t go to work so I could help Lion, but I also didn’t do much around the house. We slept off and on most of the day. Apparently we both needed it. I did a load of laundry and made lunch and dinner. None of that rises to the level of accomplishing much. Today I’ve already done more.

Two things have been on my mind though. One is Lion’s spanking position. He’d love it if I did over the knee spanking. We tried that briefly and I’m too fat to have much lap for him to fit on. I was leaning way back and that didn’t give me enough leverage to spank him very well. We also tried it with me straddling him. I’m afraid to put much weight on Lion. I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t remember how effective or ineffective the spanking was. I don’t know if there’s another position, other than him on his knees, that would allow me to consistently hit him on the sit spot. We’ll have to experiment.

The other thing I was thinking about was how to get Lion to the edge. We’ve been having some trouble in that area. He says he’s horny and then we lose it. I think he’ll get hard if I tie his balls. That’s a tried and true method. But I don’t always want to tie his balls. I’m not sure the answer is more consistent playing. I think life and all of its pressures have been invading more and more. Maybe we need to learn to meditate (I corrected a typo from “medicate” but that might work too). We may need to do like a date night. Just forget about everything and do “us” for a little while. Don’t worry if Lion can get hard. That’s not the point. Just be us again and the rest will follow. That’s the theory at least.

I’m willing.

I am writing this post on Tuesday. You, of course, will be seeing this on Wednesday. So, references to yesterday and today are relative to Tuesday instead of the date of publication. Are you confused?

Anyway, last night (Monday), Mrs. Lion gave me a lion Brazilian; a Lionzilian. She’s gotten very good at it. It used to take her 30 to 45 minutes to take off all the hair from my upper thighs to my bellybutton. Last night she did it in less than 20 minutes. There was a little problem.

In order to get the hair from my butt cheeks and crack, I am on my knees with my head on a pillow legs as far apart as practical on our massage table. This gives her excellent access to my perineum, scrotum, and the inside of my crack. When she finished, I had to get off the table. I was maneuvering around looking for the best way to do it when I slipped and fell. It wasn’t a long distance of course, but it was enough to wrench my back. I was in terrible pain. Fortunately, I have some old opioids I saved from my surgeries and I took two plus some ibuprofen. It didn’t exactly take the pain away, but it helped. I was up until after 4 AM before I finally got to sleep.

Mrs. Lion took care of me wonderfully. She got the medicines for me and helped me get as comfortable as I could. She stayed home from work today to assist me. I stayed in bed until a little after noon and then finally managed to get to the bathroom without too many spasms. If you’re curious, I used a pictcher like a urinal. After finishing my bathroom activities, I managed to get into my office and sit down at my desk. I’m writing my post for you now. For the record, I’m currently not in pain. That’s not entirely true. There are a couple of spots on my bottom that hurt when I sit. I did not get those injuries from a fall. Mrs. Lion inflicted them on Sunday night.

There was no spanking, play, or sex last night. If I am moving around better today, the spankings will resume tonight and maybe the other stuff too. When I lie on my back I am pain-free. So far, the same is true when I sit at my desk. I am quite sure that lying on my stomach will not hurt my back and will give Mrs. Lion access for spanking.

If you wonder why I’m talking about this in the middle of suffering an injury, it’s because we both want to avoid disrupting our successful pattern. We don’t want to go back to the situation we had when I was recovering from surgery. Is not that our lives were falling apart. It’s just that it’s so much better when our Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD) and orgasm control are in place.

We checked in with each other on how we were feeling about resuming the spankings I am owed and sexual activity. Mrs. Lion’s position is that if I’m not in pain when I’m in the proper position and I can get back to my normal position on the bed, then I should be getting this to the spankings I am still owed. It’s a little funny that I was thinking the same thing.

I can’t explain it, but I feel much better when there are few excuses possible to suspend our FLRD. Mrs. Lion trusts me to be honest about my level of pain. There is no possibility that paddling me will have any effect: good or bad, on my back injury. In fact, the way I knew that I was feeling better today was that I began feeling the sore spots on my bottom. Last night I couldn’t feel any pain except my back. The fact that these lesser, spanking injuries are front and center now means that I think the worst has passed on my sore back.

I’m getting physical therapy to help me recover from the spinal surgery. Part of it is developing strategies to do things I used to do without thinking: like getting off a massage table, or getting up from the floor. We’re working on them as well as helping me restore my sense of balance. I lost some of that after the surgery as well.

I think you should know what’s going on outside of our FLRD and male chastity. Most significant in all this is Mrs. Lion’s devotion to me. She has uncomplainingly taken on all sorts of stuff to help me get through this. I feel guilty that I am making her life more difficult. I mentioned that this morning. Her response was that she wants to be with me. I told her I felt the same way. I want to live as long as I can just so I can be with her.

People get a clearer view of how devoted we are to one another when something like this injury occurs. A lot of people don’t realize that our FLRD, including the painful spankings I get,

I’m heading back to bed now. The ibuprofen’s are starting to wear off.

Lion had the waxing station all set up when I got home. It still needed a little more time to melt so we had dinner first. I dragged the waxing table out and got everything set up. Lion took his place and I waxed his balls, around his penis and a little bit of his tummy and upper thighs. Then, Lion got on his hands and knees so I could wax his crack. I’m always nervous when he’s on his hands and knees on the table. Apparently I was prescient.

As Lion dismounted, he moved his leg awkwardly and went sailing through the air onto his butt. Hard. I immediately thought he broke something. My mother had a hard fall, basically it was a hard sit, and broke her back. It was a crush injury, which I’ve heard are worse than “normal” breaks. Anyway, I waited for Lion to process what happened and register any pain. It seemed he hadn’t broken anything. He did have pain on his right side and muscle spasms.

Needless to say, I wasn’t going to spank him. He could barely move. I wasn’t going to have him face down on the bed so I could inflict more pain. He insisted he was available for anything. I decided he wasn’t. Well, he might have been but I wasn’t going to attempt anything. He needed to rest. I filled him full of pain drugs and took care of him. He had a heating pad under him for a while and we slept off and on. This morning, he still needed help so I’m home with him. The good news is that he seems to be in less pain this afternoon and the spasms seem to be lessening. He’s up and about, moving slowly, but moving which is a step in the right direction.

I know you’ll shake your head and tell me I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ll spank him tonight either. The worst thing I could do is go back to business as usual too quickly. Why push it? Is there any harm in letting him heal for another night? It’s not because I’m forgetting. It’s not because I’m letting him off the hook. There is a legitimate reason for delaying the punishment.

Tonight will be for resting and snuggling. Tomorrow is another day.

As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday,I’m having trouble with sex again. I get super excited when she plays with me or sucks me. However, after a while I just lose interest. I don’t get very close to the edge at all. I’m not sure what it’s all about but Mrs. Lion seems to think that if there’s a little bit more activity prior to going for the gold, we’ll have better luck. I kind of agree. For me, being able to get off requires more than just stimulating my penis. I can’t really put it into words, but there needs to be something mental and possibly physical in order to put me into orgasm mode.

I know that a lot of women believe we males don’t need anything more than a naked female body or a soft hand around our cocks. Maybe that was true when I was 25, but it isn’t true anymore. Mrs. Lion does her level best to turn me on. It’s not her fault that I’m having this trouble now. I think we just have to find a formula that turns on that magic circuit breaker in my head. It gets a little more difficult to do this the older guy gets. I’m confident that we will get there. Mrs. Lion doesn’t give up.

Speaking of not giving up, Sunday night I got the second of the five spankings I currently have coming. This time, she was in her traditional sitting-next-to-me position. It felt like she made a strong effort to pay attention to the center of my sit spot. Several times she spread my cheeks wide so the paddle could reach inside my crack. Actually when she does that I don’t think it gets as deep as she would like. This may be a disadvantage created by the specific paddle she uses. Maybe she has to switch to something with a shorter handle. It’s definitely very effective when she manages to get inside close to my anus. Still, when she did that Sunday night, it allowed her to put some redness very close to my crack down where my butt always has to contact the chair. I can feel the effects of some of that today.

Without any conscious planning, it feels like we have a set of standards to measure various activities. For example, Mrs. Lion and I measure the effectiveness of a spanking by how difficult it is for me to sit the next day and perhaps the day after that. I do get red, but not that red during a spanking. The color never lasts very long. Similarly, I can be bruised but it’s difficult and the bruises rarely persist for long. I think Mrs. Lion has come up with some visual cues to help her know when she’s done a good job. This is an area she’s new to and I suspect needs more feedback from me to perfect.

The second standard is for sex. In a vanilla relationship, male satisfaction can be measured by success in making him ejaculate. In our case, since we practice enforced male chastity, success is measured by how easily Mrs. Lion can bring me to the edge of orgasm over and over. A really great session has me humping air while she gives me just a few quick little strokes just below the head which is enough to drive me right to the edge of ejaculation. She’ll gently hold my penis and then as I calm down just a little bit, a few more quick strokes pushes me again to the edge. When she wants me to actually ejaculate she tends to just go for it. I suppose it’s doesn’t require as much finesse to get me to have a full orgasm.

Over the years, Mrs. Lion has perfected handling my penis to a fine art. She’s even able to successfully bring me right to the edge with her mouth. She knows how to play me like a piano. It’s distressing for me when normal techniques stop working. That’s what’s been happening lately. She is nothing if not determined. I’m confident she will figure it out and will get me back to regular edging. I don’t expect an orgasm until I’ve had several days of intense edging. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

I think we’ve gotten a bit out of the rhythm of days and days of edging before I’m allowed to ejaculate. Frustrating as it is for me, it’s also fun. If this move has taught me anything, it’s that Mrs. Lion and I have developed things that we like to do and the way we like to do them. The move has disrupted all this and has made it difficult for us. I think we can now begin to recover what we’ve lost. I guess at the end of the day (I hate that expression), we are creatures of habit.