I have to admit, I’m more than a little nervous about the podcast we’ll be doing in about an hour. I don’t like public speaking. I know I won’t be in front of people, but my words will be out there for all to hear and I have a tendency to say the wrong thing. Fingers crossed.

Lion seems to think he can make it down the stairs to be waxed. It would be more stairs than he’s managed since his surgery. Besides, down may not be the issue. Up is more difficult. With that in mind, if I do wax him, I’ll bring the table up or we’ll figure out how to do it on our bed. It will be only be a Boyzilian. I don’t think either one of us has the energy for the full body.

Lastly, Lion’s interest in sex seems to be waning. Perhaps not his interest so much as his ability to get to the edge or beyond. He can get an erection and all seems cleared for takeoff, except he can’t quite get off the ground. I know it was fairly late when we started last night because the dog had a seizure. He didn’t even achieve an erection. However, I know that was because of the hour.

I’m hoping with the waxing, he’ll be excited enough tonight. Depending on how many sore spots the waxing creates, I may use some clothespins on my balls. I may even give him the spanking he earned for not thanking me for his punishment the other night. And I just realized he forgot to remind me yesterday was punishment day. Oh, he’s in for it now for sure.

I’m just trying to figure out how to jump start the Lion again. As soon as he thinks he’s broken, I think he gets so down on himself that it takes more effort to get him back. So I’m prepared to try anything in my arsenal. Watch out, Lion!

We made it out to the store and dinner last night. It’s only Lion’s third trip out of the house since he got home from surgery. He says he needs to do it more often so he can be ready to go back to work. Okay. Maybe we’ll head out again this weekend.

He hasn’t been much interested in sex since his orgasm the other day. Well, he’s been interested, but nothing has come of it. I’ve suggested that he should be unlocked before his shower so I can wash my weenie and get the blood flowing to all the pertinent areas. Maybe then we can test out the newer Fleshlight.

As you can imagine, Lion is getting somewhat furry. It’s been over a month now. He thinks he can make it downstairs to the waxing area. I remain unconvinced. However, the table is portable and it wouldn’t take much to bring the wax and supplies upstairs to get rid of some hair. We’ll probably just start with a naughty bits waxing. That shouldn’t take too long or be too tiring for either of us. And I think it’s actually where most of the hair has grown in anyway. The base of my weenie tends to get furry first.

People at work have asked what my plans are for Easter. I tell them I have nothing planned. I wonder how they’d react if I said I’ll be busy giving Lion a Brazilian?

Mrs. Lion waxed both legs, my pubes, chest, butt, back and pits.
( Click image to view larger)

Do you think that being naked all the time causes me to think about sex more than I would if dressed? After all, my cock and balls are treated to a wide variety of sensations and temperatures as I go through my day. Sometimes, I have to move my balls out from under me when I sit down. Other times, my hand drops to my lap, and bumps into my cock.

Direct physical contact with my genitals requires no effort at all. Despite that, I don’t find myself getting erections during the day. Sure, when I write about sex, something tends to pop up between my legs. Otherwise, I stay calm the same way I would if fully clothed. Still, I feel a heightened sense of vulnerability because I am naked.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that Mrs. Lion spends more and more of her time naked as well. Is nudity contagious? Have we become a nudist couple? After all, Mrs. Lion has no requirement to remain unclothed. She does it because she wants to.

I’m not sure that she even notices my nudity any more. It never comes up in conversation. She very rarely makes a remark about my exposed cock and balls. Of course, I don’t expect her to offer a running commentary on something I’ve been doing for over 15 years. I guess it’s just part of me now. Clothing is for going out and for when company comes. My natural state is bare and nearly completely hairless.

The most I have actually have on is my chastity device. When wearing that, ironically the only part of my body shielded from view is my penis. Well, you can see some of it between the bars of my cage. This state is so ordinary for me that I rarely even think about. It came to mind today only because I went out for physical therapy and then as soon as I got home, I got naked as usual. While I was undressing it crossed my mind that what I’m doing is far from typical.

My post the other day that mentioned purple panties drew a little extra attention. One person wistfully noted that he badly wanted his wife to require him to wear women’s underwear all the time. He said that she is unresponsive to this request. He bought some anyway and wears panties now and then. For the record, between me and shopping trips with Mrs. Lion, I have a fairly extensive collection of frillies. Most of the items are still brand-new never worn.

I’m not complaining. If Mrs. Lion decides to put me in panties, we’re all set. Meanwhile, it’s impossible to ignore the fact that I’m naked and hairless. Speaking of which, hair has been growing back and it’s time for waxing again. Mrs. Lion reduced the area she removes hair. Of course, she removes all pubic and butt hair. She also cleans off my chest, underarms, shoulders, upper legs, and back. Essentially the only fur I have left is on my arms and lower legs.

I asked Mrs. Lion to remove all this fur. I confess that I like the way I look. There was one time a few weeks ago when my hairlessness caused me some concern. It was during the long power failure. We decided to go to the local community center for showers. The men’s locker room is open with no place to hide. Even if I wrap the towel around my middle, my hairless chest and underarms, not to mention my legs are visible for one and all to see.

We went at a time I figured that few, if any, people would be in the locker rooms. When I arrived and undressed to shower, I was the only one there. After my shower, when walking back to the locker where I put my clothes, another man was nearby changing into his gym shorts. He glanced my way and I’m sure noted my lack of fur. I didn’t see any change of expression, no gasp of horror, just a glance over to me and then he resumed undressing.

I have no idea what I expected. What could a stranger possibly say? “My God! He has no body hair!” That’s just silly. Also, why should I care what a stranger thinks of my personal grooming. Ironically, when I had surgery for removing a kidney stone, I didn’t give a second thought to the fact that the entire surgical team would see my lack of pubic hair. When I had to go back to the doctor’s office to remove a stent, again I was naked in front of his nurse and the surgeon himself. I wasn’t embarrassed. I didn’t even think about it.

I know it doesn’t matter how others will react. I’m me and I come packaged with almost no fur. Big deal. My blasé attitude would certainly disappear if someone I know wasn’t aware of our kink, saw me this way. A friend would almost certainly comment. At this point, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t blush. Though deep down, I’d be, at least momentarily, embarrassed.

That’s not a bad thing. After all, part of my kink is this sort of gentle humiliation. It’s no different than wearing panties. It’s a kind of naughty fun.

I waxed the front half of Lion yesterday. Parts of him were very furry. All in all, though, it went surprisingly quickly. There were only a few spots where the hair hung on for dear life. Eventually I won. I left some bruising on his upper thighs. It’s difficult to stretch the skin there and pull. Today I’ll hit a few places I missed and I’ll wax the moon side.

We also played our football game. I don’t know how many penalties there were but I started out on a fairly high setting. In his post the other day, he said he thought I’d been taking it easy on him. Challenge accepted! He also said he thought I wasn’t swatting as hard as I should be. I decided I could fix that, but after the first score I found myself wondering if he should get whomped so hard right out of the gate. When it’s play, I start out slow with my hands and then progress to harder swats with paddles. Punishment starts out with rapid fire easy swats and progresses to harder swats, all with a paddle. Why would the football swats be hard with a paddle? It’s not a punishment. I kept going because he wasn’t complaining.

I’m still not sure it’s the right tactic. If it’s play it should start out slow. But we don’t know how many points will be scored ahead of time. What if the final score is 3-0? Six swats is all he’ll get. There’s no time to warm up. And if there’s a lot of time between scores, his butt will cool back down. Since he didn’t say anything when I started off with hard swats, I guess all is well in the Lion world. Who am I to argue?

I was able to edge him last night too. It was a very eventful day for someone who hasn’t had much sexual excitement in a while. He was plucked, whomped and edged. What more could a Lion as for?