I almost forgot to spank Lion last night. Of course, if he remembered, he wasn’t about to remind me. That’s not one of his requirements. Should it be? When I picked up the bloodwood ferule paddle, he winced. That’s a mean one. He didn’t see me pick up the wide rubber paddle. I started with the wooden paddle. Ten swats per cheek. I do it this way to give him a little time to recover. If I did 100 swats right off the bat he wouldn’t be able to stay still. I suppose if I swatted him long enough, he’d be able to handle a barrage of swats but, at that point, would he really feel them anymore? Ten seems to be working for us.

I didn’t count how many rounds I went on his buns. I alternated between the wooden and rubber paddles. He yelped for both. It looked like bruises would form and, toward the end, some blood poked through. It wasn’t as much blood as last time, not that there was much blood last time either. Maybe the rubber paddle doesn’t make him bleed. Maybe it was the alternating of the paddles. Maybe it confused his butt so it didn’t know whether to bleed or bruise.

I usually end with five harder swats to each cheek. Sometimes I do that twice. I don’t know if he realizes that’s the end or not. When I told him I was done and that he had a tiny amount of blood but nothing that needed cleaning. (I think he was already done bleeding.) He said that paddle was mean and caused the blood. I asked which paddle. He said the ferule. Then I realized he had no idea I’d been using two different paddles. Either his butt was on fire and he couldn’t differentiate or both paddles have the same quality. I thought the ferule was stingy and the rubber paddle was thuddy. That’s not why I chose them anyway. I just thought it would be interesting to try two paddles.

A while ago I thought about categorizing the paddles. Sometimes I want it to sting and sometimes I want a thud. It would be nice to know which paddle does what. I can never remember. I guess if I was on the receiving end I’d sure know. Nope. That’s not an invitation to spank me. Don’t get any ideas, Lion.

[Lion — I couldn’t feel the difference between the two paddles. They both hurt!]

You probably won’t be surprised that I got myself in trouble on Sunday. Actually, my goof was on Saturday. I forgot to set up the coffee pot. When Sunday morning rolled around, Mrs. Lion had to take care of the coffee. Actually, I pointed out to her that I forgot before she got up. I figured I could go in to take care of it on Sunday morning. Nope. She pointed out that I want her to be consistent and binary. Yup, I do. So spanking is on the Sunday agenda.

(I just took a break to set the coffee up for Monday morning. I’m not that stupid!)

Okay. Coffee is set up for tomorrow. That will save me a repeat spanking. The bottom line is that domestic discipline really works. It has the obvious benefit of providing a painful consequence if I fall down on my job or upset Mrs. Lion. Since she became serious about spanking, the consequence is serious enough for me to avoid earning new punishments.

There is a less obvious benefit. Without our disciplinary relationship, Mrs. Lion would have walked into the kitchen and seen that the coffee pot was not set up. Without a doubt, she would just get it ready for breakfast. She might not even think about it consciously. But I’m willing to bet that over time, these seemingly minor offenses add up. Sooner or later, they will emerge in a relationship-damaging way. It’s the old squeeze-the-tube-of-toothpaste-from-the-middle -of-the-tube sitcom scenario. Little seemingly-inconsequential annoyances eventually build up to a major explosion.

We don’t have to worry about that. Each and every issue, no matter how small, is handled promptly. Mrs. Lion expresses her displeasure in a very clear way. There isn’t a doubt in her mind that I don’t get the message. It only takes her a few minutes to give me a very painful spanking. By the time she’s done, I understand that I’ve done something wrong. I also know that I’m going to work hard to avoid repeating the problem.

Both of us have acknowledged and appropriately responded to a problem. I know that some of our readers think that it’s inappropriate to give a painful spanking as a consequence of a minor infraction. We’ve learned that this response works for us. I learn rapidly when Mrs. Lion consistently punishes me. She expressed her displeasure and moved on with her life. I feel the result of that spanking much longer. That’s a good thing. It’s a very clear reminder of my misdeed.

After a lot of experimentation, we’ve learned the best way for us to incorporate punishment into our marriage. We’ve tried many things. We built a point system that dictated how many swats I get. We thought that would make it easier by having assigned sessions during which the earned swats would be administered. It didn’t work for us because it was complicated and more importantly, by the time spanking was administered I had forgotten why I was getting it.

We tried adjusting the intensity of the spanking to correspond to the seriousness of the offense. This didn’t work either. It was difficult for Mrs. Lion to figure out how to provide different levels of punishment. Minor offenses earned light spankings that didn’t deter me from repeating the offense.

We learned that for a spanking to be meaningful to me, it has to be severe enough to make me want to avoid it. It also has to be administered as close to the offenses possible. Delay makes it harder to associate the pain with my misdeed. Along with that, we learned that it’s difficult for me to change if I’m not punished each and every time I do something wrong. Exceptions make matters seem less serious to me. It’s as though my offense isn’t really a problem. The punishment is more a BDSM activity than a serious response to a problem.

When Mrs. Lion spanks me each and every time I do something wrong and makes the spankings painful enough for me to want to avoid them, I learn very quickly. I do backslide sometimes. A good example is forgetting to set up the coffee on Saturday. I do the coffee pot every single day. It should be an automatic habit. Somehow I forgot. There were reasons I didn’t get the coffee done. We had gotten a large shipment of groceries and Mrs. Lion had them all over the kitchen. When I went in to set up the coffee pot, stuff was everywhere. That would certainly be a reasonable excuse. Right?

It isn’t. I could have come back later when the kitchen was clear. I let it slip my mind. On Sunday morning when I pointed this out to Mrs. Lion she could’ve excused it. She’s done things like that in the past. She’s let me off when there was a reason I might not have been able to do what I’m supposed to do. This time she didn’t. It was exactly the right thing for her to do. I could’ve found a way to get that job done. If it was important to me, I certainly would’ve done it one way or another. I let it slip down to the level of a chore I should do if it’s convenient.

A sore bottom, a very sore bottom is a sure cure for my failure to properly prioritize this chore. Anything less would be easy to shrug off mentally. Letting me get away with it sends the message that it really isn’t very important whether I do it or not. That’s why consistency is critical and a binary approach to spanking is effective for me.

While I did take a shower earlier than usual, we didn’t play any earlier. Lion was snoozing a bit while watching TV and I hate to wake him. However, the news is not all bad. Sometime around 9, I told him to lay across the bed for some oral attention.

If you recall, I love playing with my food. Based on the purring I heard, Lion loved what I was doing. Of course, I also had the penis-o-meter, which raised and lowered in approval and disapproval. There wasn’t much disapproval. My biggest problem was that my hair was getting in the way. It had to be my hair because Lion is smooth as a baby’s butt down there. A few weeks ago I felt like I had a mustache. No more.

I didn’t set out with a goal. I rarely do. I didn’t want to edge him four times, for example. I just take things as they come. At one point, I thought Lion was starting to lose it but then he regained his harder erection. I struggled with whether or not to point out that he’s not as hard as I think he should be. Lion is quick to jump to the “I’m broken” conclusion. [Lion — I could feel that at times I wasn’t fully erect. She’s right. It worried me.]

A few weeks ago, I took Lion from flaccid all the way to orgasm without stopping along the way. It’s rare that I do that, especially with my mouth. Once I figured out how to edge him orally, I’ve been trying to do it all the time. Last night, I got particularly good at it. I got him so close to the edge I thought he was going to lose it. And there wasn’t even any danger of a ruined orgasm. I timed it perfectly. You know sometimes you do something and think you’d never be able to do that again in a million years? That’s how I felt the first time. And then the second time I swear I got him even closer.

I gave him less than a minute to calm down. I started right back in with little bursts of sucking. I didn’t want to lose momentum. I wanted him perched right on the edge. I don’t know how many times I actually shoved him toward the precipice. Eventually, I let him go. There wasn’t much in the line of cream filling, just Lion trying to catch his breath. He informed me a little while later that it had been six days. That’s not a long wait, by any means. I wasn’t going for a long wait.

Sure, I was thinking I should leave him hanging again, but then I got him closer and closer. And yes, I could have gotten him very close and still left him hanging, but giving him orgasms is the fun part for me. You might even say it was my reward for a job well done.

We are starting to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mrs. Lion was laid off from her job for at least a month. Friday was her last day. This makes a dent in our income, of course. It’s much more difficult for some of her colleagues. Some are single parents who were barely staying above water while they were working full-time. Mrs. Lion and her associates chipped in for a food delivery to one of them. It was a single mother who commented that she was completely out of food. It’s hard to imagine how difficult life will be for these hard-working people.

My retirement savings are shrinking. As of Friday, they went below the amount I contributed. I did shift most of my investments to money market and bonds when the epidemic began. However, about 1/4 of my 401(k) is invested in my company’s stock. It’s lost almost 40% of its value. I’m very tempted to move some of my money into the stock while it’s in this depressed situation. The company is fine in terms of its long-term prospects.

One thing that Mrs. Lion and I understand very well is that as long as the basis of our relationship is solid, we will find a way through adversity. We’ve been through hard times before. They tend to bring us closer. We’ve both made bad decisions over the years, but don’t see any reason to blame one another for them. We do the best we can. More importantly, we both know that.

I will be very happy to have the extra time with my lioness. We do very well together. I fully expect that once she gets her sea legs, I may get some extra painful attention because she is here full-time. On Friday night, she made wonderful coconut shrimp. We subscribe to Hello Fresh. The meals we get are absolutely restaurant-quality. Both of us find them easy enough to prepare

The coconut shrimp had a delicious apricot sauce for dipping. I didn’t realize that Mrs. Lion had put together two little dishes of that sauce. I made sure that the dish of sauce I was using was an easy reach for her. As a result, I managed to drip some of the sticky apricot sauce on my shirt. I asked Mrs. Lion if I would be punished. She said that I wouldn’t because I was trying to make sure she had some sauce as well

Is this Mrs. Lion reverting to a former, kinder self? Only time will tell. I’m not in favor of that change. I do much better when she is consistent, even if it means sometimes I am spanked for something unfairly. Spare the paddle spoil the lion. I know myself and us well enough to recognize the risk we take when consistency drops, even a little. An extra spanking is preferable to loss of disciplinary momentum.

In the past, when Mrs. Lion has been home for extended periods of time, both discipline and sexual activity seem to drop off. I’m not sure why this happens. I suspect it’s because when routine is broken, either new habits are formed or inertia sets in. I’m concerned about inertia.

We may have to figure out new routines that are independent of work schedules. I may need to be more proactive in terms of reminding her to do sexual things as well as discipline me. This isn’t optimal, but at least in the beginning it may be necessary. Also, maybe we need to continue our email exchanges even though she’s only a few feet from me. Some things are much easier to write than they are to say. I am confident that one way or another we will work this out.