hard lion in green frilly panties
Here I am in my frilly green panties. Mrs. Lion decided it was time I used some of my lingerie. It’s obvious I’m turned on showing them to you.
(Click image to view larger)

Lately, both of us have been writing about a wide range of subjects well outside FLRD and enforced male chastity. One of the reasons I’ve chosen to stray into more vanilla, mundane topics is that they are far more central in my life right now than the fun, sexual ones. Of course that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped thinking about sex, or for that matter, stopped playing. In balance, I’d say we are about as active as we’ve been all along.

In fact, yesterday morning Mrs. Lion instructed me to put on a pair of frilly panties. I can’t remember the last time she had me wear them. I picked out the first pair in the drawer. I can’t claim to have any favorites. As far as I’m concerned, I look silly in lingerie. I’m sure that’s the effect Mrs. Lion is trying to achieve. I posed for a self-portrait so you can see for yourself.

Now that my medical situation is stabilizing, I hope that with the stress at a more manageable level, we can begin paying more attention to our play. I miss it. There’s something about our activities that increases our general physical affection. I can’t explain it. When we are not playing we seem to return to holding hands as our main form of physical intimacy. When I’m getting spanked, locked up, or otherwise tortured, we snuggle and hug each other mote.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense why there is a correlation between BDSM, FLRD, enforced chastity and vanilla affection. The reason for this could have absolutely nothing to do with the activities themselves. It could be that when Mrs. Lion is feeling a bit under the weather, she doesn’t want to exert the energy required to play. She also may not feel up to any sort of physical affection. I think the same is true of me.

She is very sensitive to when I may not be receptive to physical activities. Sometimes, I think she may be too sensitive. Maybe I’m sending out signals I’m not aware of. It’s absolutely true that I wasn’t in the mood for anything over the last week or two. It’s also true that my energy level drops off suddenly in the evening. I use a lot of energy compensating for the loss of function my spinal problem causes me.

It’s not that we’re ever distant. I don’t feel neglected or unloved. But I do fear I can become sort of a brat. It doesn’t take any extra effort to wear panties, or for that matter, a diaper. Similarly, there’s absolutely no reason why I can’t be wearing my locking cock ring or chastity cage. Well, the chastity cage does challenge me a bit. I have to make sure everything is lined up before I can pee. That can be nearly impossible when my vision isn’t very good and it’s dark. Still, it may be worth a try.

Spanking is definitely back in season. While our NFL game proved to be merciful to my tender rear, it was the most boring Super Bowl ever. I’m pretty sure I am due some spankings. At the very least, today is Mrs. Lion’s experiment day. I’m assured a painful, bruised bottom.

Since my last orgasm, which was two days ago, was ruined, I find myself horny already. There is definitely something different in my refractory time after a ruined orgasm. We haven’t tested exactly how things are different, i.e. trying to get me off a day or two after a ruined orgasm. I suspect it won’t be much different than any other time. It does feel different right now to me. But there’s a big gap between horny and performing.

It looks like we’re about to begin a new phase. I’m glad. I’m very tired of medical stuff. It will be fun to get back to lioness 3.0. Speaking of that, I think I’ve interrupted her any number of times and gotten away with it. Maybe it’s time for her to crack down. Uh oh.

I completely forgot about having Lion wear frilly panties yesterday. He was on a work call when I finished my post and it wasn’t until he was making dinner that I remembered. Worse yet, I was going to take out a pair for him to wear around the house today and forgot that too. I just had to email him to tell him to put some on when he gets home from his afternoon appointment. Better late than never, I guess.

This morning I was just trying to figure out if Lion had reminded me about punishment day yesterday when he emailed saying he thought he forgot. We’re quite the pair! We remember things eventually. I think he’s probably due for a spanking experiment anyway. I’ll take care of that when I get home…assuming I remember.

I think we’re both still in some form of shock about Lion’s surgery. On the one hand, it’s an answer to what’s been going on with him. On the other, did it have to be that answer? Surgery is scary enough without it being spinal surgery. I also think having it scheduled a month away is good and bad. It’s good because Lion can get a project done for work. It’s bad because that gives both of us a month to think (and overthink) about it.

Maybe tonight’s experiment spanking will get us a little more back to normal. I don’t know if he’ll be horny again after his ruined orgasm from a few days ago, but between the panties and the spanking his cravings for sexual attention might be jump started.

I have a hummingbird feeder outside my home office window. It’s very busy during the spring and summer. It slows down a lot the winter. There’s a small population of hummingbirds who spend their winters with us.

It rarely gets below freezing here. So the hummingbirds are generally able to keep warm. It snowed Sunday night and into the morning on Monday. One hummingbird hen has set up camp at the feeder. She divides her time between the perch where the nectar is and the roof of the feeder. Several years ago we bought a feeder that has a small lightbulb in the bottom. We got it because during one of our rare cold snaps, the nectar actually froze. One morning there was a crowd of six or seven hummingbirds picking away at the frozen nectar. It was heartbreaking.

After a Google search, we found the heated feeders. I’m pretty sure the little hen is cold. She’s getting some warmth from the heater in the feeder. At least I hope she is. Last night was cold too. I hope she manages to stay warm. Mrs. Lion and I have been trying to figure out how we can supply a warm spot for these tiny birds. It’s probably a waste of time to try. The ones who stay here are hardy enough to handle short bursts of icy weather. The temperatures will be back up to 50 in the next day or so. Meanwhile, I’m glad we can supply some warmth to these little birds.

I didn’t start out to write about our hummingbird. It’s just that there is something profound about the beauty of compassion and the indifference of nature. Even at the top of the food chain, I realize that it would take very little to make it impossible for me to go on. There’s something very humbling about losing the ability to do things I always took for granted.

At this point I can’t even button my own shirt. I’ve lost too much sense of touch to feel the button and its position. Mrs. Lion kindly got me an assistance device that lets me handle buttons. This loss of sensation in my hands is probably going to disappear after the surgery. It’s not that I expect anyone to feel sorry for me. I don’t. It’s just mind blowing for me to see how little it takes to remove my independence.

I couldn’t even write this post without some serious technological help. My fingers are clumsy on the keyboard. Before I lost sensation in my fingers, I typed it 60 words per minute. Now, I am very slow because I make constant mistakes as my fingers hit the wrong keys. I’m grateful that I have the knowledge and the means to work around some of these issues.

I crave the ordinary. When Mrs. Lion treats me the same way she did before these issues arose, I feel like my old self. It’s true that this combination of disabilities saps a lot of my energy. But it doesn’t diminish my desire to go on as usual.

Of course, we can’t quite get to that. Mrs. Lion has to put in substantially more effort around the house to make up for my lack of ability to do things I used to handle. I still cook. But I can’t do all the cleaning I used to do. and for the foreseeable future my ability to lift anything over 10 pounds has been eliminated.

Today, I’m heading into the city to meet with pain specialists. I used to be one; I was quite famous for my creative ability to inflict pain. The specialist I’m seeing later today has the opposite job. He or she is going to work with me on how to minimize the pain of my surgery and recovery. I suggested putting me to sleep and waking me up when everything healed. Mrs. Lion shook her head and smiled. Anyway, there are actually doctors who specialize in pain management. I’m sure glad we have health insurance.

I consider myself very lucky that I’m having problems at a time when correcting them is routine. Not many years ago, I’d have been out of luck. Same is true for that little hummingbird. She lives in a time when heated feeders are available. It’s sheer chance that we happen to live at a time when we can overcome what might’ve killed us not too long ago.

Not only did the Rams lose in what had to be the most boring Super Bowl ever, but we also got snow yesterday into today. Western Washington does not do snow well. I heard on the news that there were a hundred trucks out plowing Seattle. Granted, we don’t see much snow west of the Cascades, but they always seem surprised when it happens, even if they’ve known about the storm for a week. Anyway, I’m losing yet another day of work because the roads are fairly treacherous. Actually, I could probably make it. I have four-wheel drive. Lion doesn’t want me to chance somebody else not being able to drive in snow crashing into me. Better safe than sorry.

It looked like Lion’s prediction of a 3-0 football game was going to come true. I was fine with that as long as the Rams had the three points. They didn’t. Well, they got them, but it wasn’t enough. By the time the Patriots scored the last field goal, I was so annoyed I forgot that Lion was supposed to get four swats for each point. I only gave him two swats per point. Oh well. There’s always next year.

I’m not sure if the swats he got were enough to make him horny or if he was already horny, but Lion wanted some action. I edged him quite a few times before I went too far.


The past few times we’ve played I’ve been trying to edge him over and over to break him. I want to get to the point where he just can’t be edged anymore. I suppose giving him a ruined orgasm meets that criteria but it’s not the way I want to do it. I don’t want him to have a ruined orgasm. That’s not the plan.

Lion was grumbling while he brushed his teeth that he’s tired of ruined orgasms. Me too! But hey, too bad, buddy. If I want to give you ruined orgasms ten times in a row, then that’s what will happen. I don’t. I’d already said it wasn’t my intention to give him one last night. Why grumble about it? That’s the same as grumbling about having a real orgasm because he wanted to wait longer. Tough toenails. Pull up your frilly panties and move on.

Hmmm…frilly panties. Maybe he should be wearing some today.