Mrs. Lion is full of surprises. This morning, she told me a pair of panties was on the bed. Yeah, she wanted me to wear them. How is it that we have dozens of yet-to-open cartons, but my panties are right there when she wants them? A mystery. She selected a red g-string with a red fringe on the back (see image above). They’re designed for a man. There’s a pouch in front that comfortably houses my cock and balls.

I had nothing to do with her decision to make me wear panties, which is great news for me. It means that she thought about things that push my buttons. I hope it’s the start of a trend. She hasn’t been feeling very well and is tired. Making me wear panties is a nice, low-energy way to assert her control. She can be diabolically creative when she wants.

We canceled our four-day mini vacation, which frees some of her paid time off to cover my upcoming surgeries. I will be getting two eye surgeries in the next couple of months. The first is next Friday. I need Mrs. Lion to drive me to the appointments. She may take Friday off. That will give us a long weekend and perhaps a trip to a casino. The one we usually visit has a restaurant that serves good sushi. I love sushi. It also has other food that Mrs. Lion likes. I wonder what I’ll be wearing under my jeans.

BDSM and sex are hard to think about if you don’t feel well. I understand that Mrs. Lion sometimes struggles to deal with the things she needs to do. At times like that, even thinking about my kinky needs takes more energy than she has. I also know that other couples have similar issues. The big problem is that knowing she isn’t meeting a need of mine stresses Mrs. Lion and makes her feel guilty. The decision to put me in panties is an excellent way to deal with my needs and her stress.

There are many other easy options when her energy is limited. Anal play–butt plugs, for example–require a little effort to insert and have a huge effect on me. The same is true of locking me in a male chastity device. Even my locking cock ring provides me with continuous sensation without requiring a lot of energy on her part.

It boils down to taking a little time to plan. The things that work for me don’t require a lot of energy, but they do need consistency. That’s why panties and locking cock toys are effective. When the energy is there, spanking and teasing are nice additions. Mrs. Lion isn’t a planner. I get it. I also know that making lists is a great way to build good habits.

She could start a list of lion activities when she has a few minutes. Then, she could review it every day and decide what, if anything, would work. This is no different from how Mrs. Lion learned to punish me for breaking rules. In the beginning, we created a structure that assured me I would break rules and she would punish me. It worked, and good habits were built.

This is no different. It isn’t about running a three-ring BDSM circus; it’s about remembering to provide the stimuli that I need and the play we both enjoy.


While I was rooting around, looking for something to torture Lion with, I happened upon an older pair of panties. They are bright red thongs with fringe across the back. Give him some shiny white boots that go up to his knees and he could be a go-go dancer. (Google it, kids. You’ll laugh.) Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy.

He wonders if I notice him in panties. He’s usually sitting at his desk or hunkered down under the covers. When he is walking around, he’s had a T-shirt on. This is allowed, but it tends to detract from panty viewing. If he didn’t have so much trouble walking (he has to make sure the dog and her toys are out of the way – no small feat sometimes), I’d suggest he hold his T-shirt up and strut his stuff as he passes my desk. Maybe, in the morning, he should give me a little show when he goes into his office. This morning he could have shimmied the fringe at me.

Last night, he did another shot of Edex. He had a theory that I wasn’t getting much cream filling because he wasn’t hard enough. He increased the dose this time. I can’t say for sure if it made him harder. I think there’s a natural fluctuation to his erections, even though there’s nothing natural about them. Pre-boner juice, he’d sometimes be very hard and other times not so much. I don’t know what caused it then, and I don’t know what causes it now. You’d think hard would be hard with the drug boosting morale. Anyway, he was a little harder, and I did get more cream filling. More experimentation is needed to see if there’s a correlation.

A package was delivered a little while ago. Lion said it was for me. He’d ordered it a while ago. Uh oh. More Zestra or something else to make me horny? Nope. A new paddle. Don’t we have enough? Yup, probably. But this one is different. On one side, it’s flat. On the other side, it’s got a bump. I likened it to a fist providing a punch with each swat. Weird. Maybe it will help with bruising. We’ll have to test it out sometime.


lion in feminine panties

As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post, “Delayed Punishment,” she didn’t spank me and gave me a pass on the coffeemaker setup. It was a busy, stressful day for me. I have been working to reduce the cost of our cloud computing. I had a bunch of credits that I earned by taking surveys. That source of revenue has dried up, so I needed to reduce the services we had subscribed to. This involved moving data from an external database to one on the website’s server. Stuff like that rarely goes smoothly. I hit a few glitches that kept me busy for hours. It’s all done now, and I’ve cut our costs in half.

It appears that I’m going to get spanked today. Mrs. Lion means business. The sores from my last spanking have just finished healing. It hurt to sit down for three days. Based on what she’s said, I expect this one to be more severe and hurt for a week after she finishes. According to the old Disciplinary Wives Club website (now defunct), a spanking should hurt for a week after being administered.

When I read that, I didn’t believe any spanking would hurt that long. I didn’t realize how much damage a wooden paddle could do to my posterior. I’m not complaining. I asked for it, and Mrs. Lion happily obliged. I will do better remembering to send her that weekday email before noon. Sitting in my desk chair with a sore rear will remind me.

panty progress

I’ve remembered to remind Mrs. Lion to select panties for me every morning. She’s provided one every day. Today, I’m wearing a blue, silky thong. It fits very well and fully covers my bathing suit parts. She’s written that she didn’t intend to have me in panties every day. I’m not going to complain if I don’t. I’m obligated to remind her. She can thank me and let me go commando if she wants. I don’t think I need to be in female underwear every day. I do think that I need to be in panties several days a week to remind me of my role.

On the other hand, what we’re doing now seems to be working. Mrs. Lion is much more observant and ready to spank me when I slip up. Wearing the panties is still exciting to me because it’s such an obvious symbol of her power. Maybe I do need to wear them every day.

Wednesday night Mrs. Lion gave me great oral sex. I think I gave myself too small a dose of Edex. My erection was a bit floppy and Mrs. Lion didn’t get much cream filling. I was dripping for hours afterward. I’m convinced that when I’m not fully erect, the semen storage area at the base of my penis doesn’t fully form. When I have an orgasm, very little semen is available to come out. When I am fully erect, Mrs. Lion gets a nice drink. Next time, I will be more careful with my Edex dosage.

Panty-wearing continues. I remind Mrs. Lion every morning, and she selects a pair for me. Neither of us is particularly drawn to the feminization fetish. The panties are a painless (most days) way for Mrs.Lion to display her control. Building this habit is important for us. Wearing panties is something I wouldn’t do on my own. Before we started this, I wore nothing below the waist when at home. Now I am always covered by a pair of panties.

Wearing panties and more frequent spankings are working to revive our FLR. Use it or lose it seems to be the mantra for maintaining her role. It’s hard for her to forget her role when she sees me walking around the house in a pink thong. It’s impossible for me to forget the sore spots on my bottom and the female underwear I have to wear every day. Mission accomplished.

Will we both get so used to the panties that they stop having meaning for us? I’m wondering about that possibility. I’m pretty sure that won’t happen to me. It’s unlikely that I will take for granted a lioness-selected pair of panties every day. I don’t know what the effect will be for her.

Our first zestra experiment

Before my Edex injection, I applied Zestra oil to Mrs. Lion’s vulva. This oil is supposed to arouse her sexually. It didn’t. She reported some strange feelings while sucking me but no arousal. We’ve agreed to try again. She said that she thinks the problem is in her head. I agree. Maybe I can help resolve whatever is blocking her fun. I’m certainly going to try.