Mrs. Lion didn’t have to work yesterday, and we were all set to sleep late, squeeze some fresh orange juice, and enjoy breakfast in bed. At eight the power went off. When it goes off, our UPS’s start beeping and wake us up. Mrs. Lion used our power company’s app and reported the outage. She got a text back that it would be fixed within two hours. Cool. We went back to sleep. Mrs. Lion woke up about an hour later.

She kept checking her phone and discovered that the outages were spreading, and now the power company couldn’t give us an estimate. We are fine with a two-hour outage. Frozen and refrigerated food stay cold. After that, things start going south. Mrs. Lion got up and dragged out the generator and cables to connect to stuff in the house. She managed to get everything covered. We had some light, refrigeration, and the TV stuff was connected and working.

The outage lasted over six hours. Mrs. Lion reconnected to power and put away the generator and cables. She was pretty wiped out. Things were back to normal by 4:30. We had planned to go get some food and prescriptions. We’ll have to do that when Mrs. Lion is done working today.

I’m writing this post at 4:30 on Monday. I hope Mrs. Lion feels a bit frisky tonight. I do. If she does, perhaps she will use the Box O’Fun for inspiration. If not, there’s always tomorrow.

We had a quiet Christmas so far. On Christmas Eve, we played the NFL game. I got eight swats for every point scored, plus eight when our quarterback was sacked. Each touchdown really hurt, especially when Mrs. Lion hit a still-sore spot from my spanking last Wednesday. By the end of the fourth quarter, the bottom of my butt felt like rough leather. Football players aren’t the only ones who get painful injuries during a game. The rest of the evening was quiet, with no sexual attention.

Christmas weekend is normally a quiet one for the blog. Many of our readers are busy with family and holiday celebrations. While it is just the two of us, we are having our traditional Christmas dinner. We’ll roast a turkey breast, and make stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and mashed potatoes. I like sweet potatoes, and Mrs. Lion prefers mashed. We’ll sit at the table, stuffing our faces and listening to Christmas music. Being with Mrs. Lion is the greatest gift I have ever received.

Like any couple, kinky or not, most of our time is spent doing non-sexual things. Most of the sexual stuff is also indistinguishable from what vanilla couples do. The reason I mention this is that it seems many guys who look for a keyholder/partner focus on what is ultimately the least important reason not to connect with a woman.

I understand how important wearing a male chastity device feels to a guy who has been seeking a keyholder for years. The problem is that there are damn few women who even think about locking up a man’s penis, much less doing it. Searching for that sexual unicorn is almost bound to fail. There is nothing in it for a woman to lock up her partner. All those fantasies about how being locked turn a man into a housecleaning sex slave may be exciting to the guys reading it. I’ve yet to meet a woman who has ever wanted that.

Here is my unsolicited advice. Try to find a partner you like and could love. If, over time, she learns to love you, she may be willing to gently test out your kink. Try to back off the obsessive nature that most frustrated guys display when they’ve been dreaming of a kink for a long time. Please realize that even couples like us, who are deeply into our power exchange, act like a vanilla couple most of the time. In the end, what will make a relationship last has nothing to do with kink. It’s all about how wonderful it feels to be together with or without sex.

Wow! Lion got me some really nice stuff for Christmas. I feel bad for “only” getting him the opera subscription. Short of whisking him away to New York every few weeks, the subscription is the only way I know to let him see the opera he loves. The local opera is fine, but there’s nothing like the Met. I’ll just have to find more presents for him to even things out a little more. Luckily, I don’t ever need a reason to give things to Lion. I surprise him with things all the time. One thing that wasn’t a surprise is the 424 swats he got during our football spanking game.

Our team lost, but they stayed in it far longer than I thought they would. They lost on a last second field goal. Lion got eight swats per point, plus eight swats for each of the two sacks on our quarterback. I don’t know how he would have fared in a five-minute punishment day spanking. I don’t usually count the swats for that. I started out with a rubber paddle but switched to leather after the first score. I can’t imagine how sore he would have been if I’d stuck with rubber. It was bad enough with leather. I may have been holding back during punishment day swats with leather, but I didn’t for the football swats. I haven’t heard a report, but I bet he has some sore spots on top of sore spots left over from his real punishment the other day.

In a little while, we’ll put our turkey breast in the oven. I baked some sweet potatoes a little while ago for his sweet potato casserole. We’ll have our yummy Christmas dinner and then, if we aren’t too full, have some Christmas fun. A weenie needs a Christmas present too.

Today is Christmas. Mrs. Lion gave me my gift a little early. She was concerned that I wouldn’t get it in time. I love it! It means a lot to me. I love opera. In years long gone by, I had a subscription to the Metropolitan Opera. A couple of months ago, Mrs. Lion mentioned that the Met had a streaming service. It was too expensive at the time, and I forgot about it. She didn’t. My present is a year’s subscription to the streaming service. What an amazing gift! I’m writing this post on Christmas Eve, so I don’t want to give away what I got Mrs. Lion. I hope she likes her presents.

Today (Christmas Eve) our team is playing football. Mrs. Lion announced that we would be playing our NFL game. I receive eight swats for each point scored in the game. I also get eight if our quarterback gets sacked. She said that I might also get my Saturday punishment day swats as well. It depends on my football spanks. Wouldn’t you rather watch an opera, Mrs. Lion? I didn’t think so.

Mrs. Lion waxed me on Friday. I’m hairless again She’s gotten very good as a waxer. She’s learned how to control the temperature of the wax so that it doesn’t burn my balls when she applies it. I seem to have less hair. Some follicles have apparently given up the ghost. That also makes it easier to wax me. Practice makes perfect.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog. We both hope you have a happy holiday.