I may be heading for a spanking. We are coming on two weeks of good behavior. This puts my bottom into “just because” spanking territory. Once we go more than ten days, Mrs. Lion starts to lose her edge spotting behavioral issues. “Just because” spankings are as much for her as for me. Of course, I’m the one who will have trouble sitting for a day or two.

It’s probably no shock that I read other blogs about spanking and orgasm control. I’ve noticed that other bloggers I read are writing much less frequently. I’ve heard that some are getting less traffic than they have in the recent past. Our traffic is steady, but not growing. I would suggest that more frequent writing would help. I don’t think that male chastity and domestic discipline are particularly good TikToK or Instagram topics., but what do I know.

Let’s face it; one male rear end is pretty much the same as another when it is bent over for a spanking. All penises don’t look alike, but they aren’t so different that you could identify a guy by a picture of his cock. The same is true of female parts. Pictures of my butt or penis are only interesting because of what’s been done to them., not their inherent good looks.

A big issue for sex bloggers like us is that we evolve, and the subject matter we discuss changes subtly. For example, at the beginning (2014), I wrote a lot about male chastity devices. I had a lot to say about fitting and living in one. It was new to me. Over time, I grew used to wearing my male chastity device, and it became less interesting to write about. We both accepted male orgasm control as a fact of life. It wasn’t special for me to be horny and wishing to come. Edging was my most common sexual activity.

As a result, my writing moved away from chastity devices and into the more internal realization that the devices trained me not to masturbate. It wasn’t remarkable that I had to wait for a release. I’ve had to wait for the last nine years. It’s no big deal. That’s the problem. If you are new to male chastity and are going through the same things I did in 2014, reading my 2022 adventures isn’t very useful or interesting. The blog evolved away from its initial audience.

Our traffic stays high because we have static pages about the basics of male chastity, spanking, and domestic discipline. Google points interested readers to those articles, or they discover them independently by looking at the menu. A small number of people do a blog search for topics of interest.

I think that one reason bloggers I follow are writing less often is that they feel that they have said all that needs to be said on the subjects of their blogs. Mrs. Lion and I sometimes feel that way too. We are approaching our 6,000th post. There isn’t much to say about our kinks that we haven’t covered. Our approach is to report our current state of affairs. This is probably not interesting to a beginner but may be helpful to people further along in these kinks.

We started writing about how we got into male chastity and spanking. Then, we wrote about integrating it into our lives and marriage. Now, we talk about how we keep our interests alive and refine our understanding. I could have gone in another direction. I could have written about my current fantasies, no matter how impractical to implement. I think that would be hot reading, but it feels wrong to write about it here. I restrict my fantasy reporting to activities within the realm of possibility. Mrs. Lion usually tries any I propose. When she tries them, we both report on how we are doing.

Our blog was always meant to be a sexual journal. It’s our story. We write it for each other as much as we write it for you. I realize that most of our readers don’t follow the blog. They seek specific information. That’s fine. Most of our regular blog readers found us after searching for something of interest. I’m happy you are reading what we write.

I have asked myself many times why I want my wife to own my sex life and have the power to punish me if I don’t do as she wishes? This isn’t what most people consider to be “normal.” I’m not bothered by whether or not I’m following the herd. I have some understanding of why I think what we are doing makes sense. That doesn’t get to the “why.”

I like to believe that our domestic discipline is a useful relationship tool. It’s based on two very different concepts. The first is that DD provides a way to equalize the power balance in our relationship. I have a fairly dominant personality. Mrs. Lion tends to accept what I want whether or not she agrees with me. My reasoning is that over time, she can build resentment and anger that has to leak out in ways that could endanger our marriage.

My theory is that by giving her the ability to punish me if I upset her or break a rule she has made, she feels more empowered, and by spanking me, she lets me know that I have to change my behavior. Punishing me lets her clean the slate. There is no built-up anger to leak out later. So far, this hasn’t worked out as well as I had hoped. I get punished if I break a rule, but I don’t feel her paddle if I upset her. This may be changing. We’ve been discussing how to improve in this area.

The second reason is that I’m sexually aroused when I think about being spanked. On one level, I want to be spanked. It does something for me sexually. This desire brought me to ask my wife to spank me if I broke a rule. A big reason she agreed is that she understood my need for spanking. This sexual need assures that I will always get into position to accept my spanking.

Orgasm control is a more complicated subject. Before we started male chastity, I got a mild sexual charge when I thought about it. It wasn’t the kind of need I have for spanking. In the past, when I tested male chastity devices, I didn’t find it hot to wear them. When I decided to try wearing a male chastity device in 2013, I wasn’t sure it would be something I would want to do for any length of time. I asked Mrs. Lion to let me try wearing one.

male chastity is a different sort of need

At first, it was a turn-on to be locked in a male chastity device. I liked how it felt when I tried to get hard. What really turned me on was Mrs. Lion unlocking me and jerking me off. I loved that she and she alone could give me sexual pleasure. When she began edging me nearly every day, I wanted to be able to jerk off. Of course, I couldn’t. The male chastity device made sure of that.

Over time, I learned that I wasn’t allowed to masturbate. The male chastity device made sure I couldn’t. Mrs. Lion’s edging sessions reinforced her role as my only sexual outlet. As time passed, I was conditioned not to masturbate. It didn’t matter whether or not I was locked in a male chastity device. I just didn’t do it, no matter how horny I felt. I can’t explain this change. In the years I was caged full time, I changed. I didn’t want to stop masturbating. I couldn’t.

I guess it was a classic case of conditioning. I was trained to stop masturbating. It didn’t matter how aroused I felt. I couldn’t get myself off. I can’t even get myself to the edge. When we started male chastity, I would have laughed if you had asked me if I would never masturbate again. Mrs. Lion’s first rule was that I couldn’t masturbate. At the time, I didn’t take that too seriously. I knew that I couldn’t as long as I was locked in a male chastity device. When out of it, I could and might even do it.

When she made that rule, she was surprised that I jerked off. She had no idea that I did it a couple of times a week when I was alone. That bothered her. She said that it felt like cheating. Cheating? I jerked off when I felt a lot of sexual pressure. It was release for me. Anyway, I had no choice about jerking off. I was locked up all of the time. The rule was moot.

I’m not tempted to do it anymore. It has nothing to do with my desire to obey Mrs. Lion’s rule. I just don’t. I don’t think I could get myself off if I tried. I haven’t made a real effort to find out. I  can usually get myself hard, but I don’t feel myself getting to the edge even if I keep trying. I need a helper to ejaculate. It’s a very good thing I have one.

I am knee-deep in work problems. I have what I’ve come to characterize as a weekday headache. And Lion just asked, at 2:20 pm, if I’m writing a post today. Wasn’t it supposed to publish at 2? Yup. Great. By the way, the weekday headache differs from the weekend headache by the lack of knee-deep work problems. And, yes, I’ve asked the doctor and she’s not concerned about them. Gotta love doctors.

Anyway, I was able to get Lion excited enough to play with last night. I was using my hand because I was quite full and oral wouldn’t have gone well. I was surprised he was as excited as he was. I’m not sure I understand his timeline anymore. He used to be less horny for a day or two after an orgasm. I couldn’t get him hard to save my life. His sweet spot used to be 4-7 days. Now he’s horny almost immediately after an orgasm. I don’t really know what his sweet spot is except that he’s gone 10 days a few times recently. Between the orgasm and the 10 day mark, whether he’s horny or not fluctuates. I guess that’s normal for anyone, but Lion isn’t just anyone. If I miss my opportunity, it may be days before the planets align again.

Of course, that’s not entirely true. I have ways of getting Lion aroused. Unless his mind is getting in the way, I can spank him or use my BDSM wiles to put him in the mood. Mr. Weenie usually perks right up when pain comes to play. Lion will say he’s not a masochist, but I think it’s pretty clear he is. What else would you call someone who is turned on by clothespins on his balls and being tied up? He can say he doesn’t like pain, but Mr. Weenie gives him away. He’s like a sexual lie detector.

We were supposed to get a month’s worth of rain in three days. It poured Friday night. The sun was out Saturday morning and I decided to take a run at mowing the lawn. It was warm and it took two tries to get half of it done. The sky was getting dark when I hit my limit the second time. I put everything away in case I didn’t make it out for round three. Within an hour it was pouring again. I have no idea when it will be dry enough to do the rest.

Needless to say, mowing the lawn wiped me out. It took a long time to recover enough to even contemplate taking a shower. After that, it took a while to be able to go make dinner. And another little while to do the dishes. The last two items were less about recovery and more about lack of desire to do them. I guess my lack of desire bled over into playing with Lion or even snuggling. I shouldn’t have let it. I made a promise to Lion to give him attention at least every other night. Sometimes I just feel like I need a vacation from life. I want to be able to lie by the pool and have umbrella drinks served to me by a cute cabana boy. I don’t really like lying by the pool, but you get the idea.

This morning, I woke up to pain in my shoulder. I have no idea what did it. I don’t remember doing anything yesterday that could have caused it. I was fine in the middle of the night when Lion turned on the TV. By 7 am I could no longer roll onto that side to sleep. Lion said it wasn’t from playing with his weenie. “Buh, buh, buh.” Nope. I can’t blame it on that. I’m sure it will be fine once I take some Tylenol.

Lion will probably need waxing in the next week or so, but today he’ll get a haircut. He says he feels shaggy, but he won’t let me give him a crew cut. Just think of how long it would be until he feels shaggy again if he would only let me buzz him. No? Fine.