Here he is after I spanked him. Click for a closer look. I did blister his butt!

As you may have read in Lion’s post, he got a red butt last night. I used a bloodwood paddle and a rubber paddle with holes. I don’t know if either produced sting or thud. They all sound like that sting when they hit. I’ve never been on the receiving end of a spanking, other than the occasional playful swat during sex, so I have no idea what difference it makes between sting and thud.

I tried Lion’s idea of using tiny spot Bandaids when he started to bleed. It didn’t work very well. There has to be a way to keep him from bleeding all over my paddles. There’s some splatter. The paddles start to stick. It’s no bueno. The good news is that he stops bleeding almost immediately when I get a washcloth to clean him.

After my shower, we settled in to watch Grey’s Anatomy. There was no medicine. A character is leaving, and it was his last show, so they were explaining where the character was going. Lion didn’t come right out and say it was soap opera, but I know he thought it. I guess he didn’t want his butt to hurt even more. When the show ended, I asked if he thought it was too late to play. He said it looked like my back was still hurting a lot, so we should hold off another night. It’s true that it was better, but still hurting. I’m sure it’s the bed. A few weeks ago, I made the bed harder. It seems counterintuitive that making it softer will help, but I’m willing to try anything at this point. Well, I won’t go to the doctor, so almost anything.

I will definitely give Lion some attention tonight. I don’t care if it makes my back hurt. He’s waited too long. Who says? I do.

Last night I got the “Just Because” spanking. I don’t know what she used on me, but I’ve never been redder! Click image to view larger.

Well, it looks like Mrs. Lion is getting back to normal. I’m glad. I hate it when she is under the weather. There’s a downside: she’s inclined to give me a “just because” spanking. In her post yesterday, she suggested that I must have interrupted her, and she didn’t mention it. This spanking will cover that and any other oversights. It’s my all-purpose beating. Lucky lion.

I’m not too upset about that. I know that I need regular paddling to remind me why I need to be on my toes. For reasons I will never understand, these spankings also recharge me sexually. Go figure!

I have indeed been less than reliable when it comes to arousal. My interest comes and goes. Part of the problem is that I’m not really getting that much from the sort of fondling that Mrs. Lion has been doing lately. I can’t explain it. All I know is that nothing happens when she does it. This may be my fault. I don’t know. It could also be temporary. I don’t like it at all. However, Mrs. Lion can always get me going with her mouth. Hint, hint.

She will be coming home from work soon. I have time to get a shower before she arrives. For the record, I set up the coffee pot first thing when I brewed myself a cup of coffee. I’m not asking for 15 minutes of spanking! The “just because” spanking is ten minutes long. All disciplinary spankings last at least that long. If I commit a second offense, five minutes are added. Mrs. Lion sets a timer. The number of minutes is a minimum. She won’t stop before it goes off. So far, she keeps going far longer. The ten-minute spankings are more like 15.  Every minute feels like an hour to me.

one cheek sized paddle
Broad-faced, stingy paddle. Click image to view larger.

Mrs. Lion tends to use a single paddle. This is a little problematic. A lighter, broad-faced paddle will produce a lot of sting and redness. It will also bruise a little. The effects aren’t too lasting. The heavy, narrow-faced spanking spoon bruises, and I will feel the aftermath for days.  It also tends to draw blood. Mrs. Lion hasn’t worked out how to deal with the blood. I suggested band-aids. That’s what we handed out to people at play parties when blood was drawn.

spahing spoon on lion's butt
This is our spanking spoon. It’s made from very dense Chechen wood. This is the meanest paddle we own.
(Click image to view larger)

Some people tend to bleed from strong spankings. It’s not a sign of real injury. The skin splits a little in spots. When I bleed, it stops almost immediately after Mrs. Lion stops beating me. She used to consider blood a signal to stop. No more! I get my full measure regardless of blood. I imagine the spanking spoon will be what she will be using. It seems to work best for her and makes the strongest impression on me. I also truly hate sting, especially at the start of a spanking. After a while, I get less sensitive, and the sting is much more bearable. The spanking spoon is never bearable. Yes, I know, the idea of a spanking is to be as unpleasant as possible. Trust me. Mrs. Lion knows how to do that very well. The scary thing is that she gets better at it every beating.

We are uncoordinated. We do tend to trip over non-existent things, but I mean we can’t seem to be ready for sex at the same time. My back was sore for days. Just when I was ready, Lion had a problem with my weenie. There was a sore spot. I couldn’t see anything, except for lots of hair which will have to be addressed. He put some antibiotic cream on it and it felt better instantly. He thinks it may have been dry. This morning he put moisturizer on it.

His other theory was that it was atrophying due to disuse. Poor thing. I don’t want it to shrivel up and fall off. Luckily, I think I’m ready to resume normal weenie play if he is. I know Lion doesn’t get enough attention as it is. Between my back and weenie hurting, he’s been ignored even more. I don’t know how he’ll recover. It will probably take a lot of sucking to bring my weenie back to life. Poor, poor Lion.

Last night, Lion told me that it no longer seems to work when I play with my weenie while we’re snuggling. He doesn’t get hard. That may be true to some extent. Other times it’s fine. I told him my weenie was needy and greedy. We heard that line on The Big Bang Theory rerun over the weekend. My weenie wants what he wants when he wants it or he’s not playing. Silly weenie. He might get more than he bargained for. I’m pretty sure my weenie was just thinking about his neighbors being tied up or having clothespins placed all over them. But there’s also IcyHot and I think Lion is due for a “just because” spanking.

Assuming my back is still functioning when I get home, Lion will get that “just because” spanking. I’m sure I’ve missed him interrupting or annoying me in some way. I wish I had an example for him. I think it works better when he knows what he’s done to deserve his whomping. On the other hand, I can always paraphrase John McEnroe. He was notorious for fighting with the referee. One time the ref told him he’d be fined if he yelled at him again. McEnroe lost a point and went to yell at the ref, remembered the threat and said, “If you only knew what I was thinking!” I can tell Lion, “If you only knew how many times I bit my tongue.” Of course, I don’t know how many times myself, but it’s a nice catch all phrase for a “just because” spanking.

I can understand why our brand of domestic discipline can seem confusing. It’s based on my need to be spanked. That need is sexual. I’m turned on thinking about getting a spanking. I’m not turned on by role-playing. I can’t get into it. I find that pretending to be a naughty schoolboy or an employee always late to work to be silly. Before domestic discipline, spanking was a sort of foreplay. It was hot and worked. Generally, I would get spanked and then wanked. It was fun. Mrs. Lion did that for me after we started BDSM play.

It didn’t happen very often. Mrs. Lion never really got into it. Beating my bottom never did anything for her. She did it because I wanted it. After we started male chastity, I experienced real control. Mrs. Lion had absolute control over when I could ejaculate. She could edge me day after day without relief. That obviously turned me on.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that the teasing wasn’t the main attraction of male chastity. It was surrendering sexual control. It was a stomach-fluttering feeling knowing that I had absolutely no ability to orgasm regardless of how horny I got. She would bring me to the edge over and over and then tell me that was all I was going to get.

Once I understood the power her control had over me, I wondered what would happen if that power went beyond sex. I fantasized about Mrs. Lion spanking me for breaking the rules. They weren’t BDSM spankings that were foreplay to jerking off. They were bottom-blistering spankings intended to make me regret my transgression. I got hard thinking about it.

Now, Mrs. Lion thinks nothing of blistering my bottom

I asked Mrs. Lion to extend her control. She agreed. It took a while before her spankings were sufficient to make me regret my sins. Once they passed that threshold, things changed for me. I actually thought about my actions in terms of being spanked. Setting up the coffee pot and eating neatly became priorities. I was Mrs. Lion’s disciplined husband. I am anything but excited when she lets me know I earned punishment. There is no sexual rush.

That doesn’t mean I don’t break the rules. I do. It isn’t willful. I sometimes forget. When I am informed that I forgot, I get an “Oh shit” feeling. I know that very soon, I will be hurting. Over time, I forget less often. Strict punishment is a good teacher. Mrs. Lion is working on expanding into times I interrupt or act like a know-it-all. I’ve been forbidden to act that way for a long time. Mrs. Lion rarely punishes me when I slip. She’s informed me that it is changing now.

The most confusing discovery we have made about domestic discipline is that it starts to stop working if I go too long without being punished. When that happens, Mrs. Lion starts to allow me to go unpunished for offenses. I forget how much I dislike being punished and get sloppy. Mrs. Lion has instituted “just because” spankings. If I go more than a couple of weeks without a punishment, Mrs. Lion will spank me “just because” I must have done something wrong she didn’t see.

The real reason for this unearned punishment is to keep the dislike of how a spanking feels fresh in my mind. It also reminds both of us that we are in a disciplinary marriage. Mrs. Lion is reminded of her role and gets practice beating my butt. It works! I almost earned a punishment on Saturday when I nearly forgot to set up the coffee pot. Fortunately, I remembered before we went to bed. I try to be good.