I didn’t have time to write a post yesterday. I suppose if I had anything to write about I might have made the time. It’s just as well I guess because Lion decided to do some work on the blog. You may have noticed some issues with access. It’s been up and down and sideways for most of the day. He just said it’s ready and I had trouble logging in. Of course, I wasn’t doing it right. He had to come huff and puff and tell me everything that’s wrong with how many tabs I have open and I’m not signing into the blog correctly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m working and doing other things so I have a million tabs open. Shoot me.

As you can probably guess, I’m not the most tech savvy person. Compared to people at work, I’m certainly not the least. Some of them can’t connect a printer even with step by step instructions. Anyway, Lion doesn’t like to get on my computer and I’d just as soon not have him on it either. He grumbles too much. And since I’m still trying to work, I don’t have a lot of time to mess around with the blog anyway. But since I’m here, I thought I’d put in a post.

Yesterday, before he turned the blog upside down, Lion wrote a post about a better way to play a Jeopardy-based game. First, we started out with Zapardy in which he’d have the shock collar around his balls and receive a jolt for each wrong answer. He tended to not take a chance answering if he wasn’t positive about the answer so he wouldn’t get shocked. Then he suggested Spankardy in which I’d keep track of his wrong answers on a clicker and give him his swats afterward. We’ve never played this version. At some point, I said the problem with the game is that I like to answer too, but I can’t since I’m waiting to see if he’s going to answer. So he came up with new rules.

Holy smokes! When he makes rules, he makes rules. It’s not quite as complicated as the NFL rule book, but wow. If I answer correctly first, he gets swatted. If he answers correctly first, he’s safe. If he doesn’t answer, he gets swatted. If he answers incorrectly, he gets swatted. But the number of swats changes depending on when or if or how he answers. It sounds too complicated to me. I suggested just playing Spankardy with the last rules we had and go from there. For the record, it was one swat for not answering and two for an incorrect answer. He said he wanted it to be fun for both of us. Complications do not equal more fun for me. I’m not exactly sure what kind of swats I’m doing either. It doesn’t seem right to do a full punishment swat. Maybe we should just go back to the shock collar.

The biggest obstacle for me is remembering to play. I like to vegetate while Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are on. Sometimes dinner is late or we’re full from dinner. By the time I remember we’re in Double Jeopardy or Lion says we should have been playing because he’s getting a lot of answers right. Maybe it’s a matter of saying Wednesday night is Zapardy night or whatever day of the week we decide. Clearly we need to make more of an effort.

[Lion replies — The blog has been relocated to the cloud. This should improve the quality of service. It also saves us some money. Things should be stable by the time you read this.

The rule change I suggested isn’t all that complicated. If Mrs. Lion answers correctly before me, I get 2 swats. If I answer incorrectly, 2 swats. If I don’t answer at all, 1 swat. This is a simpler set than I originally proposed. I suggested that the Spankardy swats be like her NFL swats. FYI they were pretty hard!]

Mrs. Lion loves to play games. However, she is notably reluctant to play games that involve me. I’ve wondered about this for some time. I don’t think it’s because she doesn’t like doing things with me. I wondered if the effort required might be the problem. It’s certainly possible. However, it might be simpler than that. She likes to play the games, not necessarily be the quiz master.

For example, when we play Zapardy, her job is to administer shocks when I miss questions. I doubt that’s too much fun for her; though she does enjoy giving me shocks. I know that she likes to play along and answer questions herself. It has to be less enjoyable when she is simply waiting to see if I get them right.

The exception to this is when we play our NFL game. She genuinely seems to enjoy administering swats when points are scored or there are turnovers. Spanking me for those situations doesn’t interfere with her watching the game. There is always plenty of time to get me red and sore during the commercials. She does like spanking me when we play that game.

Maybe we need to make our Jeopardy games more interactive. Perhaps allowing Mrs. Lion to be an active participant should be part of the way we construct any of our BDSM games. Maybe we should change the rules for the Jeopardy game. Currently, failing to answer a question earns me one shock or spank depending on whether we are playing with the shock collar or the paddle. Getting a question wrong earns me two swats or shocks. Answering the question correctly allows me to avoid the penalty.

When we play for spanks, Mrs. Lion has a counter she clicks for each swat I earn. She administers all of them at one time after the show is over. When we play for shocks, she administers them immediately. What if Mrs. Lion gets to play as well? Just like the contestants on the live show, she has the opportunity to answer before I do. If I’m fast enough to answer first and I get it correct, no penalty. If she answers it correctly first, two swats or shocks for me. If I answer first and get it wrong, four swats or shocks. If both of us fail to answer, one shock or swat for me.

This way Mrs. Lion is not only the judge and executioner, she is also an active contestant. I realize that upping the ante this way has a very strong probability of increasing the number of penalties I earn. If by doing this Mrs. Lion can have more fun, it’s worthwhile.

Since this game is much more complex for her, she probably doesn’t want to get distracted by administering shocks during the play. I think playing for swats makes more sense. Also, based on the way she likes to play the NFL game, making this game Spankardy instead of Zapardy, perhaps it will be a winner. A winner for her, that is. I’m guaranteed to end up with a sore rump.

Several days ago I started taking Prevagen to see if I could improve my brain function. Ironically, that’s about the time I started having headaches and a foggier brain. Headache is one of the side effects so I didn’t take it this morning. I’m hoping the headache and fog wear off today. I certainly don’t need any help having trouble thinking.

Yesterday, Lion told me I need to stand my ground. If I want him to have an orgasm, he should have an orgasm. He doesn’t want to influence me. I think that ship has sailed. How can he not influence me? Everything from what’s for breakfast (he wanted English muffins and I wanted bagels) to when he should have an orgasm (he thinks he should wait). But the hardest part right now is the brain fog and headache. I just don’t care what we have for breakfast or when he has an orgasm. Concepts more involved than where I parked the car are not something I want to deal with right now. Should he be spanked for asking for the cage to be put on? Fog. Do I want fries with that? Fog. We didn’t play last night because of my head. I’m determined to play tonight regardless of what it feels like.

Lion was complaining (not annoyingly) that he was itchy near the cage. I’ll have to unlock him before he takes a shower so he can make sure to clean under it. And then I’ll leave it off till we play. Yes, I trust him. I’m sure he can make it a few hours without the cage. If I have to put it back on after the shower, it will stay on until tomorrow. That’s the deal. Take it or leave it.

We haven’t been using the Box O’Fun. When we play, we’ve been coming up with our own ideas of what to do. This is fine. This is great, actually. As long as we keep going with it, we don’t need the box. It’s just there to make sure we don’t stall out. Sometimes doing the same things over and over can get boring. Yes, I said I get bored sometimes. That’s what I meant all those years ago when I said things could get boring. Tie up the balls, clothespins, tie up the balls, butt plug, tie up the balls, clothespins. Boring. When we leave it to chance, there’s an element of danger. Oh no, will he get Icy Hot this time? Come on butt plug!! Damn! Tiny clothespins. Also, by asking Lion if he has a preference, I’m allowing him to avoid something he’s really not in the mood for. Is he ever in the mood for Icy Hot? Maybe not, but I’m sure there are times he’s more open to it.

The key to all of this is to have fun. If we don’t change it up from time to time, it can get to be less fun. Dare I say, boring? Lion’s already said he’s bored with handjobs. That was a blanket statement. I’m sure if I threw one in every once in a while he’d be fine with it. Soon he may tire of blow jobs. I try to keep them interesting. A little extra pressure there. Maybe a little more suction. Slower strokes. I like to try to perfect my technique. I’m sure Lion appreciates it. [Lion — I do!!!]

Last night I brought out the Box O’Fun and asked Lion if he wanted to play. He said he did and chose ball bondage. Then he asked if we could put it off a day. I agreed. It may seem odd that I agree to delay things. I do this because I don’t think it makes any sense to play with Lion when he doesn’t want to play. Punishment should go on, but play is voluntary.

What I found odd is Lion wanting to delay ball bondage. He likes being tied up. I wonder if he would have wanted to play if he chose something different. You’ll remember he wanted to pick again when he chose a coconut oil hand job the other day. Does he have his mind set on one thing and, when he doesn’t choose it, he doesn’t want to continue? Am I giving him too much of a say in it? Or should I flat out ask him what he’d rather do?

The purpose of the Box O’Fun is to avoid inertia. It would be too easy for us to say, “I don’t care. What do you want to do?” to each other and be stuck doing nothing. I bring out the box and ask if he wants to choose so he can decide if he’s up for playing. To me, this is reasonable. I can decide I don’t want to play by not bringing out the box. Until we started using the box, Lion had no way of telling me he wasn’t in the mood. However, what if he has his heart set on just having a blow job? No ball swats or clothespins. Just a blow job. The box does not offer that option. What if he chose Icy Hot but what he really wants is ball bondage? Should he be able to put off the Icy Hot and ask for ball bondage instead? Eventually he’d have to have the Icy Hot because he chose it, but does that mean he shouldn’t get any action at all?

As it is right now, if Lion doesn’t choose from the Box O’Fun or if he asks to put off the activity, nothing else happens. I guess I’ve been assuming if he isn’t in the mood for whatever he chose, it means he’s not in the mood for anything. Couldn’t he say, “I don’t want to choose, but can we snuggle?” I think so. And I’m leaning toward allowing him to suggest an alternative choice. We’d still be avoiding inertia and isn’t that the point?