It’s difficult to tell if Lion is horny because he’s just horny or because of the cage. It could be a little of both. I enticed him more last night by tying his balls up tightly. He loves that. And then I edged him to the point that he couldn’t move at first when I was done with him. I like that. He’s already hinting today that he wants to be unlocked.

Tonight is the first game of the season for our NY Giants. We didn’t play our football spanking game yesterday. I was saving it for tonight. Added to the regular two swats for each point scored, there are swats added for a Giants fumble if they don’t recover and for each interception that’s our players’ fault. Of course, these are subjective things, but I don’t want to swat him if the other team makes a really good play that results in an interception. It’s not always our player’s fault that turnovers happen. On the other hand, when our quarterback throws to a spot where there are no players other than the opposing team, there’s no excuse for that.

Lion has absolutely no control over any of these things. He doesn’t play football. It’s just a game we came up with to make things interesting. Lion’s butt gets a workout and I get practice swatting. Win-win. It also celebrates the return of football which is very exciting. It’s really the only sport we watch and we miss it when it’s gone.

Depending on what time we start watching the game (we record it so we can watch when it’s convenient and we can zip through commercials), we’ll either stop after the first quarter or at halftime for fun time. He was easier to get to the edge the other night when we played Spankball the first night of football. Clearly that helps him. I think any attention helps him.

I bet Lion is hoping for a low scoring game tonight. With two swats per point plus a swat for some errors, his buns might be very red by halftime.

The long-awaited start of NFL football happened last night. I guess I wasn’t clear on Lion wanting to play our football spanking game. Initially, he suggested Spankardy and I was fine with that. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of reading something when Jeopardy started so we didn’t play. After the first score in the football game, Lion grumbled and started to get into position. Oh, ok. I didn’t realize we were playing and we hadn’t reviewed the rules. I had to ask how many swats he should get. Duh!

I don’t know what the score was after the first quarter but Lion had gotten two swats for each point. And I asked if he wanted to pause the game to play Suck The Lion. He did. No question. He’d been hinting oh-so-subtly that he was horny by outright telling me he was horny. I didn’t want it to get too late for our fun. I wonder if his horniness can overcome how late we play if he’s getting swats and is otherwise excited. I think the real enemy of erections is his thinking I’m ignoring him and he sabotages himself.

At any rate, I got him to the edge at least twice. I mean, very, very, very close twice. I might have gotten him somewhat close a few other times, but he was sweating those two times. When I was done, I think he was actually panting. He didn’t move as fast as he usually does. That, to me, means a job well done. If I’ve got his body thinking he’s really going to have an orgasm, and all sights are set on it and then I leave him hanging, bingo! Obviously, it’s a let down but that’s the point. Personally, I hate to get to the edge and be left hanging. Lion has done it to me a few times, at least once on purpose. I wanted to punch him. Do it all the way or don’t do it. There’s no stopping just short. With me, that is. He likes it. Weirdo.

After he caught his breath, we watched football again. He got his two swats for every point. I’m sure he’s conflicted. He loves football, but those swats…. Oh, he loves the swats too. Don’t let him fool you.

Let’s face it, domestic discipline is a game. That doesn’t mean that playing doesn’t have real consequences. What it means is that there are rules and the players agree to follow them. Everything that happens is consensual. The game results in pain or frustration for the male players. They understand that going in.

Mrs. Lion and I have been doing this for years. For a long time, I thought that giving Mrs. Lion authority over me was a lifestyle choice. Many couples who practice this start out with a desire to correct behavioral problems. It could be that the husband drinks too much. The solution is that his wife can punish him when he does. Sounds serious, right? The behavioral issue certainly is. The solution seems extreme but plausible. In almost every case, the husband proposes domestic discipline (DD). He asks his wife to spank him when he does something wrong.

That’s what I did. I find it erotic to be spanked. I don’t usually find the spanking itself erotic, but the idea is a turn-on. I asked Mrs. Lion to play the DD game. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t fun when the paddles come out, but it’s a game. The basic rules are very simple: Mrs. Lion makes rules that I need to follow. They can be to do chores around the house or to behave in a specific way. For example, I have to set up the coffee pot so that all Mrs. Lion has to do in the morning is to start it. I have to wait to eat until Mrs. Lion starts. Failing to do these things earns me spankings.

If DD wasn’t a game, once I managed to do everything Mrs. Lion wants, I wouldn’t be spanked. The sun would come out and the birds would sing. DD did its job. That’s not what happens. If I haven’t earned a punishment for a couple of weeks, I start to feel that Mrs. Lion stopped wanting to be my disciplining wife. She becomes less focused on spotting infractions. Without realizing why, we aren’t having as much fun.

We both like the game. We hadn’t given a lot of thought to the idea that we were playing one. We both focused on the positive behavioral changes I’ve made. I thought that I needed “maintenance” spankings to keep us focused on our disciplinary roles. We tried that but it didn’t work for us. Mrs. Lion couldn’t put her heart into an unearned disciplinary spanking. I felt that and also felt that this was more BDSM than DD.

Domestic discipline is a transactional game. It has three parts: The first is the establishment of offenses. Mrs. Lion makes rules. These rules can be concrete activities I need to do or stop, or they can be less specific like spanking me for annoying her. The second part is spotting me breaking a rule. Mrs. Lion observes me and lets me know when I committed an offense. The third part is punishing me for breaking a rule. Mrs. Lion spanks me when I offend.

We’ve discovered that without an offense to punish, maintenance spanking doesn’t keep things going. That’s where the problem for us comes up. I’ve managed to avoid committing offenses for weeks at a time. That means Mrs. Lion has nothing to spot and I don’t get spanked. Even though we have been successful with DD, we are unhappy because we both like the action of the game.

Since we found that maintenance spankings don’t work for us, there are only two other possibilities to keep things alive: I can intentionally offend or Mrs. Lion can create more, easier-to-break rules. We agreed that intentional offending is dishonest and not in the spirit of our relationship. That leaves creating new rules.

This has proven difficult. I think that the problem isn’t that Mrs. Lion doesn’t have lots of opportunities to shorten my leash, it’s that she has a strong sense of fair play and it feels unjust to spank me for something she considers trivial. However, when we started DD my first rule was that if I spilled any food on my shirt, I would be punished. Isn’t that about as trivial as it gets? By any measure, getting a painful disciplinary spanking for accidentally getting food on my shirt seems unfair.

Mrs. Lion knew that. She also realized that we both needed practice in our roles. She reasoned that I spilled food on my shirt frequently, so she would have lots of opportunities to punish me. It worked out exactly as she planned. After a few weeks, it stopped working. I almost never spilled food on my shirt. I didn’t consciously work to avoid spilling. I just stopped. Apparently, I became conditioned to neater eating.

The same thing has happened with my other rules. I rarely break them. Being spanked for every offense actually works to train me. Once Mrs. Lion realizes that I almost never break a rule, she stops being as watchful. The game winds down. This is what we have to cure.

It may seem odd that a game can be a profoundly important part of our marriage. If we stop, I won’t be out of control and make Mrs. Lion miserable. That’s not the issue at all. We didn’t start DD to correct serious behavioral problems. We started it because I found the idea of being punished for not obeying Mrs. Lion exciting. I also want her to have a stronger voice in our marriage. I want her to let me know if something is bothering her. For us, it turns out, the healthiest way to do this is to spank me.

We’ve talked about this. Our conversations weren’t in the context of playing a game. They were mutually realizing that we both needed to keep the disciplinary relationship alive. If we shift our thinking to recognize that DD is a game that requires a certain level of disciplinary activity to keep it going, I think it will be easier for Mrs. Lion to find new rules.

The objective is for her to sharpen her lion-offense hunting skills and for me to work hard to avoid earning spankings. We are happier when we play.

A long time ago we played Zapardy. Lion got zapped with the shock collar around his balls for every question he answered wrong. We hadn’t played in a while. Sometimes the shock collar wasn’t charged. Sometimes dinner was late and we were eating during Jeopardy. Most of the time I forgot to do it. Lion bought a tally counter and suggested we play a modified version of our football spanking game. The rules would be almost the same as for Zapardy except that he would earn a swat for every question he failed to answer at all. If he got a correct answer there would be no swat. An incorrect answer earned him two swats. But now not answering got him a swat too. Previously, he’d been skating by with very few zaps because he was afraid to answer wrong. That was sort of boring…for me.

I don’t remember when Lion bought the tally counter. It was months and months ago. Before COVID-19? I have no idea. In any case, it just sat there unused. We talked about playing Spankardy but never did. And then last week, there was renewed interest in it. I decided we should have a designated Spankardy day. Since then we’ve been trying to do it. Dinner has been too late. But last night, the planets aligned (did you see Mars next to the moon last night?) and we had time for Spankardy.

Of course, Jeopardy is in reruns right now and always is on Saturdays anyway. There’s always the chance that we’ll hit a show we remember and Lion will know more answers. There’s also always a chance that Lion will know a lot about the categories on any given show. He sees opera and classical music and he’s very happy. I groan. I don’t remember specific categories from last night but I don’t think there were any that Lion was particularly fond of. It was a good cross section of things he’d know and things he’d just take a swat for. In the end, (no pun intended) he wound up with some combination of incorrect answers and no answers totaling 34. This was before Final Jeopardy.

We never discussed how the points would work for Daily Doubles or Final Jeopardy. Can Lion bet points? Could this be a way for him to gain the upper cheek? If there’s a Daily Double in an opera category, he could be down to zero again with a correct answer. Talk about confusing rules. Anyway, since we didn’t decide beforehand, I decided for myself. Once the Final Jeopardy category is revealed, we like to come up with an answer before we see the question. The first time we hit the nail on the head it was amazing. We were shocked. So I decided if Lion guessed the answer before seeing the question, I’d wipe the slate clean. Yes, this was even after seeing that the category was opera or famous classical something-or-other. He did get the answer right, but not before he saw the question. The 34 swats stood.

That’s not a lot of swats by any stretch of the imagination. I didn’t do full punishment swats. It wasn’t really punishment. I did make sure those 34 swats were evenly distributed across both cheeks. I probably didn’t need to. I just wanted to be fair. The left cheek might get jealous if the right cheek got fewer swats. Or maybe even if it got more swats. You never know. So I was fair and equitable. And it was over very quickly. I don’t think we’re even warmed up in 34 swats. Oh well. I guess I’ll have to root for harder categories next time.