I am glad Lion likes super edging. I like it when he’s super horny so I guess it all works out well. The only problem is that, once he’s near the edge, it’s easy to go too far. As he said, neither of us likes ruined orgasms. Obviously, they aren’t as much fun for him as a full orgasm. There is a solution, of sorts. I can salvage the orgasm. That makes it a little more fun for Lion, but still leaves me feeling like I screwed up.

The chance of a ruined orgasm could stop me from getting him too close to the edge. It’s a fine line. I need to push my luck just enough that he thinks he might just go over without actually letting him go over. It would be helpful if he had a gauge attached somewhere that showed how close he was. I thought he had a ruined one last night. I tasted some precum, kept going and then he was panting and tensing up. He never got soft so I decided to edge him again. I’m happy to report that it wasn’t a ruined orgasm and I left Lion more frustrated than ever.

He had reported being a little horny before I edged him. I haven’t gotten the Lion weather report in a long time. He does mention how horny he is from time to time, but he used to tell me the weather was steamy or tropical. Given the fact that he thought he was only a little horny last night, I don’t know if I can trust his self-reporting. I do trust his panting and gasping for air when I’m through with him. I also note how long it takes for him to recover enough to get back on his side of the bed to watch TV. I guess it’s a gauge of how well I’ve done.

I’m not sure if he’ll get his orgasm this weekend or not. I may have to play with my food a bit longer to make sure he’s really ready for it. I doubt he’ll ever beg for an orgasm. He doesn’t want to be able to tell me when to give him one. I understand that, but sometimes I think it would be nice to know when he’s at this limit and really wants one. It doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll give him one, but it would be nice to know.

[Lion comments — I could start my weather reports again. I’m not sure I’ve been at the point where I just have to come. I suppose the time for me to beg for release is just after I have been edged and before Mrs. Lion begins again. She could ask me if I want to come. My problem is that in the past when she asked me if I answered that I did, she gave me an orgasm. The fun ended. I think that if she wants me to truly reach a limit, she will have to not let me come even if I say I want to. If this happens over and over, eventually she will see if I change in my response. As long as she gets me off if I say yes, I am not going to say it.]

The problem with emails and texts is that you can’t hear the tone. In Lion’s email yesterday, I heard a sarcastic, what-the-hell’s-the-matter-with-you tone. Of course, I don’t think Lion has ever actually used that tone with me, but that’s what I heard. On the plus side, I was able to find his contact lens when I got home. It seems to be fine after a night in the cleaning solution. He was very upset at losing it so I’m glad it was just hiding from us and not lost for good.

We took a trip to Walmart last night for Lion to get a pair of glasses for when he isn’t wearing his contacts. I always liked Walmart for my son’s glasses because they have very cheap packages and they seemed to hold up well. They even took Lion’s insurance so there was very little out of pocket. That’s a good thing in this economy and with Lion still on furlough.

Since we went after I got home from work, it was around 7 when I started dinner. Lion snoozed for a bit and it seemed like neither of us was interested in playing. At least, it seemed that way. Around 10:30, Lion said he guessed it wasn’t a sex night. I guess it could have been. I tend to let extraneous things sabotage play. Anything off the normal path of an evening and I’m thrown off. It’s not like it was that late when we got home. I need to do a better job.

I wish I could promise we’ll play tonight. I’m working from home today and tomorrow. And tomorrow is only a half-day. You’d think that would be a no-brainer. Work is less stressful from home. I don’t have a commute unless you count the twenty feet from my desk to the bed as a commute. We should be able to figure out what’s for dinner with a minimum of thought since we’re both right here. I don’t think there are any planned excursions. And yet, I can’t promise. I don’t want to promise. Promising means the potential for disappointment. Of course, not promising doesn’t eliminate disappointment. All it eliminates, really, is the “but you promised!” lament. (This really is what goes on in my mind on a daily basis.)

Here’s what I will say: It is my hope that we will play tonight. I will not raise taxes. I will attempt to raise a weenie. I approve of this message. Lioness for President 2020

Sometimes taking care of Lion gets to me. It’s usually a little thing that sends me off the rails. Obviously, it’s a combination of things and that last straw really does break the camel’s back.

Since I’ve gotten contacts, I’ve been using Lion’s mirror in the bathroom. I use the higher magnification side and I try to remember to flip it back over to Lion’s side when I’m done. This morning, I flipped it but I didn’t get it into the correct position. When Lion went to put his contacts in, the case fell off the mirror and he lost a lens. He said, “I would appreciate it if you could put it back flat when you’re done with it.” For some reason, this hit a nerve.

It’s trivial. What’s the big deal? Why can’t I just make sure the mirror is flat? Why can’t he just make sure the mirror is flat? Is the toilet seat up or down? Does the toilet paper roll go over or under? Who cares? It’s just a nit picky thing that pushes all the wrong buttons.

Again, I think it’s in addition to other nit picky things that aren’t worth mentioning at the time. There’s something in front of the coffee pot so he couldn’t put it together for tomorrow. Could he move the “something” out of the way? That’s happened a few times and when I look it’s been things he bought that have no home yet. A few times it’s been dishes. But the way he says it makes it sound like it’s my stuff. How dare I put something on a counter. The nerve!

No. This has nothing to do with sex. But it does have something to do with our power exchange. Lion is right that I hold onto things rather than make waves. But, in this case, I think I’m right too. There’s no reason to punish Lion for not setting up the coffee pot if he can’t get to it, even if I think he should be able to move it. It’s a little thing. There’s no reason to punish him for asking that the mirror be left in a certain position, even if I think he should be able to move it. It’s also a little thing.

The problem, of course, is when the little things add up. Do I punish him because this one tiny thing, added to the list of other tiny things, pushed me over the edge? I say no. Lion will undoubtedly say yes. Whatever he did that annoyed me should be punished. Period. I’m still grappling with that. It’s been very difficult for me.

[Lion — I know this is tough for my lioness. I’m sorry]

We didn’t play Spankardy last night. Lion had been snoozing during Wheel of Fortune and I told him I could give him a play spanking any time he liked. We didn’t even wind up doing a spanking. It wasn’t necessary. After I’d gotten him a little excited I moved down to lick him and then asked if he wanted some real oral action. That’s always a silly question.

I wasn’t sure if he’d get to the edge or not, but I figured it was worth a try. I’ve missed sucking him. He’s missed it too. He was hard almost immediately. I got him pretty close if not to the edge. I could feel the sore spot as I sucked him. I guess it’s a scar now. Lion says it doesn’t hurt which is good. I would have sucked him longer but my sinuses felt like they were trying to drown me. As it was, I thought it was a very good first try in a long time. And now we know he will get excited even if he doesn’t think he’s in the mood.

Tonight, I’ll make sure I can suck him longer. Maybe we’ll even give a play spanking a go. Barring that, maybe I’ll bring out the rope or clothespins. I have many toys at my disposal to help get him super excited. It sounds like we can get back on track again. Lion will be frustrated in no time. Then it’s just a matter of keeping him frustrated until I decide it’s time for his orgasm. Now the question is whether I should start the clock from last night or back when he had his orgasm. This is absolutely an instance when he didn’t care about waiting for the first week or so. Since he hasn’t suffered yet, does it really count?

I guess I can answer right away. It absolutely doesn’t matter how long he’s been frustrated or even how long he’s been waiting. I just have to make sure he waits long enough and I get to determine that. If I say he’s waited long enough, I can give him an orgasm tonight. Spoiler alert: he hasn’t waited long enough. I will say that, when I decided he should have a short wait thrown in, I hadn’t foreseen his not caring about any sexual contact at all. With that monkey wrench thrown in, I don’t see how it could possibly be a short wait. It will take time to build him up to the level of frustration I require. Nope. He’s in for the long haul again. It may not be 20 days, but it won’t be 4 either. [Lion comments — Today is day 9, FYI in case you wanted to know.]