It took Mrs. Lion less than ten minutes to make my butt look like this.

Sunday, after my shower, Mrs. Lion had me put on my restraint belt and mount the spanking bench. She used the homemade paddle I created over twenty years ago.  It’s thick leather (about 3/4-inch thick layers of saddle leather). It was a “Just Because” spanking. Even though she said she didn’t hit as hard as usual, there were marks on my bottom that would disagree. Judge for yourself in the image above.

I’m not complaining. I needed the attention. It had been 17 days since my last spanking. We both agree that I need more frequent attention to support my mental health and good decorum. We don’t agree on just how frequent these reminders need to be. Mrs. Lion often says that two to three spankings a week are best for me. I generally suggest one every week or ten days should be enough. If Mrs. Lion says I need three or more a week, then she should test her theory. So far, she hasn’t prioritized spanking.

This is a problem for us. It isn’t that I’ll run wild in the streets if I go without strict discipline. The issue is more subtle. Mrs. Lion can be impatient and easily distracted. The result is always that she forgets about paddling me. One reason, she’s said, is that if she’s upset or angry, she doesn’t want to spank me. I understand that. She’s concerned she will not be able to control herself. I’m very sure that she can safely spank me if she is angry or upset. I’m not suggesting that doing so will make her feel better about what pissed her off. The real issue isn’t anger, it’s consistency.

We are both happier when Mrs. Lion is consistent about disciplining me. When she actively makes and enforces rules, we communicate more and we both are happier. It just works. Maybe we need to go to the three spankings a week for a while. We need Mrs. Lion to get her mojo back. It takes just ten minutes to spank me. The benefits last a lot longer. I won’t like it, but going to this will be very good for us both.

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