Sometimes I’m nice. Sometimes nice is a relative term. One man’s trash and all that. Lion knows what he wants. He thinks he knows what he wants. When he gets it he’s not so sure. Case in point: spanking. Lion is sure he wants discipline. He wants me to set rules and enforce them. Until I do. Then he gets pissed and glares at me.

It’s funny. When we did a maintenance spanking on Monday, I started off super slow. I was barely hitting him. I asked if he remembered how pathetic my swats were when we first started. He laughed. I don’t think my swats would have disabled a fly let alone killed it. I’ve gotten much better at spanking. Of course those were play spankings.

It’s not that punishment spankings are necessarily any harder than play spankings. In a real play spanking scenario you can work up to some very hard swats. The build-up to those swats is somewhat different. And there may be some breaks along the way. Usually I take some time to rub Lion’s sore buns a little when we’re playing. I’ve even bitten his sore buns. I’ve never gotten Lion to the extreme in a play spanking the way other people have.

As far as I know, no one has ever given Lion a punishment spanking. I’ve been starting out slowly lately. At his suggestion I’ve started announcing when the actual punishment will begin. The other night when he was pissed at being punished, he was really pissed that the punishment wasn’t over when I hadn’t even begun. I’m still not at the level that I probably need to be to really make an impact (pun intended) on Lion’s butt. I’m working on it though.

Tonight we’ll do another maintenance session which will be at punishment level. Maybe he won’t be so pissed because he’ll be expecting it. I hope.

I’ve said before that I don’t like to plan things anymore. One of the reasons is that if I make mention of something in a post and it doesn’t pan out, Lion eventually calls me out. However, there are occasions when I do follow through and nothing happens. That was the case last night.

In his defense, I don’t think Lion was very happy with me after I punished him for interrupting me. Actually, during the punishment he looked pissed. He kept telling me he’d had enough. Of course, what he thinks rarely matters. I don’t think his butt was too red by the time I stopped. It might have just been the fact that I “caught” him and punished him the same night it happened. His pride may have hurt more than his butt.

At any rate, about an hour after the punishment I went to snuggle with him (early enough this time) but he didn’t respond. I don’t know if he just wasn’t in the mood or if it was the result of the punishment. We were watching TV but, as Lion has said many times in the past, the remote does have a pause button. There’s nothing on TV that’s more important than his play time.

Yesterday Lion asked me to delay caging him while our company is here. That’s a valid request. I’ll even delay until after our camping trip. We’ll revisit the subject when we get back. He’s still on the fence about being caged anyway. We both are.

Tonight I’ll try playing with him again. Let’s see if I have better luck this time. I hope he doesn’t interrupt me or do anything else that requires punishment. We might just have a repeat of last night.

Last night we didn’t play. Well, we attempted to but it was late. Lion took the opportunity to remind me that I talk a good game in my posts but don’t follow through. I could say it was all because of one night when we didn’t play but I know it’s not just one night. Lion has suggested that the cage will help us. I’ve been leaving him wild because it’s easier for both of us. I don’t have to lock and unlock him and he doesn’t need to worry about alignment when he pees.

I promised him tonight we’ll play earlier and I’ll lock him in the Jail Bird when I’m done with him. We’ll see if the cage makes me think about playing with him any more than I do without the cage. Lion has already suggested that maybe I don’t really want to play with him at all. He thinks this from time to time. It’s part of his insecurities, but I always take it as a criticism of my not doing things well enough.

We’re having company this weekend and he’s been on the verge of panic about how much cleaning we need to do to get the house ready. First of all, it’s nowhere near the amount of cleaning as when my son was here some months ago. Secondly, it’s nowhere near the amount of cleaning as when my friend came for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Most of the cleaning has to be done by me since it involves stirring up dust. However, there is a certain amount of cleaning that can be done by either of us. I spent a few minutes this morning doing some of the latter.

Lion always wants to talk about things but he tends to wait until bedtime. I’m on the way to snoozeville and, since I take these things as criticism, I don’t want to get into an argument when I’m trying to get ready to fall asleep. All I can do is promise to do better and (hopefully) follow through. Tonight we will play and I will lock him up. I’ll probably do some cleaning as well. What will happen Wednesday night? I’ll unlock him and we’ll play. Rinse and repeat. I want to get back in a rhythm but I don’t see one night as a huge setback.

We’re also getting ready to go on a trip next week. Will Lion be caged for the trip? Traditionally he has not been. It’s easier in the RV if he isn’t. Will he want to be? I don’t know. He’ll probably say it’s up to me. If it’s up to me I say no. However, the Box O’Fun will be coming with us. He’ll select something each night. The only way he’ll get out of the selection is if it’s a repeat of the previous night or if we don’t have the correct tools for the job. Lucky (or unlucky depending on your point of view) for Lion, I have most of the same implements in the RV as I do at home.

The other day when I punished Lion I sort of threatened him with the punishment stool in the corner. I was thinking about bringing it upstairs to use it but we’re getting ready for out-of-town guests and I don’t really want to drag it upstairs only to have to drag it back downstairs in a few days. So then I wondered what effect Icy Hot would have on rosy cheeks.

It may not have as much of an effect as I hope, but it might be worth a shot just to see. On the other hand, it might make an already hot tushy even hotter. If it does amplify it, I hope it lasts a long time.

Lion and I are having an interesting discussion via email. Today is punishment day. He needs to tell me by 8:30 pm. Normally he tells me fairly early in the day. This morning he said there was nothing much going on. No mention of punishment day. No problem. He has plenty of time.

A few emails later he writes, “It’s punishment day.” I told him he was a good boy for reminding me and said I wasn’t sure if he’d remember. He said he was toying with the idea of “forgetting” to tell me. That’s a slippery slope. If I have any reason to think he’s forgotten on purpose, the punishment would be more severe. He has no idea what I’ll come up with. He said he’s curious to find out.

Theoretically, he should be punished for this impertinence. Of course, this is just what he wants. So punishing him plays right into his hands. But not punishing him sends a different message. The key is, I think, to punish him with something he will not like at all. Or a combination of things he won’t like. I definitely need to curb this willful behavior.

Is the Icy Hot on a swatted butt the answer? Maybe Icy Hot on the butt and some time on the punishment stool. Or Icy Hot on his balls and some time on the punishment stool. I already know his balls will be on fire, and the scratchiness of the welcome mat on the punishment stool will be torture.

Maybe I should pick up some raisins on the way home. Lion hates raisins. One or two of them might do the trick. The problem is that no matter what I do to him, he’ll probably enjoy it. Certainly not while it’s happening, but I bet Mr. Weenie will be happy.