It doesn’t appear that Lion’s horny pills are working yet. He does feel hornier, I think. But he’s not getting anywhere near an orgasm. Last night we tried the combination of boner juice and horny pill. He got hard and horny, but it stopped in the middle again. The horniness, not the erection. I don’t want to say it won’t work. It was only his second dose of the magic horny pills. Maybe it takes a bit to get his body used to them. I know he said there’s no “learning curve,” but it stands to reason it will take more than two doses to get things going.

If memory serves, he can’t do another boner shot until tomorrow, and he can’t take another horny pill until Wednesday. Does that mean we wait until Wednesday to do the combo again? It seems silly to waste the boner shot if he’s not going to have an orgasm. On the other hand, maybe the horny pill will suddenly start working. It’s difficult to know what to do.

I do know that we’re not giving up. At the very least, I’ll give him another spanking today. Yes, I know I promised to spank him more often. I’m falling down on the job. Of course, I could argue that any spanking I give him is “more often” than no spanking at all, which is what he was getting before. And he probably deserves a punishment spanking because he’s been annoying me lately. What has he done? Nothing specific, really. It’s little things here and there that add up. We’ve been fairly snarky with each other lately. My patience has been non-existent. I think it’s all part of not knowing how to offload stress. There are plenty of programs at work that seem hippy-dippy, but maybe hippy-dippy is the way to go.

Good thing I still have the patience for the horny pill/boner juice combo.

Mrs. Lion tried to get me off last night. I got closer but didn’t quite get there. After a long oral effort, she was exhausted and I was panting but nowhere near the edge. I wasn’t particularly hard, she reported. I felt like I had an erection. Odd.

This suggests that I need to increase the cabergoline dosage to 5 mg. My next dose is today (Saturday). Maybe the larger dose will do the trick. I’ll also do a Trimix injection. The combination may finally bring relief. It’s been 78 days since my last orgasm. That’s the longest I’ve gone without ejaculating since I was eleven years old. While we’re on the subject of statistics, our diets are showing very good results. I am just two pounds away from the weight my doctor thinks I should maintain. I disagree. I still have a little pot belly. I plan to lose at least another twelve pounds before I consider stopping the diet.

I can’t say that we are eating better, just less. We are almost out of our Nutrisystem food. We both are thoroughly tired of their cuisine. Mrs. Lion will have to do some real cooking now. We’ll both have to be very careful of portion control. That’s the secret of our weight loss. I hope we can add more veggies and salads to our diets. It’s extra trouble to prepare, but ultimately way better for our health.

We’re both developing more consciousness of what we eat. Mrs. Lion may also be returning to her disciplinary mode. As of today (Friday), it’s been four days since she spanked me. I’m not sure if she wants or needs me to remind her, but I know I’m due. Our domestic discipline is right up there with diet and sex in terms of importance for us. I may understand why that’s true.

We work very well together. Our joint diet is evidence of that. We both like how it feels when we do. Even though domestic discipline seems to be one-directional, with Mrs. Lion holding the reins, it’s a two-way set of transactions that reinforces our bond.

By definition, domestic discipline is interactive with two people closely connected. It requires Mrs. Lion to be constantly aware of what I’m doing (and forgetting to do). I have a very strong incentive–avoiding getting spanked–to be aware of what she expects of me. I know I will be punished if I break a rule or annoy her. If I do, we have a very intimate and meaningful interaction; she spanks me.

Marital spanking is extremely intimate. My bare bottom is offered to her for punishment. She pays close attention to it and to me as she spanks me. It is a very close, if painful, connection. It’s probably this intimacy that attracts us to it. We are both happier when she is strict with me. It isn’t a BDSM,
“Yes, Mistress,” game for us. It’s real punishment. I love that about it.

I never deliberately misbehave to get spanked. That would devalue our disciplinary marriage and make domestic discipline into a game. The spankings have to be real. Mrs. Lion has to decide to spank me when I misbehave. She also spanks me to help keep us in balance. We’ve learned that if more than a week or two passes without her paddle meeting my bottom, we lose focus and drift apart.

Each spanking, regardless of the reason for it, reminds us to pay attention to one another. It underlines our commitment to one another. It also improves my behavior. There’s nothing like sitting on a sore bottom to focus my attention on doing what I should. Mrs. Lion also seems to benefit. If she spanks me frequently, she’s much more focused on me.

It’s just the way we are wired. We’ve discovered ways to help us stay close and happy. Would we fail if Mrs. Lion didn’t spank me? I think we would be just as in love. I wouldn’t be as happy. I don’t know if she will agree, but I think she would be less happy too.

I took my first dose of cabergoline on Wednesday afternoon (“Magic Sex Pills“). The starting dose is 2.5 mg, half a tablet. According to a quick Google, effects are felt in as little as three hours. Mrs. Lion didn’t try to get me off on Wednesday night, so I’m not sure whether we had success or not. I didn’t feel particularly horny. We both did a lot of walking. I had a doctor’s appointment and then a trip to the supermarket to pick up my prescription and some household necessities. To make things worse, a massive traffic jam closed I90, making traffic on every road around us a nightmare. Mrs. Lion found an alternate route, but it still took us over an hour to go 10 miles.

The next half-tablet dose is on Saturday. If I’m still not orgasmic, the dose goes up to .5 mg next Wednesday. So far, I’m not feeling any side effects from the drug. While researching this new treatment, I came across a mention that it may help female libidos too. There is some (very sketchy) evidence that high prolactin levels in women reduce their libidos. I found one study1 that suggests this is the case. The study looked at young women with very high prolactin blood levels. It also cited the loss of libido observed in men with high prolactin levels.

A second study2 with a small (25 women) pool of patients with high levels of prolactin showed a strong correlation between loss of libido and high prolactin levels. The study had 25 women with normal levels as a control. Even though it was a very small study, the results show that both women and men lose sexual capability when prolactin is present.

I’m surprised that Mrs. Lion’s doctor didn’t check her prolactin level, or just prescribe cabergoline. Based on what I could find on the web and what my urologist said, this drug is generally safe to try unless there are specific conditions that contraindicate it.

Actually, I’m not surprised. Sexual medicine isn’t a subject that all doctors study. In fact, most urologists have very limited knowledge. I’m going to ask Mrs. Lion if she would like to see my specialist or another that we are referred to.

I am very grateful that Google provides excellent help in academic research. It’s easy to find research papers on any subject. I’m lucky that I have access to a large university library (in person and online) that lets me access journal articles without having to buy them.

Cabergoline isn’t a miracle sex pill, but it has great potential for men and women who have issues with libido or, in my case, anorgasmia. I wish more physicians knew about this. We both could have tried this drug years ago. Well, now we all know. I hope it works.


1 Krysiak, R., Drosdzol-Cop, A., Skrzypulec-Plinta, V., & Okopien, B. (2015). Sexual function and depressive symptoms in young women with elevated macroprolactin content: A pilot study. Endocrine, 53, 291-298.


Lion had two doctor appointments in two days. Between leaving work early and traffic encountered on our way home, I needed to make up about six hours of work. Between Monday and yesterday, I managed to make up all but two hours. I was looking forward to not going anywhere today. However, Lion has a replacement contact waiting at the optometrist’s office and it needs to be swapped out with the defective one so they can send it out tomorrow. I guess I’ll go sit in more traffic.

Theoretically, I can sign back into work whenever I’m back from the errand. I was going to make up an hour today and an hour tomorrow. Depending on how bad traffic is (there’s construction), I may still be able to make up the hour. The problem is that Lion will still want a spanking. I know. I know. He doesn’t want one, but he knows he needs it. He also started taking horny pills yesterday. Between the boner shot and the horny pills, he might actually have an orgasm. We hope. And I bet he’s hoping to test it out tonight.

He wants me to have my hormone levels tested to see if the horny pill will work for me too. I have to say, I really don’t care. I understand why he’s going through all he’s going through. He wants sex. He needs sex. I don’t know why it matters so much to him whether I want sex or not. Well, yes, I do know why. If I want sex then he won’t feel selfish for being the only one getting anything. I’ll get to have some fun. Except I don’t think I will.

It will still boil down to my initiating. And if I’m initiating then I’m getting him primed for takeoff. And if I’m getting him primed for takeoff, priming me for takeoff takes time away from that which means he may get un-primed. We were never a hot-and-heavy couple who just spontaneously got horny at the same time. It always took a little bit of work to get us going. It doesn’t seem worth it to me.

I love getting Lion off. That’s worth the shots and the pills and the spanking and all the rest. I just don’t care about getting me off. [Lion — I care a lot about Mrs. Lion getting her libido back. Partly my motive is selfish. I love giving her orgasms. I also think she will have more fun if she gets horny again. I will initiate if she wants sex. I understand how difficult it was for her. We may have to figure out how to make things work, but I will find a way to turn her on first.]