Lion had two doctor appointments in two days. Between leaving work early and traffic encountered on our way home, I needed to make up about six hours of work. Between Monday and yesterday, I managed to make up all but two hours. I was looking forward to not going anywhere today. However, Lion has a replacement contact waiting at the optometrist’s office and it needs to be swapped out with the defective one so they can send it out tomorrow. I guess I’ll go sit in more traffic.

Theoretically, I can sign back into work whenever I’m back from the errand. I was going to make up an hour today and an hour tomorrow. Depending on how bad traffic is (there’s construction), I may still be able to make up the hour. The problem is that Lion will still want a spanking. I know. I know. He doesn’t want one, but he knows he needs it. He also started taking horny pills yesterday. Between the boner shot and the horny pills, he might actually have an orgasm. We hope. And I bet he’s hoping to test it out tonight.

He wants me to have my hormone levels tested to see if the horny pill will work for me too. I have to say, I really don’t care. I understand why he’s going through all he’s going through. He wants sex. He needs sex. I don’t know why it matters so much to him whether I want sex or not. Well, yes, I do know why. If I want sex then he won’t feel selfish for being the only one getting anything. I’ll get to have some fun. Except I don’t think I will.

It will still boil down to my initiating. And if I’m initiating then I’m getting him primed for takeoff. And if I’m getting him primed for takeoff, priming me for takeoff takes time away from that which means he may get un-primed. We were never a hot-and-heavy couple who just spontaneously got horny at the same time. It always took a little bit of work to get us going. It doesn’t seem worth it to me.

I love getting Lion off. That’s worth the shots and the pills and the spanking and all the rest. I just don’t care about getting me off. [Lion — I care a lot about Mrs. Lion getting her libido back. Partly my motive is selfish. I love giving her orgasms. I also think she will have more fun if she gets horny again. I will initiate if she wants sex. I understand how difficult it was for her. We may have to figure out how to make things work, but I will find a way to turn her on first.]

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