Our site combines a blog and informational pages about topics that interest us. The blog is about our sexual journey that began with me asking Mrs. Lion to lock my penis in a male chastity device. That was a pretty kinky request but not too odd for me. Since that was nine years ago, we obviously liked it. The problem is that we evolved, and the need for hardware disappeared as we grew.

When we started, I thought that my penis would be locked in a male chastity device permanently. Well, not exactly permanently; it would come out for teasing and the occasional orgasm. For about three years, that was exactly what happened. Then we took a break. It was forced by shoulder surgery. After I recovered, the cage went back on. This time it didn’t stay. Mrs. Lion seemed to lose her taste for locking and unlocking a male chastity device. I was “wild” much of the time.

Eventually, the male chastity device came off and stayed off. It wasn’t just that Mrs. Lion didn’t want to take the time to lock and unlock me. There was no reason to bother. Its original purpose was to assure that I wouldn’t cheat by jerking off. Mrs. Lion’s first rule was that I was not allowed to masturbate. She made that rule in December 2013 and enforced it with a male chastity device. By the time I needed shoulder surgery, I had lost interest in masturbating. It didn’t occur to me that I could do it.

I was trained not to jerk off. If you had asked me if that would result from wearing a male chastity device in 2013, I would have laughed. I knew that the cage would prevent me from getting myself off, but once I was unlocked, I was sure I could go back to jerking off. I was wrong. The only orgasms I’ve experienced since we started were produced by my lioness–almost always with her hand. I wasn’t trained away from hand-made orgasms, just the ones I could do myself. Here I am in 2022, blogging on Male Chastity Journal with a wild penis. I still can’t jerk off, and Mrs. Lion decides if and when I can orgasm. We don’t use hardware to enforce it. I’m pretty sure that I will never be allowed to decide when  I can come. Mrs. Lion is permanently in charge of that.

another big change in direction

It isn’t that we stopped doing kinky things. They’ve evolved. A few years ago, Mrs. Lion began punishing me if I broke the rules. So far, the punishment is spanking. She’s been evolving her ability to spank me until she’s reached the point that she blisters my bottom when I need punishment. It’s true domestic discipline. I almost never get away with breaking a rule. We’ve chronicled our disciplinary journey in our blog.

The name Male Chastity Journal doesn’t fit our spanking posts. They often outnumber our sexual writing. It makes no sense to change our name. Our brand is well established. We don’t need to go through years of building a new one. I suppose that if I had any idea that things would change so much, I would have tried to find a more generic blog name. I did update the current masthead. I’m not at all sure that it matters to anyone but me.

In a way, it’s a good thing we evolved. There’s nothing new in male chastity devices. I thought that 3D printing would open up new vistas in male chastity devices. It hasn’t so far. I’m not surprised. A male chastity device is pretty simple. Ideally, it’s a tamper-proof container for the flaccid penis that is comfortable to wear and easy to keep clean. That’s it. Simple, right? Well, no. Our weenies are sensitive and easily injured. Any device that will be on it 24/7 has to fit perfectly. As far as I can see, nothing new has come along that is more comfortable.

Anyway, we aren’t writing much about male chastity nowadays. We write about male orgasm control and domestic discipline. We discuss what we’ve learned about effective adult spanking. As usual, you get both sides of the experience. Our name may be less accurate, but our kink is alive and well.

I tried to take advantage of the nice weather and mow the lawn this morning. I got pretty far before I had to take a rest. I’ll try for more later. As Lion is no doubt thinking, I also have to save some energy for sex.

We ran a few errands yesterday and then both took naps. We’ve been staying up later and, of course, the dog doesn’t understand weekends, so she insists I get up. Lion tends to sleep through this. In his defense, he was awake a lot last night because of his allergies. Yes, I know I have to change the bed and clean up dog toys so we can run the vacuum.

You’d think, if we took naps, we’d be rested and Lion would be ready for sex. He says he was horny earlier on Saturday. He just wasn’t horny at 8 when I wanted to give him attention. The problem is, in part, that he’s like a newborn baby in that he’s got his days and nights mixed up. I can’t play with him earlier on a weekday. I can potentially do it on a weekend, but not if I have to mow the lawn, change the bed, do other chores, etc. The sweet spot for loving tends to be morning or night. He never liked sex in the morning so that excludes that portion of our program. Night isn’t working for him lately, even if he takes naps. I don’t have an answer for this issue.

We got further than Lion thought we would last night when I tried to edge him. I was hopeful that my magic mouth would get him there. No such luck. I know it felt good. I had fun. He just didn’t quite make it all the way. Yes, he could have had an orgasm. Yes, we’ll try again today. Or, more likely, tonight. I’ve got to get back to the lawn so I have time to rest up for the festivities later on. As long as I get the bed changed before bedtime, that part of the problem will be solved.

Visits to our blog nearly doubled in two days.

The past two days have been very odd for this blog. Our traffic climbed until it doubled our usual number of visitors on Friday. The stats our software predicts for Saturday (I’m writing the post-mid-day on Saturday) is a little lower than Friday. Usually, when there is a sudden increase in visits, we see that a search engine or another website refers the additional people. This time, almost all are “direct entries.” Those are visitors whose browsers don’t show that the people come from another site. It usually means that they type in our web address.

That doesn’t make any sense to me. There is nothing in our content that is very unusual. When I looked to see what the people first visited, the distribution of visits looked typical. A search engine may be removing the referring site name before sending people here. That would explain why there is no obvious bump in the stats. In the past, Google has experimented with tweaks to its search algorithm. When they did this, our traffic would suddenly go up or down. I suspect this is what happened now, along with wiping out the referring site field.

We aren’t complaining about the additional traffic. It’s nice to have new people find us. As far as I can tell, we can support a lot of visits without incurring additional costs from our cloud provider. We have no way to make money with our blog. It’s a pure expense to us, and we do it because we love sharing with you—enough blog stuff.

Oral sex is all that works for me right now.

It’s been nine days since my last orgasm. I’m horny. Mrs. Lion has been fondling my penis most nights lately with little result. I’m not trying to be difficult. I just can’t seem to respond to her hand under the covers. Her mouth is another story entirely. I’m not entirely sure why this is happening—well, not happening. It just is. I get the feeling that she believes that if I’m really interested, some under-the-covers fondling will get me hard. Maybe if she makes me wait long enough, I might.

My first sexual experience was an attempt to fuck when I was eighteen. The girl and I had no sexual experience. It was my first year in college, and my high school days (and nights) were spent at a boys’ boarding school. I never saw a naked woman before that day. I thought I penetrated her that first time. I had an orgasm, and so did she.

When we got together again a couple of weeks later, we were less rushed and more willing to explore together. I couldn’t get inside her. She had a very tough hyman. It didn’t occur to either of us to have her go to her gynecologist to get him to break it surgically. I probably could have gotten through, but it would have taken a lot of force and hurt her.

Anyway, we decided to look for a workaround. We bought a marriage manual (this was pre-Web days) and read it together. Oral sex looked like fun, so we tried it. It worked very well for both of us. I don’t remember how long we were together. It was months, at the least. We were very happy using our mouths each time we were together.

Maybe my earliest experience created my love of oral sex. It has always been my favorite. I wonder if that is partly to blame for my current need for oral attention. It’s also partly because for the last eight years or so, handjobs were my source of sex more than 99 percent of the time. I have no idea how I would do with vaginal sex. Mrs. Lion doesn’t want that. It’s been about five years since the last time we tried. For now, at least, it appears to be oral or nothing for me. It’s like I’m 18 again.

Lion had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and then we went straight to an oil change. Well, it was supposed to be an oil change. It turns out it was only time for the tires to be rotated. Oh well. We picked up Pizza Hut on the way home for dinner. After all the activity, Lion was too tired for sex. Knowing it’s going to be a nice weekend and that means I’ll be mowing the lawn, he requested that I save some energy for sex. If he’s got energy, I’ll have energy. I also have to run to the store for some prescriptions we forgot about yesterday. I guess we were too excited about the pizza. We sailed right past the exit.

As you probably saw, Lion made me a chart of his red butt for spanking reference. Without knowing which implement was used to obtain that shade, I’m not sure how to replicate it. On the other hand, I suppose I could just keep swatting until I get there. I’m pretty sure I’ll run out of energy that night. Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen often. [Lion — That’s why I suggested experiments to figure out how to achieve the 7+ level of results. Poor me.]

Up until the point of being too tired, Lion had been looking forward to an orgasm yesterday. He was making the assumption that I would have given him one. Of course, we know he doesn’t get to decide when, or if, he gets an orgasm. That’s completely up to me. He’s just lucky I like giving them to him. However, if he doesn’t give me the yummy cream filling, what incentive do I have? Something for a Lion to ponder while waiting.

I do enjoy making him happy, so that’s another incentive for orgasms. He makes nice noises too. I know it’s probably not his fault he can’t produce semen. I’ll take pity on the poor Lion. He’ll have his orgasm tonight.