Yesterday, my post was about the various intensities of spankings I’ve received. It showed the variation in immediate results as photographed immediately after Mrs. Lion spanked me. It turns out that this set of images can be very helpful to her. You’ve seen test strips that let you compare the color of a strip that you dip in a solution with a color chart. It’s easy to determine the exact ph of the solution. What if we applied the same standard to spanking?

If Mrs. Lion has a color chart that she can compare with my bottom as she spanks, she can more easily produce her desired results. I used the images from yesterday’s post (“A Tale Of Nine Spankings“) to create an easy way to measure her results anytime she wants during or after a spanking. This may sound weird, but it makes sense to us.

Spanking color chart. Seven or above produces lasting effects for at least a day after I’m spanked. Click image for larger version.

Spanking isn’t something that Mrs. Lion experienced growing up. She still hasn’t worked out what will be most effective for me. The color chart may be a good starting place for her. As I recall, spanking levels seven and above hurt and show marks for at least a day after the spanking. Level 9 hurts for three days afterward. Since these pictures were taken shortly after the spanking, Using the chart, Mrs. Lion can adjust her activity to assure she gets the result she wants.

The idea of this is to allow her to be as consistent with her spanking as she is with catching me breaking rules. It has the added advantage of offering her a kind of game since she can now measure her results. She can set goals and track her progress. This doesn’t change the disciplinary value of punishing me; it standardizes it. We try to meet the DWC standard of spankings that leave marks and residual pain for several days after the spanking. Maybe the spanking color chart is a tool to help meet that standard.

Mrs. Lion never spanks when she is angry. Her purpose is to punish me, not relieve stress. If spanking me helps with stress, that’s a good side effect. It’s the same as my sexual arousal thinking about being spanked. There’s nothing wrong with getting added value from domestic discipline.

Our color chart may not be useful for others. It shows the way my bottom looks after spankings. Other men could look very different. It’s easy to create your own version of this. The key is to take pictures immediately after a spanking and then record the residual effects for each one. It won’t take long to establish what your bottom looks like when you are properly punished.

The results of nine recent spankings. Click image to view larger.

Yesterday, in her post, Mrs. Lion wondered if she could get a spank-o-meter to compare the severity of my spankings. I had commented that her spankings seemed to be getting milder. I’m not saying that her most recent spankings don’t hurt a lot. They do. It’s just that there don’t seem to be any long-lasting effects. I used to feel her wrath for two or three days after a spanking. The last two or three stopped hurting almost as soon as I dismounted the spanking bench.

The image at the top of this post is a montage of nine spankings. Unfortunately, Mrs. Lion didn’t photograph every spanking. The two before the most recent one were not recorded. These are unretouched images. No color adjustments were made. According to my notes, the spanking on March 13 hurt for three days after being spanked. I imagine the March 26 spanking also gave me trouble for a day or two. Since then, all of the spankings hurt a lot while I was being spanked, but there were no lasting effects.

Mrs. Lion uses a variety of paddles when she spanks me. I don’t know which she chose for each spanking. As you can see in the pictures, she has increased her coverage over time. She almost always spanks my entire bottom, including the tender skin inside the crack. Lately, she also moves my legs apart and spanks my perineum. That’s the worst.

There were four unphotographed spankings between March 26 and May 18. They were all milder than the March 26 spanking. Wednesday’s spanking began to approach her earlier work. We talked about the changes that I’ve been feeling. It’s my theory that Mrs. Lion isn’t using some of the heavier wood paddles. They are most likely to bruise and create long-lasting reminders of my correction. I’m not sure about this, but there is a change.

narrow bruising paddle
This paddle bruises me.

Mrs. Lion has some leather paddles that produce a nasty sting and make my bottom red. They don’t produce any lasting effect. Perhaps they are a good choice in the beginning. The heavier paddles might be useful as my bottom starts to get numb (that happens after about five minutes or so). We have one narrow paddle that is almost certain to bruise me. That might be a good ending for the session.

I feel a little strange offering spanking advice. After all, I’m the one getting spanked. I believe it is my job to report on the success of each spanking and help Mrs. Lion improve my education. It may be time for some lioness experiments to understand better what works best for me. We did this in the past. It was a miserable experience for me, but Mrs. Lion had a chance to learn how to make a better impression on me.

Lion came out of his office after 4:30. I set up the spanking bench while he did whatever he was doing. I put the straps on him. By the time we got going, it was about 4:45. Lion said he still needed to set up the coffee pot, so I should make sure to be done in time for that. Was he really telling me to hurry up? Is it my fault he didn’t come out of his office earlier? Is it my fault he didn’t set up the coffee pot when he was out checking on his beloved tomato plants? No. He couldn’t possibly be saying any of that.

Aside from telling me the lower strap should be tighter, he also said I was hitting too hard at one point. First, he says he hasn’t felt the past few spankings for very long afterwards, and now he says I’m hitting too hard. I think he’s in need of a “shut up, Lion” spanking. Nevertheless, I backed off a bit. In the end, pun intended, I thought I whomped him harder and he’d feel it longer. No such luck. I guess I need to go back to the wooden paddles whether they cause bleeding or not. I just don’t get the same effect out of the leather ones.

After dinner, I told Lion I wanted him across the bed so I could suck him. He never moves as fast as when I tell him that. He’s like a blur. Zoom! Ready. He was quick to get hard, but it still took a while to get him really going. I swear he’s said recently that I haven’t been edging him like I used to. I know we went through a patch where I didn’t live up to my agreement of playing with him every other day. He needs more attention than that. This time around, I’ve been trying to arouse him every day. He just hasn’t been interested. He’s also been concerned about my head hurting. I won’t do it if my head hurts. If I’m offering, it means I’m good to go. I decided to edge him last night. Of course, when I was done, he said he was hoping for an orgasm. If I’d given him an orgasm, he’d have said he wanted me to edge him. Welcome to the no-win department.

Tonight, I may or may not give him an orgasm. I haven’t decided yet. I still like playing with my food.

I did it again. You’d think after all this time, I could remember to set up the coffee pot. I forgot on Tuesday. The last time I forgot was April 8, forty days ago. Maybe that isn’t so surprising. I’ve read several accounts by women who spank their husbands for obedience issues that men seem to “forget” something every month or two. They wrote that their husbands broke a rule every month or so.  My ability to remember to close the shower door is somewhat worse. I was spanked for that on May 14. The offense before that was on April 27, seventeen days before that.

It looks like those women knew what they were talking about. I’m surprised at my consistency. I don’t purposely fail to do those things. I forget. A spanking usually reset my memory for another month or so. I think that if Mrs. Lion didn’t punish me, I would probably forget more often. She would also find my failures a nagging annoyance, like squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube.

Aside from training me, domestic discipline prevents little things from building into relationship-threatening explosions. It’s an effective safety valve for Mrs. Lion. It works because she not only punishes me for failing to obey her rules, she can create new rules if she finds a new source of annoyance.

For example, our puppy likes to go into the shower after we use it. She leaves muddy paw prints inside and tracks them around the house. I usually leave the shower door open when I’m done. I did that to let the shower dry out and prevent mildew. Mrs. Lion kept reminding me to close the door. I left it open. That was an annoyance. She made it a rule to close the door after I shower. I still forget. When I do, she punishes me. I’m learning to close it, and she releases the emotional pressure of my repeated disobedience.

This spanking hurt for a day or two afterward. No bruises, just blisters.

She has a way of letting me know that she is unhappy with my behavior and expects me to change. Instead of getting more upset when I repeat the offense, she punishes me again. I know she is annoyed that I did it again. My punishment makes that crystal clear. She knows she is dealing with my disobedience. Clean slate.

Consistent enforcement is a great teacher. Eventually, my infractions will occur further apart. One challenge for her is to spank me sufficiently to make me feel it for days after she finishes. According to the DWC, she should be able to see marks for a week after a spanking. That is very difficult with me. I don’t mark easily. I suppose this is a challenge for her. I’m sure she will rise to it.