I have been working hard on my writing and hadn’t planned on posting today. Mrs. Lion’s post yesterday (“Twofer” ) got me thinking. As she wrote,

“He was yelping away. I hit pretty hard for a while. Lots of hard swats in a row. Lots of hard swats right in the middle along his crack. I also did a series of slow, hard swats. I wasn’t going for bruising. It’s too hard to bruise his tough hide. I just wanted to make a memorable impression on him. He should remember to follow his rules. Whack! How could he break so many rules in two days? Whack! I think I made my point. He was pretty miserable when I got done.”

She’s right. I was miserable. Mrs. Lion made her point. When she finished, I just wanted to get off that spanking bench and get under the covers. I wanted to run away while she was spanking me. She didn’t say a word. She only paused to change paddles. I wasn’t curious about which one she was using. I just wanted it to end.

It didn’t hurt to sit down the next morning. I was sure it would after that spanking. It’s true that I’m not easy to bruise. Our narrow paddle is the only one that reliably marks me. A few very hard swats with that will hurt for days. I got the feeling that Mrs. Lion didn’t care about that. She wanted me to feel her annoyance with my thoughtlessness. Message received!

That’s the point of adult spanking. It isn’t about sex (duh!) or mild disapproval. It’s about punishment. It is a long, very painful experience. I’ve learned that time is just as important as intensity. It needs to go on and on. I thought about what brought me to the spanking bench the entire time that Mrs. Lion was beating me.

I resolved to avoid repeating this experience. I also know that I can’t avoid spankings. All I can do is try to keep them as far apart as possible.

Before I could spank Lion last night, he’d earned himself another punishment. This time I wasn’t so nice about the coffee pot. I gave him a pass the day before, but not yesterday. He says he was working on his book and then he got tired so he took a nap. So? I did a bunch of stuff yesterday, took a nap and still had to make dinner and clean up from dinner. And I still managed to spank a misbehaving Lion. Nope. He got no sympathy from me. Actually, when I told him he was in more trouble, he said he guessed he didn’t need to set up the coffee pot if he was already in trouble. If I’d been in a more evil mood, I may have told him he had to do it anyway, but I told him that was fair. He set it up anyway. Maybe he didn’t want to press his luck any further.

I didn’t really feel like spanking him. While I was in the shower, I talked myself into and out of delaying it a few times. In the end, I figured it would be better to do it. For one thing, it was closer to the time of the infractions. For another, I would get it over with. There’s no need for me to remember to do it tomorrow if I’ve already done it today. You know how bad I am at remembering things.

I set up the spanking bench, but I didn’t put the straps on it. He was going to have to keep himself still. He can do it. He’s a big boy. I set the timer to fifteen minutes and started whomping. He yelped from the beginning even though I wasn’t hitting very hard. That tender butt must have forgotten what swats felt like in a few short days. I didn’t really care if I went the full fifteen minutes or not. I was determined to make him feel the consequences of those two broken rules. Three, if you count the one I let slide. I used a variety of wood, leather, and rubber paddles, although I hit so many times with one of the wooden ones, I drew blood fairly early on. It was just one spot and I wiped it away with a tissue so it wouldn’t spatter so much.

He was yelping away. I hit pretty hard for a while. Lots of hard swats in a row. Lots of hard swats right in the middle along his crack. I also did a series of slow, hard swats. I wasn’t going for bruising. It’s too hard to bruise his tough hide. I just wanted to make a memorable impression on him. He should remember to follow his rules. Whack! How could he break so many rules in two days? Whack! I think I made my point. He was pretty miserable when I got done.

Our waxing table (a standard massage table) works wonderfully for handjobs. Mrs. Lion had easy access with both hands. It felt wonderful. We use light mineral oil for wax removal. It’s wonderful for handjobs. Waxing went very smoothly. According to my calendar, the last waxing was January 16. That can’t be right. I probably forgot to record the one after that. I would guess that the last time was around March first.

More regular waxing sessions make the job easier and much faster for Mrs. Lion. Professional waxers suggest monthly refreshers. Maybe we can try that. I’m back to not sending out any fluid when I ejaculate. I stopped using the EMS machine. Back to it tomorrow.

After waxing, I always shower to wash off the oil Mrs.Lion uses to remove wax that remained after pulling my hair out. I forgot to close the shower door again. That means a visit to the spanking bench. It’s been eight days since my last spanking. Ugh!

I suppose this bears out the common knowledge that a man can’t “remember” to obey a rule. Usually, I do better than just a week. Maybe the orgasm made me forget. It doesn’t matter. Mrs. Lion believes in cause and effect. Break a rule and get spanked. It’s that simple. No discussion is needed. As soon as she told me that I didn’t close the shower door, I knew what would happen to me.

We still have just two rules that Mrs. Lion enforces: set up the coffee pot and close the shower door. I’m surprised that I can’t manage to remember to follow them. I’m also surprised that I don’t have more. It’s good for us to have a set of rules for me. We are happier if I’m spanked regularly, and I have rules to follow.

It’s not mysterious why this works for us. The idea of being spanked turns me on. Regular spankings fuel my sexy thoughts. Having rules to follow provides a disciplinary connection between us. I can’t describe it, but it is another way we reinforce our bond with each other. Mrs. Lion enjoys observing me and catching me breaking the rules. It’s a sort of game for her. More rules will add to her fun.

The other benefit is that, for the most part, I do what I’m told. The spanking I will be getting (writing this on Sunday afternoon) later will remind me to close the shower door–at least for a while. Consider what it would be like if we didn’t have domestic discipline. I would forget to close the shower door. Mrs. Lion would notice and maybe growl at me. Next time I forgot, she would growl again. There is no resolution. It’s the classic “squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube” situation. Feelings fester.

Eventually, a fight would erupt. “You always leave the shower door open!” I would deny it. Unresolvable bad feelings would continue. That never happens with us. I’m punished every single time I leave that door open. If Mrs. Lion thinks I’m not getting the message, she adds time to my spanking. She has no trouble bruising my bottom.

After I’m punished, we both feel that the situation has been resolved. Case closed. It doesn’t mean that I won’t forget again. When I do, the paddles come out. Nothing festers other than the blisters on my butt.

I know it wasn’t exactly the waxing that made Lion happy yesterday. He was waiting for the cleanup when I rub him with oil to get the wax remnants off. I was a little mean. I put oil everywhere but the spot he wanted it. I saved the best for last. He loves a hand job with oil.

Lion seemed to have less hair than last time. I don’t know how long it’s been, but the hair he did have was thinner. Maybe he’s losing his winter fur. In any case, we were done in record time and on to his hand job. This position works well because I can switch hands without interrupting the action too much. When I’m using my right hand, my left is free to tickle his balls. I tried to make sure I wasn’t grasping too hard or going too fast. I also made sure I was hitting the spot that Lion says I must have forgotten about. I didn’t forget. It’s just sometimes difficult to hit it just right.

I’m not sure if I’ve ever given him an orgasm on the waxing table. I haven’t been teasing him for very long while I clean him off. I know he’d gone 19 days without an orgasm. We’ve had some problems, as I’m sure you’ve read recently. I decided he needed an orgasm to reset his system. Of course, I had to edge him a few times first to make him wonder. To my dismay, there was no Lion cream. It would have been wasted anyway. I couldn’t eat it mixed with oil.

I managed to get the kitchen table cleaned off so Lion could have his pancakes. It’s easier to eat some things at the table than in bed. They weren’t the best pancakes I’ve ever made, but I haven’t made them in a long time. I must be out of practice. He loved them anyway.

Since I waxed him, it was after 5 when he got out of the shower. He missed his deadline for setting up the coffee pot. It wasn’t his fault. I had the pot soaking for a while and then I delayed him with waxing. Rather than bring him down further from his orgasm high, I told him he should wander out to the kitchen. That’s my code for, “You forgot the coffee pot, but I’m giving you a pass.” Little did I know, he earned himself a punishment for leaving the shower door open.

Oh well. It’s been a while.