Our waxing table (a standard massage table) works wonderfully for handjobs. Mrs. Lion had easy access with both hands. It felt wonderful. We use light mineral oil for wax removal. It’s wonderful for handjobs. Waxing went very smoothly. According to my calendar, the last waxing was January 16. That can’t be right. I probably forgot to record the one after that. I would guess that the last time was around March first.

More regular waxing sessions make the job easier and much faster for Mrs. Lion. Professional waxers suggest monthly refreshers. Maybe we can try that. I’m back to not sending out any fluid when I ejaculate. I stopped using the EMS machine. Back to it tomorrow.

After waxing, I always shower to wash off the oil Mrs.Lion uses to remove wax that remained after pulling my hair out. I forgot to close the shower door again. That means a visit to the spanking bench. It’s been eight days since my last spanking. Ugh!

I suppose this bears out the common knowledge that a man can’t “remember” to obey a rule. Usually, I do better than just a week. Maybe the orgasm made me forget. It doesn’t matter. Mrs. Lion believes in cause and effect. Break a rule and get spanked. It’s that simple. No discussion is needed. As soon as she told me that I didn’t close the shower door, I knew what would happen to me.

We still have just two rules that Mrs. Lion enforces: set up the coffee pot and close the shower door. I’m surprised that I can’t manage to remember to follow them. I’m also surprised that I don’t have more. It’s good for us to have a set of rules for me. We are happier if I’m spanked regularly, and I have rules to follow.

It’s not mysterious why this works for us. The idea of being spanked turns me on. Regular spankings fuel my sexy thoughts. Having rules to follow provides a disciplinary connection between us. I can’t describe it, but it is another way we reinforce our bond with each other. Mrs. Lion enjoys observing me and catching me breaking the rules. It’s a sort of game for her. More rules will add to her fun.

The other benefit is that, for the most part, I do what I’m told. The spanking I will be getting (writing this on Sunday afternoon) later will remind me to close the shower door–at least for a while. Consider what it would be like if we didn’t have domestic discipline. I would forget to close the shower door. Mrs. Lion would notice and maybe growl at me. Next time I forgot, she would growl again. There is no resolution. It’s the classic “squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube” situation. Feelings fester.

Eventually, a fight would erupt. “You always leave the shower door open!” I would deny it. Unresolvable bad feelings would continue. That never happens with us. I’m punished every single time I leave that door open. If Mrs. Lion thinks I’m not getting the message, she adds time to my spanking. She has no trouble bruising my bottom.

After I’m punished, we both feel that the situation has been resolved. Case closed. It doesn’t mean that I won’t forget again. When I do, the paddles come out. Nothing festers other than the blisters on my butt.

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