Since Lion brought up preferences, I’m wondering about circumcised versus uncircumcised. Admittedly, my experience is very limited. I’ve only been with two men (yes, for real) and they are both circumcised. However, when my sons were born, I did not have them circumcised. I didn’t see the need to put them through the pain. I’ve read that uncircumcised men have greater feelings during sex than circumcised men. How can they know that? Women, I assume, can feel a difference. So my question is whether women a) can tell the difference and b) prefer circumcised or uncircumcised men. Talk amongst yourselves. Click here to take Twitter poll.

we were on the wrong page last night

Lion and I apparently were not on the same page last night. I worked from home because I’ve been nauseous for a few days. Who wants to be at work feeling like that? Around dinner time, we were trying to figure out what to have. Lion suggested pizza. That did not sound good to me. Ordinarily, I’m all over pizza. I assume my stomach had taken over my taste buds and vetoed it. The more I thought about food, the more my stomach protested. We finally decided to have our go-to upset tummy meal which is egg noodles and peas.

My stomach was behaving but I wasn’t sure for how long. Sometimes I move the wrong way and it sends out the evacuation order. We were watching TV and holding hands. Around 9, Lion asked if we were going to do anything and then said he shouldn’t have asked. I thought he meant he shouldn’t have asked because of my stomach. He thought he shouldn’t have asked because I’m in charge. He suggested we get an earlier start today. I’m not sure if he forgot about my stomach issue. Maybe he figured it was better because I wasn’t complaining about it.

So far, knock-on-wood, it seems okay today. We’ll have to see how it goes but we may be able to get that earlier start tonight. I still owe him some Icy Hot. (I just threatened him with Icy Hot. We really don’t have to use it.)

Mrs. Lion’s stomach has been bothering her for the last few days. Of course, she isn’t in the mood for sex or other play. I’m fine with that. Day-to-day reality has to take precedence over fun and games. We’ve been enjoying snuggles and hand-holding in bed while we watch TV. I love that. I’m not too crazy about what I see on the news. The toddler-in-chief is refusing to accept the reality that most of the country is tired of his tantrums. Reports from inside the White House say that he is fuming over his loss.

Meanwhile, he is demanding a frantic effort to invalidate the election so that he can stay in power. He is also appointing loyalists to positions in the defense department. Is he planning to prevent the transfer of power using the army? Unthinkable, but sadly possible with this insane meglomaniac. If he had any chance of a positive legacy, he’s destroying it now.

I’m sick of this kindergarten nonsense. Trump is a true Mel Brooks character, think Hitler in the “Producers”. “Heil me.” Sadly, the world is very unstable and these childish theatrics are distracting from the need for an orderly transition plam.

Mrs. Lion works from home most days. I love it. It gets lonely around here when she is at work. I’m still on furlough. It seems unlikely I will be called back. Full of good cheer, aren’t I? Don’t you love these stream of consciousness posts?

Lion’s waxed body

Lion likes to be hairless. I don’t care one way or the other. It tickles my nose when I suck him, but I could get used to it. I never really thought about being hairless myself. Once, I surprised him with a shaved pussy. He seemed surprised and not altogether happy with it. He says he likes me natural. But his post from this morning suggests he doesn’t like the way hairy women look in pictures. Maybe I have so little that it doesn’t matter. [Lion comments: I prefer hairless pussies. At the time I told Mrs. Lion that I preferred her to be natural was when I equated hair to power. Hairy=mature and powerful, hairless=submissive. I’m well past that now. I’m not fond of shaved genitals because they grow back to the stubble that is irritating. Waxed, on the other hand, is very nice. Since, at this point, Mrs. Lion doesn’t want sex for herself, the fur on her pussy is moot.]

At the risk of alienating a reader, I don’t like overly hairy men. Some chest hair is okay, but if it needs combing I’m out. Back hair is okay as long as it is mostly invisible. Carpeting is nice on the floor, not on a person’s back. I don’t know if I ever saw Lion fully hairy. He had laser treatments so his genital area stays fairly well clean. He has chest hair but it’s manageable. I’d guess if he let it grow out, I’d be fine with the amount of hair on his body.

I tried Googling naked men but I wound up with some pictures of shaman wrapping their penises around sticks and some people standing on those sticks. I’m not sure what the significance of it is, but we won’t be trying that at home. It was a religious thing rather than BDSM, although I think it might put some BDSM to shame when it comes to how much pain one can endure. Maybe I’ll research it a bit to see why they do it, but that was not the intent of my search at the time.

The rest of the pictures I saw looked like maybe the men had manscaped a bit. They were very neatly trimmed. I think I only saw one or two pictures of fully hairy men. For the most part, their hair was in the genital area. I have no idea if they had trimmed their chests and left the genital area full. It’s possible they were naturally not hairy on their chests. Anyway, the point is that I don’t think I care whether a guy has genital hair or not. I believe I could wade through the weeds to get to the good part.

I wonder if women expect men to manscape nowadays. I wonder if women who shave or wax themselves prefer men who shave or wax themselves. It would seem hypocritical for a man who doesn’t shave to expect his partner to shave. And vice versa, of course. And what if I preferred furry partners? Would it be fair for me to insist Lion no longer be bare? I don’t care either way. He’s stuck with me whether he’s furry or not.

Sometimes one of the people I follow on Twitter posts an old (1960’s?) nudist picture. Obviously, people haven’t changed. We all have the same parts. What is different is the personal grooming. Over the decades, both women and men have been grooming body hair more and more. In the last 20 years, it’s not unusual for people of either sex to have no pubic hair. No big deal, right?

That’s what I thought. I haven’t had pubic hair in over 20 years. Mrs. Lion doesn’t remove hers, but she is naturally lightly furred. Then I saw this image (Right). The women are certainly good looking, but I found myself turned off. Their bushes might as well have been bathing suits. I’ve been conditioned to respond to skin. I’ve always known that I prefer little-to-no pubic hair on my partner, but I don’t remember feeling turned off by a naked woman who has some.

Granted, I don’t spend much time looking at porn or nudist images. I enjoy seeing naked women. I’m male, after all. Until now, I didn’t realize I had such a strong filter. I like the image (Below, Left) much more. It’s a pure aesthetic with me. Over my life, I’ve experienced women with ungroomed bushes and enjoyed them in all respects. My ex never womanscaped.

Some women, probably ungroomed, argue that the reason men (me) like hairless vaginas is that we are closet pedophiles who can imagine that a hairless grown woman is really a little girl. I’ve heard this more than once. That’s just silly. A grown woman has a beautiful shape down there. It is something males are instinctively programmed to find arousing. I do.

From ancient times to the present, art often presents the female form without body hair. I think the hair visually interrupts her smooth, graceful, feminine lines. The fact that the current style is for women to take it all off tells me that I’m not alone. For the record, and to my surprise, when I see naked women I don’t find myself picturing them in bed with me.

I don’t spend any time looking at pictures of naked men. I am strictly on team vagina. I have noticed that I am far from alone in terms of manscaping. Lack of male pubic hair hardly turns any heads. A year or two ago we had a power failure that went on for more than a week. We have a generator that provided light and TV, but not enough power for our electric hot water heater or heat pump. We went to the local community center. They had power. There are a gym and locker rooms. We decided to shower there.

The men’s locker room is very much like the ones I remember from school or the YMCA. It’s a big room with lockers and benches. Adjacent is the shower room. It is open with nozzles along three walls. There is no privacy at all. When I got there, it was empty. I undressed and put my clothes in a locker. I grabbed a towel (too small to wrap around me) and went to the shower room.

While I was showering, more men came in. They joined me. I was a bit worried that I would look odd. I didn’t. All of them were groomed too. Yes, I snuck a peek. We have turned some sort of corner when it comes to body hair. The “natural” look of the last century is out. Both sexes are taking the time to show skin uncovered by hair.

I had no idea that I was so influenced by fashion. Until I saw that old, nudist picture I didn’t realize I cared so much.