Thursday night, Mrs. Lion persevered and gave me an orgasm. It was a powerful one for me. I don’t know how it is for other males, but I can’t feel whether semen is emitted. For a while, my orgasms were dry. Apparently, I’m back in production. It’s a relief for me and a treat for Mrs. Lion. I’ll never understand what she finds yummy about it. When she fed it to me in the past, I did not enjoy consuming it. She likes it too much to share with me.

I’m writing this post on Friday afternoon. I was sleeping on Thursday night when Mrs. Lion wanted to spank me for annoying her. She’s happy to do it tonight. What a sport! I think it’s a good thing that Mrs. Lion is back in disciplinary mode. It’s good for me when she is. I can’t explain why, but I feel more centered and more loved when she is in firm control. I’m definitely more sexual. My libido is connected to the expectation of being spanked.

Mrs. Lion’s spanking spoon

Mrs. Lion is a very effective spanker. I’m unhappy from the very start. The longer she goes on, the worse it gets. This is a little different from my usual response to spanking. At first, the sting is horrible. After a while, my hormones would catch up, and it wouldn’t hurt so much. Eventually, it would feel good. I would be in sub space. That never happens now. She uses particularly unpleasant paddles. Her spanking spoon is made from a dense hardwood and packs a substantial wallop. Her technique is to hit about ten times in one small area, then ten more on the other side of my bottom.

She continues this pattern until she delivers between one and three-hundred swats. Sometimes she pulls my cheeks apart and delivers the same pattern inside on the tender skin near my anus. I have no idea how she determines when to stop. Before she ends my punishment, she delivers single, very hard swats, one at a time. She alternates between cheeks. I really hate those! She often goes on and on this way. These last swats are real punishment!

Very often, Mrs. Lion will stop if I am reacting very strongly. I scream and tell her to stop. Apparently, this affects her. I also wriggle and begin to try to escape. Sometimes she will tell me to stay still and give me a particularly painful swat on my inner thigh. That works. She has also threatened to spank me more for moving. I don’t know if she does because she never says anything further. I wait for her to say, “You would be done now, but you moved too much. This is your bonus.” This kind of communication will certainly make an impression on me.

I think that more verbal communication would help me. Scolding and instructions during my spanking will help me connect the punishment to the offense. Progress reporting will let me know how I managed to make things worse for myself. A spanking is a form of communication. It expresses Mrs. Lion’s displeasure at something I’ve done or have forgotten to do. Adding verbal to paddle communication should make punishment more effective.

I want to thank Julie of strictjuliespanks, my favorite spanking blog, for her post about my book, Fan Mail. She offered me excellent editorial help and encouragement. Mrs. Lion put in endless hours helping me too. I’m working on the second book in the Leslie Peters series. Writing is my job now. Hopefully, it will bring in enough money to help us keep going.

I’m learning a lot about writing. It takes a lot more time revising and editing than it does to write. Once published, it’s incredibly hard to get noticed. If you buy and read my book, please take the time to go back to the Amazon listing and leave a review. Positive reviews go a long way to help.

Check out Lion’s new bookFan Mail” Free Preview!

As Mrs.Lion wrote in her post yesterday, I annoyed her and earned a spanking. I’m not happy about that, of course. I do think I need to clarify things from my perspective. She was upset because I told her that it looked like she was rushing me out for my appointment because she was sitting at her desk in her jacket. She didn’t respond when I said it. A short time later, I repeated the comment. Again, not a word from her. [Mrs. Lion — I responded both times that I was not rushing him.] She just angrily took off her jacket.

I got the message at that point she was upset. I wasn’t trying to piss her off. If she said, “I’m cold, and it’s more comfortable with my jacket on,” all would be fine. She didn’t growl or snarl at me. I felt bad when she took off her coat in a huff and tried to apologize. She just told me it was all right. Don’t get me wrong. I deserve the punishment. I did annoy her. Letting me know via her post is a step in the right direction. It’s progress in an area that has been very difficult for her to manage.

I spent a little time yesterday listening to the electoral college approval by the joint session of congress. It was a continuation of the Trump sour grapes festival. I was delighted to see that we will probably have a Democratic majority in the senate. Hopefully, we can put the divisive crap behind us. I’m looking forward to a more balanced, peaceful year. This isn’t a political blog. The only reason I decided to mention the (hopefully) last act in the Trump farce is that it’s been a distraction we can all do without.

Check out Lion’s new bookFan Mail” Free Preview!

We need to do a little readjusting here as well. Our disciplinary relationship has suffered this past year. It isn’t that Mrs. Lion is doing something wrong. Both of us have lost a little of our focus. Part of it is that I haven’t been encouraging Mrs. Lion to use her paddle. Her spankings are effective enough to make me want to avoid them. I know, that’s the way I’m supposed to feel. It seems to me that if I try to avoid being spanked, Mrs. Lion follows my lead.

That’s an unfortunate side effect, and I think Mrs. Lion should see my reluctance to feel her paddle as an incentive to use it more. Maybe her idea of a regular “just because” spanking makes sense. It could serve to focus me. I need to be more aware of her authority. I think she needs to be aware of it too.

I know that when I’m bent over the side of the bed and feeling that authority, I will regret the suggestion and even try to convince her to ease up. I hope she doesn’t listen. I think that this is truly a case of doing something for my own good.

I whomped Lion last night for failing to set up the coffee pot. Again. He says it’s been a while. It seems to me it hasn’t. However, I guess it all depends on what you consider “a while”. It may well have been a month, but that seems like a short time in the overall scheme of things. How long would be acceptable before he re-offends? And what if he re-re-offends? If a month is long enough to be considered a reasonable amount of time, what if he does it again in another month?

Check out Lion’s new book Fan Mail Free Preview!

In the past, he has suggested that I punish him harder and longer than the last time if he breaks the same rule again. There was no mention of the length of time for breaking the rule again. I’ve been a little reluctant to increase the punishment for repeat offenses. I don’t know why. However, in the spirit of getting better with domestic discipline, I think I should try to do so. Consider it a new year’s non-resolution.

I didn’t set out to hit him harder than the last time. I’m not even sure I was hitting him harder. Within maybe 50 swats, Lion was trying to get away and even called yellow. At the time I said I don’t think he ever did that before, but I do remember him doing it a few times I got a bit overzealous. I backed off immediately. I was almost done anyway. From the looks of it, he was starting to form bruises. I haven’t heard a report today, but when I came out of the shower last night he said his butt hurt. I said I hoped so.

A while later we snuggled and after he was ready, I sucked him. The past few nights he’s having trouble getting to the edge. He might have gotten close last night, but I’m not convinced he actually made it. [Lion — I didn’t] Since he’s been pushing me to come up with more rules, I thought of one this morning. I don’t think it’s a good one, but here goes. What if I punish him when he doesn’t make it to the edge? I guess it could be for wasting my time. I don’t know. The problem, of course, is that just after an orgasm, he won’t make it to the edge for a few days. Maybe there could be a grace period. Another issue is that I don’t want him to avoid sex if he thinks he won’t make it to the edge and, therefore, be punished. Sometimes he tells me he doesn’t feel very horny but I can try to see what happens. Will that go out the window if he thinks he’ll get swats? Plus, I don’t want to make him feel worse than he already feels when he can’t get there.

So, in conclusion, the rule is pretty stupid. But at least I’m thinking about new rules.