I spent a little time yesterday listening to the electoral college approval by the joint session of congress. It was a continuation of the Trump sour grapes festival. I was delighted to see that we will probably have a Democratic majority in the senate. Hopefully, we can put the divisive crap behind us. I’m looking forward to a more balanced, peaceful year. This isn’t a political blog. The only reason I decided to mention the (hopefully) last act in the Trump farce is that it’s been a distraction we can all do without.

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We need to do a little readjusting here as well. Our disciplinary relationship has suffered this past year. It isn’t that Mrs. Lion is doing something wrong. Both of us have lost a little of our focus. Part of it is that I haven’t been encouraging Mrs. Lion to use her paddle. Her spankings are effective enough to make me want to avoid them. I know, that’s the way I’m supposed to feel. It seems to me that if I try to avoid being spanked, Mrs. Lion follows my lead.

That’s an unfortunate side effect, and I think Mrs. Lion should see my reluctance to feel her paddle as an incentive to use it more. Maybe her idea of a regular “just because” spanking makes sense. It could serve to focus me. I need to be more aware of her authority. I think she needs to be aware of it too.

I know that when I’m bent over the side of the bed and feeling that authority, I will regret the suggestion and even try to convince her to ease up. I hope she doesn’t listen. I think that this is truly a case of doing something for my own good.

Listen to this post.


  1. How many spankings have you gotten in the last 3-6 months? Do you keep a count the same way that you do of your orgasm?

    1. Author

      No, I don’t track them. Mrs.Lion never asks me how long it’s been since my last spanking. I was spanked in the last week for forgetting the coffee pot. I’m not sure when the one before that happened.

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