Lion says that everyone knows that lions don’t have pubic hair. He certainly doesn’t!

I am not sure what’s going on, but Lion has not been interested in sex. Last night he wasn’t feeling well again. Maybe it was the late hour. Perhaps it was too much dinner – leftover turkey and fixings. Maybe he’s saving himself for when I wax his front side, and he can have some oily fun. We’ve both also been very tired. I don’t normally take naps, but I have been for the past few days. I turned off the alarm, but there’s no way to turn off the doggie alarm. She woke us up at 6:30 yesterday and 7:30 this morning. The early dog gets the pets.

I wasn’t sure when I’d finish waxing Lion. I should probably do it today, so I can be sure to finish. Bending over was hurting my back, and I didn’t have too much to do on the back. His legs were the furriest. I’m glad I started at the bottom and worked my way up. I’m not sure if I would have been able to do a good job if I’d left them for last. It’s a daunting task. He’s got a lot of fur on his legs. By the time I’m done with him, he’ll have a swimmer’s body. There won’t be any hair left to slow him down in the water. Streamlined. Sleek.

I have no idea why Lion likes to be furless. It’s not like any wild lions are running around bare. Mexican hairless dogs look funny to me. Sphinx cats are weird-looking. Why would I want a hairless Lion? Well, I don’t want a completely hairless Lion. He likes waxed legs. I don’t. I do them every so often, so he gets his way. The rest of the time, they are furry.

When I clean him up, I slather oil all over him. It softens the wax. Then I use a towel to rub off the oil and the wax. Of course, when I’m waxing his front, I pay some attention to my weenie. I have to move it out of the way, and sometimes there is a hair or two on it. Once the oil comes out, that weenie gets extra attention. Lion says he doesn’t like lube. I guess oil is another thing. He gets very hard when I start jerking him off. Super hard. I haven’t given any thought to where he is in his wait when I wax him. Have I ever waxed him the day after an orgasm? I wonder if the oil would work its magic then. Is it the oil or the length of time he’s waited that’s the key?

I think today is day eight. That’s not much of a wait in the overall scheme of things. I doubt I’ll give him an orgasm while I’m cleaning him up. That’s too easy. The oil would do half the work for me. I like more of a challenge than that.

Lion mentioned that I haven’t had him wear his shock collar in a while.

There’s a flaw in my weekend plans. Lion pointed out that I have to wax his buns before I spank them. If I spank him first, he will be sore for days, and the skin may even be broken. I can’t wax him in that state. Therefore, I have to wax his moon side before I spank him. That makes sense. I hadn’t thought of that. It doesn’t necessarily alter my plans. It just changes them around a bit.

I shoved everything into the pantry when I “cleaned” the house for the dog trainer’s visit. The waxing table is under a mound of stuff. I have to do some excavating before I can wax Lion. While the wax is melting, I can dig my way down to the table and get things ready. I should wax at least part of him today. Otherwise, it will be Sunday all of a sudden, and I’ll be scrambling to get things done. The question is, which side of Lion to wax first.

Despite my intentions of doing something earlier in the day yesterday, we did not. After dinner, Lion snoozed a bit and then wasn’t interested in sex. Do I try again tonight and then wax his front tomorrow? Or do wax the front today and try to get him interested when he’s oiled up? If I wax the backside today, I can spank him later on. Maybe that will jump-start things. The bottom line, pun intended, is that I have to figure out how to get him interested again. It’s been a few days, and I know he wants to do something. We were talking about getting the dog a shock collar, and he mentioned that I hadn’t used his shock collar in a long time. If he wants his balls zapped, he must be interested on some level.

I was thinking about the shock collar last week. While I’m working from home and he’s in his office, I could either vibrate or shock him to let him know I’m thinking about him. A love tap of sorts. [Lion — A love zap.]

This year we promise to cook it first.

Today is Thanksgiving. It’s a day to visit with family and stuff your face. Our family lives far away so it’s just us stuffing our faces. We’re watching a dog show, marveling at all the different breeds and how much grooming some of them require. We’ll start cooking in a little while.

This morning we set up my work computer. Things didn’t go exactly to plan but, aside from plugging in an internet connection and phone, everything is working. Now I have to set up the rest of my crap to get ready for Monday morning.

We met with the dog trainer yesterday afternoon. Our dear Willow apparently thinks she’s just one of us. We have to learn how to convince her she needs to listen to us. I’m not at all sure why they call it dog training. Usually it’s the owners who need training. In this case, I’ll probably be the problem student. As you know, I’m inconsistent. I’ll give it my best shot.

Despite the lion weather report of hot, by the time we tried, things had cooled off. He was hard for a short time but I couldn’t keep him interested. Once we get the turkey in the oven, maybe we’ll try again. Lion is snoozing at the moment so he should be all rested up.

One of these days, I need to give him a “just because” spanking. He’s interrupted a few times. I haven’t growled yet. I suppose I should. I guess I’ve been too stressed by the dog and work lately. I need to make Lion more of a priority.

Lion after I wax his body. The only hair left is on his head and arms. Maybe I’ll wax his arms too.

In this morning’s email was, in part, the following message: “The lion weather is hot.” Mmmmm…horny Lion. I had a feeling. We haven’t done much for the past few days. We’ve both been tired, and one of us was not feeling our best on any given day. Last night Lion asked when we might have some sex. Yup. I had a feeling the lion weather was toasty.

The good news is that I have the next four days off. The even better news is that I’ll be working from home from now on, so we’ll be together all of the time. I’ve already promised Lion that he’ll be getting waxed this weekend. Depending on how much, or little, I wax, I can do both the moon side and the sunny side in one day. However, I decided it was time for Lion to be bare. I probably shouldn’t have waited for the colder part of the year to do it, but what can you do. I know Lion likes to be hairless except for his head and arms. That’s a lot of work. I think his legs look funny with no hair, so I tend to leave them furry, but I guess he can think of it as an early Christmas present. I plan on doing one side per day. Which days? I don’t know yet. I think we can eliminate tomorrow since we’ll be cooking and getting things ready for our yummy turkey dinner. The other three days are fair game.

My hard, hairless lion

Waxing has little to do with the lion weather. I do like to jerk him off when he’s all oiled up while I’m getting the wax bits off him. It gets him all hot and bothered, but I don’t edge him. There’s no real reason why I can’t. There’s no real reason I can’t give him an orgasm then. I’ll miss out on my lion cream filling, but I think I can survive without it just this once. Of course, I haven’t decided if he’ll have an orgasm then. I usually decide on the spur of the moment.

Since I know the lion weather is hot, I can have more fun deciding. Do I leave him hanging? Do I put him out of his misery? He’s only been waiting five days at this point. I don’t think there’s any misery yet. There will be. Maybe not misery, but certainly frustration. I don’t think he’ll have an orgasm until I have a chance to wax his sunny side. That’s when I’ll have him slathered in mineral oil to clean him up. It would be less fun for both of us if he weren’t horny then. I love a super hard, oily weenie.

I think Lion will enjoy his Thanksgiving weekend.