Lion mentioned that I haven’t had him wear his shock collar in a while.

There’s a flaw in my weekend plans. Lion pointed out that I have to wax his buns before I spank them. If I spank him first, he will be sore for days, and the skin may even be broken. I can’t wax him in that state. Therefore, I have to wax his moon side before I spank him. That makes sense. I hadn’t thought of that. It doesn’t necessarily alter my plans. It just changes them around a bit.

I shoved everything into the pantry when I “cleaned” the house for the dog trainer’s visit. The waxing table is under a mound of stuff. I have to do some excavating before I can wax Lion. While the wax is melting, I can dig my way down to the table and get things ready. I should wax at least part of him today. Otherwise, it will be Sunday all of a sudden, and I’ll be scrambling to get things done. The question is, which side of Lion to wax first.

Despite my intentions of doing something earlier in the day yesterday, we did not. After dinner, Lion snoozed a bit and then wasn’t interested in sex. Do I try again tonight and then wax his front tomorrow? Or do wax the front today and try to get him interested when he’s oiled up? If I wax the backside today, I can spank him later on. Maybe that will jump-start things. The bottom line, pun intended, is that I have to figure out how to get him interested again. It’s been a few days, and I know he wants to do something. We were talking about getting the dog a shock collar, and he mentioned that I hadn’t used his shock collar in a long time. If he wants his balls zapped, he must be interested on some level.

I was thinking about the shock collar last week. While I’m working from home and he’s in his office, I could either vibrate or shock him to let him know I’m thinking about him. A love tap of sorts. [Lion — A love zap.]

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