This isn’t my usual sort of post. Spoiler alert: this isn’t about sex. It’s about America and the way I see things happening. William Randolph Hearst and other newspaper publishers learned that the secret of success is to appeal to the emotions of the reader. Talk radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh carry on this seedy tradition. All you have to do is pick issues that trigger emotions. A typical one is “immigration”. Paint a picture of waves of dirty, uneducated, criminal foreigners washing over our shores and stealing our jobs. This image will rile up the bile of people that don’t like to think for themselves.

Traditionally, politicians sort of follow this pattern. They tend to be a little more careful about issues they pick. If they want to be elected, they want to appeal to the most voters. Donald Trump, former reality TV personality, decided to run for president using this yellow journalistic approach. His advisers sensed that a lot of middle-class Americans felt disenfranchised by the intellectual elite. Heaven only knows why people would feel that George W. Bush was an intellectual. Anyway, Trump ran on a platform of knee-jerk issues.

He wouldn’t have been elected if the Democratic Party didn’t foolishly select the one candidate guaranteed to alienate an even bigger swath of voters than Trump appealed to. Maybe it was the high after successfully putting the first African-American president into office. I don’t know. It could have been Hillary cashing in on her husband’s substantial Democratic Party political capital.

She ran on a platform that was both reasonable and humanitarian. It carried on the tradition of Obama and her husband. I believe that any other candidate would have won with that platform. That’s water under the bridge. My point is that Donald Trump managed to actually win the election. He did it by appealing to the Archie Bunker in many white, male, high school-educated voters.

the wall of shame

He wanted to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. Talk about a simple solution to a complex problem. He wanted to end Obama Care because red-blooded Americans don’t want to be forced into having health insurance. He had a bunch of other similar issues. He had some that weren’t so widely publicized. He wanted to lower the capital gains tax and eliminate the death tax. He also promised to reduce income taxes for people earning more than half a million a year. Of course, these people constitute less than 2% of the voters, but they represented a lot of money for his campaign.

He is easily the most venal American president in history. All those campaign promises were bad enough. Working tirelessly to make them come true guaranteed that the American people would be sharply divided. Even the worst of presidents had sufficient moral fiber to recognize that their job was to unite the people and build the country. Not Donald Trump. When asked about how he felt about the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, he said, “They aren’t my voters.”

Nixon visited China, he went to North Korea

He also admires and actively woos Russian president Vladimir Putin. In fact, Putin actively supported his campaign. When confronted with the fact that Russia was paying bounties to Taliban fighters for killing Americans, Trump claimed he never heard about it. US intelligence officials pointed out that it was in his briefing as early as January. He also admires the presidents of North Korea and China. He admires dictators.

The most incredible thing to me is that he can’t help but lie. He lies about big things and very little things as well. His most recent lie was that under Pres. Obama the American lobster industry was floundering (yeah, I know, couldn’t resist). He tweeted that thanks to him, the industry is booming. It’s been booming for years and has nothing whatsoever to do with him. He also lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. He claimed it was hundreds of thousands larger than it actually was. This is particularly dumb since the event was televised and everyone could see how many people were there.

Trump isn’t the first venal and corrupt president. Richard Nixon famously had his men break into the Watergate Hotel to raid the Democratic Party headquarters there. He then proceeded to lie about it. He got caught and eventually resigned. History isn’t going to think that Nixon was such a bad president, after all. He may have been venal and corrupt, but he also worked very hard to advance America. He opened up China for Americans and ended the Vietnam War. In fact, his foreign policy is considered excellent.

Missing Richard Nixon

Nixon cared about America. Trump doesn’t. He only cares about himself. He’s been counting 2020 votes since he was elected in 2016. It’s been his top priority. Endless articles have been published in the New York Times, the New Yorker, and other publications about the frighteningly bad job he’s doing. More and more Americans are noticing. At the end of June, the number of Americans believing he is doing a good job fell below 40%. No president in recent history has been elected who’s fallen below 40% in June of an election year. Polls show him behind in every swing state he won in 2016.

I know that a lot of people believe that unless he’s reelected the Democrats will erase what they perceive as his gains. Trump spends a lot of his time vilifying Democrats. The truth is that only the most right-wing Republicans can stomach his perspective. The others have fallen into line because his team has threatened them and their ability to be reelected. With his current falling popularity, these more moderate Republicans will be free to move away from him.

The reason I decided to write this post is that it’s important to separate the man from the issues. For example, I am pretty conservative when it comes to immigration. I think we have to tighten up our borders and be more restrictive about who we let in. I also think we have to find a way to assimilate the illegal aliens that have been with us for years and years. I don’t know the answer, but I’m very sure it isn’t building a wall. By the way, the wall hasn’t done any good at all. More people are coming across our borders illegally from the south than ever before. Obama was just as conservative when it came to illegal aliens as the current administration. You don’t need Trump to be hard on illegal immigration.

The world’s view of the United States is embarrassing. The blustering, ignorant, lying leader has embarrassed himself and our country throughout Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. He has insulted NATO. He has pulled out of some of the most important treaties other presidents fought to pass. He has worked to legitimize North Korea. That’s purely insane. During the Vietnam War, when the world’s view of America was dim because of our unjustified involvement there, a lot of American youth traveling to Europe would tell people they were from Canada. It was too embarrassing to admit to being a citizen of a country acting so insanely. If I were to travel abroad, assuming Europe would let us in again, I would also tell people I’m from Canada. Well, maybe not Canada, its government isn’t all that wonderful right now. Maybe I’ll just stay home.

I’m writing this post on July 4. I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject for some time. All of the positions that the Republicans have taken aren’t horrible. Some make a lot of sense. Similarly, the Democrats sometimes go overboard and other times come up with good stuff. The upcoming election is not about issues. Issues are largely worked out in Congress. That’s the place where party affiliation has the most value. The President of the United States is responsible for keeping the country moving on an even keel. Every single citizen should feel he is their advocate. I don’t have an advocate in the White House. I’m not one of his voters.

Happy Independence Day!

Thursday night Mrs. Lion went a bit too far with her oral teasing and I had a ruined orgasm. I can’t complain. My last one was in June 2019. Not bad. Neither of us enjoys them, but they are a natural consequence of edging.

Before the sexual portion of the program, I picked from the Box O’Fun. I got “coconut oil handjob”. I asked Mrs. Lion if I could pick a different card. It’s not that I don’t like the feeling of that viscous oil lubing my penis while Mrs. Lion expertly jerks me off, I just wasn’t in the mood.

If she refused to let me pick again, that would have been fine. However, she generously agreed to let me try again. I should have stayed with the coconut oil. My second pick was the dreaded dollhouse clothespins. She laughed. I didn’t.

Mrs. Lion got them out. She teased me until I was fully erect, then she began putting them on the head of my cock. She put on four: one at twelve-o’clock, three-o’clock, six-o’clock, and nine-o’clock. (Picture of the four little clothespins on the head of my penis).

This is the most uncomfortable activity in the Box O’Fun. My previous record was two on the head. I don’t know why but the four on Thursday night weren’t as painful as I remember. I suppose that means Mrs. Lion can put more on next time. At one time we discussed seeing if I could learn to handle a ring of them all the way around the head of my cock.

One of the particularly unpleasant aspects of this particular play is that while it is painful to feel them digging into me, it hurts a lot more when they come off. It’s the sort of diabolical BDSM activity that Mrs. Lion likes.

She enjoys arguing that if I really didn’t like those little clothespins on the head of my penis, I wouldn’t stay hard while they were on. She generally “forgets” to mention that she is busy masturbating me the entire time they are riding on me. I suppose that if I really hated the experience, she couldn’t keep me erect.

Once more my penis betrays me.

There is a tendency for our readers to just think of us in terms of our sexual adventures. That makes sense because we created this blog to write about them. These activities don’t define us though they permeate our day-to-day lives. For example, our domestic discipline extends into every aspect of our lives. There are no boundaries on when or how I earn punishment. More about that later.

Pandemic tip: Social distance greeting!

By trade, I am a technology manager and Mrs. Lion is an insurance specialist. Her company put her on furlough in late March. She went back to work in April when her company got a Federal loan. I went on furlough the end of April and I am still not back to work. The $600 a week emergency relief has saved us. That, combined with her unemployment benefit gave Mrs. Lion a bit more than her normal take-home pay. My combined benefit is considerably lower. Still, it is enough to keep us going.

I can’t help but worry that I won’t be called back to work. I realize that it’s been less than three months, but still… If the weekly emergency money is allowed to expire this month, we will be in serious trouble. Obviously, I worry about this. However, I’m actively trying to remain positive.

One very nice benefit is that Mrs. Lion’s boss is letting her work from home three days a week. It’s great that we are together most of the time. Of course, she has to work, but we can chat a bit and she and I have lunch together. Since she doesn’t have to commute, we have an extra hour together each day she is home.

No spankings before dark!

One thing that doesn’t change is that Mrs. Lion still holds off on any disciplinary or sexual activity until after dark. It’s odd since we have a lot of opportunities every day of the week. In fact, since we are both being very careful about avoiding contact with people, we have a great deal of time alone at home; much more than we had before COVID-19.

I must be missing something. I don’t understand this. She can take the five or ten minutes needed to punish me if I do something during the day, but she doesn’t. Now that there are almost no bars to immediately reacting, things still haven’t changed.

That goes for our, well my, sexual activities. I can count on one hand the number of times we started before 8 PM. I would like to start earlier since I tend to get sleepy later in the evening.

I wonder why we aren’t taking advantage of the newer opportunities we have. We’ve discussed this several times. Each time, Mrs. Lion agrees that we should be able to take advantage of our schedule, but we don’t.

It isn’t that we don’t make progress at all. Mrs. Lion continues to “perfect” her spanking technique. She keeps improving as a disciplinary wife. Every spanking is extremely painful and memorable. She isn’t bothered by my expressions of displeasure or my wriggling. She is determined to do the job at hand. I’m not complaining. I’m proud of her.

There has to be a reason why we can’t pursue DD and sex during the day. I’m available and naked all the time. I wish I could figure it out. It’s one thing to delay punishment because it is an inconvenient time. It’s another to just delay it for no particular reason.

Male sexual response is highly dependent on age. As we grow older, it becomes more difficult to physically arouse us. Generally we need more stimulation to get hard and our refractory period gets longer and longer. When I was 20, I could come twice with only 10 or 15 minutes between activities. Now that I am more than twice that age, it’s difficult for me to get off less than two days after my last orgasm.

This is very common. Sadly, most of us get interested in BDSM, orgasm control (including wearing chastity devices), spanking, and other more exotic sexual activities when we are over 40 years old. All of this stuff would be much easier to do and clearly more dramatic if our hormones were flowing more freely. Imagine how much more difficult male chastity would be for a 20-year-old.

The subject that’s both appealing and useful, especially as we age, is male sexual training. A lot of the fantasies are around training a guy to get hard on command and perhaps ejaculating when told. The first, getting hard on command, is probably fairly easy to do with the younger man. Us older guys need physical stimulation.

using your other sex organ: your brain

We recognize that our most powerful sex organ is our brain. Extending the concept, suggests that by stimulating the brain we can also produce physical arousal. I absolutely believe this. When I write or read about activities that are exciting, I find myself getting hard. Unfortunately, this isn’t a reliable way to arouse me.

I can’t predict which topic or stimulus will physically turn me on. Apparently there are other factors below the surface that affect this. However, it’s obvious that I can produce an erection without direct physical stimulation if conditions are right.

In “Clockwork Orange” the villains play Beethoven’s symphonies while they torture people. It gets to the point that just hearing Beethoven sends them into a panic. They have been taught to associate the music with a brutal experience.

learning from religions

Religions do the same thing. Over years of church attendance, people learn to associate the music, the smells, and the drone of prayers with a mental state that is both receptive and powerfully linked to what they call “prayer”. While we don’t have a lot of studies on the topic, there is good evidence that when in that mental state, people can make things happen. No, they can’t make spoons bend or objects rise, but they can affect disease to some extent and influence events involving friends and relatives.

Eastern religions go more directly to this mental state. Practitioners are conditioned by the smell of incense, the repeat of mantras, particular physical positions, and other techniques to quickly get into that special mental state. I am a strong believer in this.

The big question is, can we do the same thing with sexual stimulation? I’m pretty sure that we can have some success. I think it’s age-dependent as well as requiring absolute consistency in preparation. In other words, a strictly organized approach is needed to make this work.

Teaching your senses

If you are willing to try, a multi-sensory approach probably has the best chance of succeeding.

1 Sound Most of us associate particular music with events of importance to us: our first dance with a loved one, a particularly poignant moment in life, the loss of someone. You get the idea. It’s the “Clockwork Orange” association. It doesn’t have to be music. It could be the sound of the ocean, a thunderstorm, or any other sound that influences your feelings. Pick one. Produce it when you’re getting ready to begin the mood for sex.

2 Smell Our sense of smell is directly wired to our emotional center. Remember the smell of brownies baking in grandma’s kitchen? How about your lover’s scent when he or she is excited? You get the idea. Since we want to set the stage for arousal, we need a scent that we can easily produce when setting a scene. One choice is incense. That won’t work for me. I am allergic to most of them. Perhaps a perfume might work. Women have been using that for centuries to attract men. You get the idea. Put on the music or sound, and produce the scent.

3 Touch This is the trickiest arousal stimulus. In the beginning, it has to be direct stimulation of the penis. If you are young, it may be just touching you someplace other than your genitals that will work. For us older guys, we probably need direct penile stimulation at first. The trick is to use at least two points of stimulation.

Start off with touching a sexually exciting spot that is not the penis. If it can be a G-rated spot, like behind your ear, so much the better. If not, rubbing the butt or balls almost certainly will help. When you start out, your partner should first stimulate that second spot. Then, without stopping move to your penis and stimulate there as well.

The idea is to teach you to associate getting an erection with stimulation on that other part of your body. You will almost certainly learn to be able to do this. After you do, your partner can try stimulating a less directly-sexual location in the same way to see if you can be trained to get hard doing that too.

putting it together

Our objective is to use the combination of stimuli to produce sexual arousal. I don’t think it’s possible to do this by yourself. You may be able to do it. Anyway, a good approach is to first execute step one. Put on the music you want to associate with arousal. Be naked when you do. Your objective is to learn to get hard as quickly as possible with minimal direct stimulation.

Next, step two: Initiate the scent you want to associate with arousal. The music is playing. Your partner is with you, and you are naked. Give yourself some time. Lie down on the bed with your partner. Snuggle a bit. No touching right now! Just close your eyes and absorb the sound and the scent.

Once you are relaxed, your partner should then touch. In the beginning, she will directly stimulate your penis while also gently rubbing the secondary spot. In my case, gently tickling my balls is very erotic.

Don’t expect a lot to happen in the beginning. You almost certainly will get hard because she is playing with your penis. That’s good. Stay there, relaxing, and soaking in the feelings.

Her job is to get you as excited as possible. You aren’t going for the gold. You want to just feel how exciting it is as she does these things for you. Once you are thoroughly turned on, she should stop.

This isn’t edging or teasing. She should stop well before you get close to ejaculating. After she stops, relax and breathe in the scent and enjoy the sound. She will probably be touching you in other places. Enjoy the close, sensuous experience. After you lose your erection, she can stimulate the non–penis spot, balls in my case, again. Continue that stimulation for a while to see if your penis reacts. If it doesn’t, she can stimulate your penis until you are thoroughly turned on again.

Rinse and repeat. A training session would probably contain four or five sets of “exercises”. When you are done, that doesn’t mean you get to ejaculate, relax a bit, and then turn off the music. Remember, this is an exercise in arousal not ejaculation.

training for both of you

The value of exercises like this is to condition you both to associate activities, smells, and sounds with male arousal. Your partner may well get turned on too. That’s fine, but it isn’t for her. The idea is that she will have a very interesting tool that will get you hard and ready for more activity.

It will also teach both of you that sex with a man does not have to end in ejaculation. Women already know that this is true of themselves. Both men and women have been conditioned to believe that once a man is hard and directly stimulated, ejaculation has to occur. These exercises can help change that view.

Obviously, this can be done in a BDSM context. It certainly doesn’t have to be. Redirecting sources of male arousal is helpful. Most of us never got a chance to learn the value of non-penile stimulation.

Even if these exercises never train you to get hard when stimulated someplace other than your penis, it will teach you both how to relax and enjoy a nice, sensuous experience.

This can take a long time to work. Like most things sexual and BDSM, consistency is critical. Perhaps one of these sessions always precedes actual sex. That would probably strengthen the connection between these other stimuli and male arousal.

If you try this, please let me know your experiences.