lion's spanked bottom
Mrs. Lion likes to feel the leathery skin on my butt after she spanks me. A little blood doesn’t bother her. She enjoys doing quality work.

Mrs. Lion finally spanked me. We got off to a poor start. The strap she found was a short one bought for a different purpose. She decided to go ahead without restraining me. I wasn’t too cooperative. She was right. My butt was virgin again, and I couldn’t hold still on the spanking bench. I wasn’t too bad at first. She used a leather paddle that hurt but was manageable. When she switched to wood, I nearly levitated.

Well before the ten-minute timer went off, she quit. She told me that I needed to get back in condition. I know what that means: more spankings, a lot more. In the spirit of cooperation, this morning, I suggested we try the restraint belt I got. She agreed. I’m pretty sure that the try will include a spanking once I’m strapped down to the spanking bench.

I asked Mrs. Lion if she liked to spank me. She said that she doesn’t know. OK, fair enough. She doesn’t mind paddling me. On many occasions, she’s commented on the quality of her work. She likes seeing my bottom turn deep red. She likes feeling the skin turn leathery. She also likes to learn that it hurts to sit for days after she spanked me.

This seems to fit the way she views our disciplinary activity in general. She likes catching me breaking a rule. I think she likes seeing my obvious conflict between wanting a spanking and hating it once she begins beating me. I also think she likes how regular spanking seems to activate my interest in sex.

There’s also the matter of control. Mrs. Lion doesn’t enjoy being in charge. Our marriage is a partnership. We make most decisions together. She likes me to manage our finances and make many decisions for us. She doesn’t want me to be submissive. It’s a good thing; I’m not.

That doesn’t disqualify her from taking charge of our domestic discipline. No rule says a disciplinary wife has to be the dictator in charge of the household. Each couple has the freedom to define it how it works best for them.

In our family, Mrs. Lion has the right to make any rule she wants me to follow. She can assign chores and dictate behavioral changes. Anything she hasn’t specified remains part of our original partnership. She can punish me at will and in any way she wants. So far, she has made very limited use of this power. Spanking remains her sole method of punishing me.

Her interest in using this power ebbs and flows. Life often intrudes, and Mrs. Lion puts her disciplinary role on the back burner. It’s difficult for her to prioritize domestic discipline. Spanking was never part of her life before me. Exercising authority is alien to her. I’m grateful that she’s worked so hard to be my disciplinary wife. I hope we can get back to DD very soon.

During my Wednesday marathon of documentary watching, I saw one about American nazis. As it turns out, in the 1920’s and 1930’s, many Americans were unhappy with our experiment in democracy. This unhappiness grew after the stock market crash and the depression began. Nazis and the Klu Klux Klan were popular across the US.

Many people believed that a strong leader unfettered by Congress was needed to set things straight. America needed to focus on its own needs and stop worrying about the rest of the world. The nazi craze preceded Hitler and his genocide of Jews and others he disliked.  The American version was aimed at rebuilding the US as a Christian nation. It was fascism. Even the New York Times published articles praising Mussolini and the wonderful progress he was fostering in Italy. Fascism was trending. World War II ended the craze, and populism led to a return to democracy. The documentary “Nazi Town, USA” aired in January and is available to view online.

This documentary frightened me. The story looked disturbingly familiar. What’s happening here now resembles what happened in the 1920’s. A disturbingly large number of Americans believe that democracy (the popular term now is “the Democrats”) can’t effectively govern our nation. They want a strong leader like Putin in Russia. Congress, elections, and the courts are viewed as barriers to success. A self-proclaimed demigod, the former president has proclaimed that he can restore prosperity and bring happiness to the land.

The temptation is to blame the former president. He’s not the root cause any more than the Grand Wizard of the Klan. Given the current sentiment in the country, if someone were to kill him, another would take his place. The problem is a loss of faith in democracy’s ability to right the ship. Our government has become dysfunctional. The two houses of Congress are controlled by opposing forces. Cooperation, even when both agree, doesn’t happen.

Take the immigration situation. The Far Right and the moderates in both houses agreed on a plan to strengthen the southern border. The president supported it. The Grand Wizard, former President Trump, pressured his supporters to kill the bill, even though it contained exactly what he wanted. Why? He said it would help the Democrats in the election. He believes putting him in power is more important than protecting our country.

In the last few decades, the meanings of Right and Left have changed. In the past, conservatives believed in a smaller Federal government and a balanced budget. Christian fundamentalist churches became more political and used the pulpit to advance causes and candidates that their leaders supported.

how to become a dictator

Following the news and this documentary, I think I understand the rather simple process one follows to become the next Putin, Hitler, or Trump. It’s not complicated at all.

Dictators get to power by getting popular support. The idea is to build a base of followers who will help spread the word and convert more people to your cause. Trump started with endless speeches against the flood of illegal immigrants entering the American southern border. His solution was easy to understand: build a 2,000-mile wall to keep them out. He went on to say that these illegals were criminals, sex and drug dealers, and terrorists.

In the beginning, he also said that he wanted to root out illegals living in the US and deport them. When someone told him that many of these illegal residents were family members of Hispanic voters, he dropped that cause.

The immigration issue drew a lot of support among white lower-middle-class people. These, almost exclusively Christian people rallied around him. In 2015 he rocketed from 18th in the presidential race to second in a matter of weeks.

Trump recognizes the importance of his base. He knows that to keep them motivated, he needs to keep feeding them easy-to-digest information that will resonate. He also took a hint from talk radio and demonized anyone who opposed him. He gives them demeaning nicknames: “Crooked Hillary,” “Sleepy Joe,” etc. Putin handles the problem of opposition a little differently; he simply has his opponents killed. Trump can’t do that yet.

Keeping things simple is the key. Isolating issues that resonate with his base and expanding it is critical. All fascist dictators use this playbook. They hide behind nationalism. They isolate their country.

Once they get into power, they have to lock themselves in power. The base isn’t reliable enough to do that. Putin used money to consolidate his power. He made billionaires of his powerful friends. He courted the military leaders and made them rich. Once a dictator controls the military, revolution is nearly impossible.

When Trump was president, he tried to do this. He worked to get the generals to support him. They didn’t buy his line. Our founding fathers were smart. They knew that power-hungry fascists would try to retain power.

When his base wasn’t quite big enough in 2020, Trump tried to stay in power despite losing the election. Trump never backs down from a position. A decade after Obama proved he was born in the US, Trump still insists that he is a foreigner. Trump, and many of his more ignorant followers, still believe that the Democrats stole the election.

Dictators know that people have trouble staying with issues. The base is much happier hating a person. That’s why you see demonstrations against a government aimed it its leader. Biden is the enemy, not a policy the base is told doesn’t work.

Demonize the people. Trump demonizes the entire Democratic Party, accusing them of being communists and dangerous to the country. He acts as though theDemocrats are a cohesive, unified mob. He ignores the fact that the party has a ton of different, often conflicting factions no different than the Republicans.

The key to becoming a dictator and killing democracy is building a majority base. You simplify complex issues into bite-sized bits easily digested by undereducated citizens.

Democracy isn’t an easy form of government to preserve. Every citizen has to understand the core values that keep it alive. The people have to be able to peacefully remove a leader from power when they want change. Democracy doesn’t guarantee good government. It allows the people to change things when they want. As long as the government supports checks and balances and the peaceful transfer of power, democracy will survive and serve the people.

There is no question that our democracy is messy, often slow to make changes, and often wrong. The government can tie itself into a knot. That’s the price of a system that fairly represents the country’s citizens. Sure, a single dictator could just get things done. All you have to do is look at a little history to see how that turns out.

Even if Donald Trump had all of the right answers, I would oppose him. He has made it clear that if he is returned to office, he not only intends to stay there, he wants to suspend the constitution to consolidate his power. Why? He says because it is good for us. No, not good for me.

Hint, hint

Everything has been on hold for the last few days. We both have/had a bug that makes us need to lie down. I spent all day Wednesday in bed watching PBS documentaries. Well, mostly watched; I snoozed a lot too. Mrs. Lion managed to put in a full day’s work and then went to bed. We got take-out Chinese food (bad) for dinner.

As you probably guessed, there was no spanking or sex. It was the last thing on our minds. That’s not entirely true. Mrs. Lion did agree that it’s been a while since my last orgasm. She also made it clear that the orgasm is second on her list. A spanking is her first order of business. I agree, in case you want to know.

As a writer, I think I can describe every experience. I’ve written a lot about my complex and often conflicting feelings about being spanked. It’s hard to admit that so much of my life connects to having my bottom paddled. Like it or not, it does. Mrs. Lion has her own difficulty articulating the role spanking plays in her life. The easy part is that she spanks me because I need it. That’s the same reason she gives me oral sex. She wants me to be happy.

For a long time, I figured that was the only reason she spanked me. I knew that enforcing rules was mostly a game she liked to play. The fact that playing effected positive changes in me was a nice extra. I like the idea of domestic discipline. It’s a subject that I’ve spent a lot of time writing about. In the harsh glare of daylight, I have to admit that there really aren’t that many issues in our marriage that would benefit from disciplinary spankings. Mrs. Lion would have divorced me years ago if there were.

I think that Mrs. Lion likes domestic discipline, too. She enjoys catching me breaking a rule. She gets a glint in her eyes when she informs me that I forgot to do a chore. It doesn’t really upset her if I forget to set up the coffee pot or remind her of punishment day. I know that. She likes the game. You know what? It doesn’t matter. The result is the same. I get what I need, and she has fun.

When it comes to the actual activity of beating me, things get more complex. For a long time, she genuinely disliked spanking me. Over several years, she said that she stopped having bad feelings about beating me. She said that it became just another thing she did for me. There were no emotions attached. Vacuum the bedroom, beat the lion, all the same thing.

If that’s how she feels, I’m fine with that. I think that there is more under the surface. Mrs. Lion doesn’t like to drill down into her feelings. I could be completely wrong, but I think spanking me is more important to her than just another way to keep me happy. I think it has value for her as well.

Of course, she’s the only one who can know that. It would be nice if she found some pleasure in it, too. If not, we are certainly OK. I’m getting what I need, and Mrs. Lion gets some extra cardio exercise.

turning the tables

One of the more amusing aspects of spanking is how it self-cures one of a submissive’s most annoying habits: more. One constant in BDSM that leaks into disciplinary relationships is the “greedy bottom.” Nothing is ever enough. I have to admit that I’ve suffered from this, too.

If the primary activity is spanking, no matter how pain resistant the bottom’s butt, it’s fairly easy to push him to his limit. If a request for “more” is greeted by a serious increase in spanking force, speed, and length, the bottom (me), will be sorry he wanted to step things up.

In most BDSM activities, the top has to work long and hard to provide stimulation for the bottom. More bondage, more CBT, more…well, you get it, means more work for the top. More spanking does require additional effort from the top, but she has considerable leverage in terms of the amount of suffering she can deliver without breaking a sweat.

Most spanking toys are designed to make it easy for the top to have a strong effect on her bottom. As Mrs. Lion has learned, changing to a heavier wood paddle, or just swinging a bit harder and faster, will make me yelp and scream. I used to ask for more serious spankings. I rarely do that now. Why? Because Mrs. Lion is happy to oblige and I’m always very sorry when she does.

I wasn’t feeling well when I put my medications in their little pockets. I can never remember which one will put me to sleep, so I usually check. However, that little step seemed like too much effort. And now I think I’m paying for it. I’ve been really tired. Of course, I’ve been tired from being sick but this is a can’t-keep-my-eyes-open kind of tired, and it happened right around the time I started taking the new batch of pills. I need to figure out which medication is the culprit and switch it to nighttime pockets.

Last night, we tried a new Chinese restaurant. It was not a success. A few weeks ago, we tried a pizza place. That was not a success either. There are plenty more of both kinds of restaurants. We just need to go down the list. Last night’s fiasco was courtesy of a website with a promising picture of Moo Goo Gai Pan. The Yelp reviews for everything around here are a mix of “I’d eat there every day if I could” to “I barfed my guts out when I got home” for the same restaurant. It’s hard to figure out which one to choose.

I need to get back to unpacking. Lion would like me to unpack more of his office, but I think mine is worse. I have one narrow path in, and the dog competes with me when it’s time to walk in or out. I don’t have my personal computer set up because the work computer took precedence. I don’t know if I’ll get it set up anytime soon. I’m just looking to declutter, have room to move my chair around, and not trip over the dog on my way in or out.

Once we both feel better, Lion’s butt will get the much-anticipated whomping. Will it be tonight? Maybe. I’m tired, but that’s the medicine talking. I’m sure I can muster up the strength to beat his butt if he’s up for it. [Lion — Yup, I feel better too.] My role takes more energy, but he has to be prepared to take the swats. That’s not necessarily something you can do if you don’t feel well.