Yes, I was supposed to ask. Lion said he was horny yesterday, but by the time I got to him (a combination of both of us doing things) he didn’t seem horny. Of course, it was under the blankets, and I was rubbing my weenie. This isn’t necessarily the way to get him all revved up. He made some purring noises, but he never really got hard. I should have checked to see if he was still horny and maybe offered a different kind of stimulation.

Today, I’m tackling the laundry. It’s a continuation of the mountain of bedding. We have a lot of comforters, and I tend to let them pile up before I wash them all. I also ordered groceries and cleaned the kitchen a little bit. Lion asked if I’d wax him today. I said maybe. However, I have to clean up the pantry to even think about waxing. It’s not only things that are on the waxing table. I need to reorganize things. If all that wasn’t enough, I think I have a cold. I did a COVID test just to be sure it wasn’t that. It isn’t.

Anyway, when Lion is done editing his book, he’ll take a shower. I like spanking freshly showered butts. Well, his, anyway. I’ve never spanked anyone else’s butt, freshly showered or otherwise. I’ll let him get warm under the blankets, and then I’ll whomp him for five minutes. He’s been a good boy. There’s no need for ten minutes. Since I’m spanking him before dinner, maybe I can have a do-over for last night. I don’t know if he’s horny, but I can try. Sometimes I can be very persuasive, especially if I offer to suck him.

Tomorrow, I can reorganize the pantry while I’m waiting for the wax to melt. He’s a very furry boy.

Thursday night was Mrs. Lion’s first add-on punishment for growling at the TV. In her post yesterday, “Not What Either of Us Expected,” she confessed to having trouble administering the second five minutes of my spanking. In fact, she questioned spanking me for relatively minor rules like forgetting to close the shower door. She managed to give me a full ten minutes, but from my perspective, she wasn’t trying very hard. Click here to see the result of the spanking.

We talked about it on Friday. She is experiencing difficulty now that subjective offenses have been added. She understands and agreed to soldier through this issue. We also added a new rule: I get punished if I leave lights on. This is particularly true of the kitchen light, but applies to the lights in any room I leave without turning them off. This rule will give Mrs. Lion more chances to catch me breaking a rule–that’s a favorite lioness game. It will also help balance spankings she is comfortable administering with the ones that bother her.

I suggested that she might want to use wood paddles at least part of the time. She used leather on Thursday and it wasn’t difficult for me to take. That is probably due to her not hitting hard enough with the leather. I’m sure with more punishment day practice, she can make leather hurt as much as wood. The only reason to add wood to the mix is to bridge the gap until she works out her leather technique. Practice makes perfect and allows her to compare the effects of the two types of paddles on an A-B testing basis.

It’s important to me that Mrs. Lion get back into the swing of things. I do best at correcting my ways if I’m afraid of the consequences. Thursday’s spanking was more like a BDSM session than a typical lioness paddling. I’m sure that she will get over her temporary problem and make me regret each growl.

I am sure this isn’t the reaction Lion wanted, but last night,once I spanked him for five minutes, I didn’t care about the next five. I know we agreed that he’ll be spanked every punishment day, and if he breaks a rule, he’ll get five minutes added to it, but that seemed excessive to me while I was doing it. Then again, maybe that is the reaction Lion expected. It may not be the one he wanted, but I’m sure he didn’t expect me to snap to and actually have everything magically wonderful. He had to know it would take time for me to get on board with spanking him for the subjective rules, right?

However, I don’t think he anticipated my actively not wanting to continue with the spanking. Okay, maybe it didn’t seem excessive. Maybe it felt ridiculous, unnecessary? I don’t know exactly what the word is. I just know I had to force myself to keep going. I wonder if I’d feel the same way if I was spanking him for not setting up the coffee pot or leaving the shower door open. In truth, I don’t really care about those rules, either. I mean, it doesn’t take long to set up the coffee pot in the morning. And the only problem with leaving the shower door open is that the dog gets in and tracks her wet footprints all over. Now that it’s rainy again, she does that anyway. But they are two rules that are black and white. He either did them, or he didn’t. Spank or don’t spank. On or off.

I don’t think I anticipated that reaction to spanking, either. What the heck? I’ve been spanking him for breaking rules for a while now. Why would I not want to continue? Do we need to make the punishment day spankings ten minutes so that I don’t backslide with the real punishments? I’m not sure. We’ll have to wait and see what happens with tomorrow’s spanking. [Lion — If she goes to ten minutes on every punishment day, how would I learn that I broke a subjective rule. We both know that this new punishment day spanking is to train her as much as it is to train me. The reason we have the initial five minutes is to make it easier for her to punish me for subjective offenses.]

Thursday morning Mrs. Lion caught me saying something that she didn’t like to the TV. This is a violation of her new rule about growling at the TV. I’m writing this post on Thursday afternoon. It’s punishment day. That means I get spanked for five minutes if I do nothing wrong. Since I broke my new rule, I expect a more vigorous ten-minute spanking after my shower. I know, I asked for it. Well, I asked for the punishment-day spankings.

Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday (“Polishing My Paddle“), “Lion thinks I’ll feel more heard if I spank him for annoying me. I don’t know if I agree with that. It’s not that I disagree. I’m just not sure. I think yelling at him, or even a snarky remark, would make me feel better. It may not do anything for him, though. He’ll respond better to a sore bottom.”

She’s right that I will respond better to a sore bottom than I will to snarling or a snarky remark. The verbal responses are expressions of anger without any means of redress from me. Mrs. Lion communicates much more eloquently with her paddle. It isn’t that she lacks verbal skills. It’s more that a verbal response is unlikely to penetrate my mood at the moment. I’m convinced that an unmistakable message delivered outside of the heat of the moment does the most good for me. I think it does for her too. I may be wrong. There’s no harm in snarling and spanking me if that works better for her. It’s not an either/or situation. If snarling works for her and spanking works for me, why not do both?

I think there is a good reason why Mrs. Lion is unlikely to snarl. It takes her some time to process subjective offenses, and it may feel inappropriate for her to snarl if she decides to do it too far after my offense. On the other hand, she is perfectly comfortable informing me that I will be spanked hours after my infraction. Time works against snarls. Also, yelling or snarling can be interpreted as shrewish behavior instead of the act of a calm disciplinarian.

Mrs. Lion has to discover the right balance for her. She already knows the most effective way to help me change.