Yesterday, I thought I let Mrs. Lion know that I was horny. I used my post for the purpose (“Growth Spurt“). During the evening, she wasn’t acting particularly sexual. Finally, when it was too late for anything to happen, I asked her why she didn’t want to do anything. She replied that she didn’t read my post and said I didn’t tell her I wrote one. I did. She was probably distracted by work.

Now it is day three since my last orgasm. I suspect it is the ragged edge of the time to keep me actively horny. We’ve also crossed the two-week mark since my last spanking. I’m writing this after lunch on Thursday. Today is punishment day, and I reminded Mrs.Lion of the fact this morning. I have to remind her, or I will get punished. However, I’m due for a “Just Because” spanking. We need reminding to pay strict attention to domestic discipline. Mrs. Lion seems distracted. Spanking me always sharpens her focus and reminds me to behave.

It’s easy for Mrs. Lion to deal with spanking me. My input isn’t ever required. She initiates 100 percent of the time. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. If I feel it’s been too long between spankings, I can always mention that it may be time for a “Just Because” spanking, and Mrs. Lion takes it from there. All I have to do is mount the spanking bench when ordered.

Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday (“OK Maybe I’m Not Paying Attention “) that she isn’t sure when she should get sexual with me. She mentioned that in years past, she had no problem. I got an orgasm every night. She decided how, but one way or another, I ejaculated. When we began male chastity things started to get more complicated. Mrs. Lion decided that she would edge me every day or two. I would never go more that 48 hours without being brought to the edge of orgasm or over it.

For some reason, we stopped having scheduled sexual activity. Part of the reason for this is that I’m less reliable about getting to the edge, or sometimes, even getting fully erect. Mrs. Lion interprets that to mean I’m not interested. I don’t think that’s the point any more than it matters if I’m hankering for a spanking when Mrs. Lion decides it’s time for one.

This moves us into another sand trap. If Mrs. Lion agrees to daily or every-other-day sex, will she consider it a chore and lose enthusiasm? Will I feel I am inconveniencing her? The answer to both is probably “yes.” The bigger question is: Should it matter? Based on our current difficulties, it probably shouldn’t.  If we agree that scheduled sex is the best way back, do we also want more frequent orgasms? That’s up to Mrs. Lion, but I think it might be a good idea to try for more. We may not succeed every time, but like any other exercise, it’s a good way for me to get back into shape.

The next topic is the most difficult for us to consider: orgasms for Mrs. Lion. We’ve established that she doesn’t want them. Sex for herself doesn’t interest her. We also learned that she likes orgasms but doesn’t particularly want them. They feel good, she’s said. Maybe we should also initiate lioness orgasms as well. Maybe regular orgasms will prove to be good for her. How often? Dunno. Maybe start with one every week and see how that works.

We’ve learned that we can’t let things slip. I need regular spankings. It helps both of us when I get them. Spontaneous sex, for me, isn’t working out very well. We need to return to scheduled lion milking. Similarly, maybe the lioness needs attention, too, for therapeutic reasons.  What do you think, Mrs.Lion?

I had to mow the dog’s lawn last night. We were in danger of losing her in the tall grass. It was also the last day with no rain in the forecast. It took me about an hour to do the dog’s area and the front yard. I’m sure Lion told me he’d written a post. He usually does. Yesterday was another busy day at work and I must have blanked on it. I didn’t read it until almost bedtime. Then I found out that Lion was horny and looking for love. Crap!

In my defense, I snuggled over with him when I was done with my shower. I figured he might be horny, but I got no encouragement. He did move up in the bed, but that doesn’t specifically mean he wants attention. After I read his post, he said he wondered why I didn’t do anything. Then he wondered what sort of encouragement he’s supposed to give me. Oh, I don’t know. Maybe something other than just lying there. Maybe pause the TV. Maybe focus on me. Something. [Lion — Here we go with my biggest sexual problem: initiating sex.]

Enough excuses. I should have just gone for it. He should have told me he was horny. I know he doesn’t want to be needy, but sometimes I need a shot across the bow. Yes, if I had read his post I’d have known, but I didn’t. At what point should he step up and tell me he’s horny rather than whining that I didn’t know? I’m not saying he whined this time, but he does sometimes. We both need to be responsible for this. It can’t be solely on one person. Neither one of us can read minds. I don’t think it’s fair to assume he’s horny. I don’t think it’s fair to assume I know he’s horny.

When did this become so difficult? Lion had an orgasm every night around 10, like clockwork. At some point that changed. When? Why? I know it’s unreasonable to expect him to continue that pace. We both got older. We both got fatter. We let a lot of stuff go, apparently.

Today (Wednesday) is only the second day since Mrs. Lion got me off. For no apparent reason I’ve been horny all day. Go figure. This seems to be a pattern. I always got more interested the longer I had to wait between orgasms. That’s common wisdom up to a point. Ever since we started playing with male chastity, we learned that my interest in sex would grow every day for a couple of weeks and then taper off. Now, my interest seems to taper off after only three or four days.

Maybe our data isn’t very good yet. I’ve been known to go through cycles of more or less interest. This could be one of those. Before anyone asks, I’ve had my testosterone checked and it’s normal. If Mrs. Lion decides to be sexual tonight, we can see if my interest is real. I’m suspicious that it may not be more than passing hardons.

On a related, but less pleasant subject, it’s been fourteen days since my last spanking. That puts me solidly in the “just because” territory. I haven’t broken any rules in two weeks. I’m willing to bet that I pissed off my lioness in that time. So far, “just because” spankings are less just because and more because I did something that didn’t get noted. Mrs. Lion rarely lets me go more than two weeks without a paddling.

Farmer lions

I got a sample hydroponic growing setup. It’s small and pretty crappy quality. It holds twelve plants. We assembled it last night and planted a few tomatoes today. The idea of gardening caught our attention. We had a very nice vegetable garden when we lived in New York. We built raised beds and had room for a wide variety of yummy goodness.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, there isn’t enough warmth and sun to reliably grow veggies. If you plant tomatoes in May, the first fruit won’t show up until September. Anyway, when we got the unit, we both thought back to our old garden and decided it would be fun to have fresh tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, and maybe other non-root veggies. Mrs. Lion did some online research into hydroponics and came across some nice-if-expensive units that would work for us.

We decided to order a large Aerogarden. According to what we could learn, this is the best home hydroponic “farm” around. With any luck, we will have fresh, organic veggies in a few weeks. Given the crazy prices for food, it’s possible this thing will eventually pay for itself. If not, we will enjoy the experience of indoor farming.

Yesterday was nuts at work. Too many people wanted everything at the same time. Today is much calmer, but still busy. I guess that’s what I get for taking a few days off.

Lion had his orgasm Monday night. He didn’t want to be tied to the bed. I didn’t ask why. I just went to work. He wondered the other day if I think about the way he perceives sex. I do try to vary my technique. I don’t want him to get bored with the same old, same old. I know this wasn’t exactly what he was talking about. He meant my intent. In other words, am I trying to get it over with or are we both having fun? I don’t know if he thinks about the way I perceive sex either.

I admit it. There have been times I’ve just gone through the motions. He wants attention and I want to give it to him but I’m not really into it. Other times, I think he assumes I’m just going through the motions. This is probably true of hand jobs. He sneaks looks at me and if I’m not looking directly at him, he may think I’m not “there”. The truth is, I can look elsewhere and still be concentrating on the business at hand, as it were. Sometimes I’m thinking about my grip. Do I need to alter it? Am I hitting the right spot? Am I going too fast or slow? None of those questions require me to be looking at him. Other times I’m wondering if I locked the front door when I last came in. That doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention. I’m also listening for the subtle changes in his breathing or if he makes a noise. When I suck him, I usually close my eyes. There’s not a lot to look at. I listen. I wonder about my grip and speed. He just doesn’t know what’s going on when I’m out of sight.

Sometimes I do go straight for gold. No, I don’t like when he goes right for my clit either, but sometimes he does. Why do I do it? At times it’s because he’s been having difficulty getting aroused and I’ve theorized that maybe he just needs an orgasm to reset his system. I have also done it a few times to show him who’s in control. These are times I’ve said I was going to take an orgasm. Of course, he has to be somewhat cooperative. I can’t take an orgasm if he absolutely isn’t in the mood.

Overall, however, I am completely there whether Lion believes it or not. I’m not on a schedule. I’m not rushing him. Sometimes I have to stop because I get achy, but more often than not, I keep going even if my arm falls asleep or if a body part hurts. I know it can take him longer sometimes. I’ve got nowhere else to be. I do wonder if I should change things up, but then I worry he’s almost there and any interruption will stop him. Yup. I think about a lot of things while I’m hard at work.