I am torn between putting my foot down and going with the flow. My son is getting married on Memorial Day weekend. The happy couple reasoned that people would have the holiday weekend off and make it to the wedding. Of course, flights may be more expensive and hotel rooms a little harder to find, but I’m going. I don’t care if I have to drive and sleep in the car. On the other hand, Lion questions why they picked a holiday weekend and why they are getting married hours from where they live. Those are not my decisions, nor my place to intervene.

I got the “brilliant” idea to look for a cabin that would have a kitchen so we could cut down on eating-out expenses. I thought it would be nice if everyone could fit in the cabin and split the cost. Lion doesn’t want to share a cabin. He says eating out is better. He says we should come home the day after the wedding. Never mind that I haven’t seen my kids for a few years. Who’d want to hang out? Then he said he wants to see his daughter and grandkids. I don’t know if that’s an extension to the wedding trip or something he’d rather do or what. I was trying to deal with his taking over the trip. He was changing the whole thing.

I made the mistake of contacting my ex yesterday to tell him my cabin plans, and he was already causing problems before Lion put in his two cents. By the time I got home, I had figured if we did get a cabin, it would just be for my daughter, her friend, and us. Now I’m wondering if I care at all about the when and where. Except I do care. I want to see my son get married, and I don’t want any trouble, which leads me to put my foot down or not. And I think I’m leaning toward doing it.

This would be a perfect time for me to tell Lion he’s steamrolling me, and here’s how it’s going to go, mister. We’re flying out this day, staying at this hotel, and flying in this day. Done. If your ass is in the seat when the car leaves, then you can come with me. Otherwise, oh well. Any more guff, and you’ll get the business end of the paddle.

Sounds good, right. And I probably won’t do any of that. I talk a good game if you haven’t already figured that out, but I don’t often follow through. We’ll probably talk about when to leave and where to stay. He’ll have his ideas, and I’ll have mine, and I might voice my opinions a little more forcefully, but I won’t tell him it’s my way or the highway.

Ultimately, I’m just glad we’re vaccinated and able even to contemplate flying anywhere. I mean, I was going anyway. How often does your son get married? But I’m thankful it’s safer to do so.

Spanking spoon with new grip for lioness comfort.

As promised, I got punished for failing to set up the coffee pot for Monday’s breakfast. Mrs. Lion continues to make spankings more unpleasant for me. Monday night was a merciless display of paddle application to my bottom. As she paddled me, she reminded me that I said I wanted longer spankings.  She was happy to oblige. This one went on and on. I yelped loudly throughout her virtuoso performance. Today (Tuesday), I can still feel it as I sit in my desk chair.

Mrs. Lion went on long enough to make gripping the spanking spoon difficult. Her hand kept sliding on the finished wood handle. In her post yesterday, she reported that it was uncomfortable for her—poor dear. Last summer, I purchased some golf club grip material. I believe she reported the handle of some spanking implement was too narrow. We never did anything about that, so the grip was still available. I wrapped the spanking spoon handle with the non-slip golf club grip material. That should make spanking me more comfortable for her and probably worse for me.

Yes, I asked for it. Well, it wasn’t so much that I asked for it. I felt that it was too easy for me to get spanked and forget about it. You know, the spankings hurt, but they ended before I had enough time to truly regret my transgression. Monday night, I had plenty of time to contemplate my sin. I couldn’t wait for her to stop. She wouldn’t. It went on and on.

Her style wasn’t fancy. She didn’t spread my cheeks. She didn’t have to. I could feel the paddle reach every tender spot. After a while, I started getting used to the sensation. She seemed to sense that and turned up the volume. I wasn’t used to that. I just wanted her to stop. She wouldn’t. I was miserable. I wanted to get away. Of course, that wasn’t an option. I was desperate for her to stop. I didn’t beg her to stop. That didn’t occur to me until just now, the next day. Did I mention it really hurts to sit down today?

I’m coming to realize that our domestic discipline is multi-layered. It starts with the erotic thrill of spanking. I get aroused when I think about being spanked. It was this sexual feeling that was behind me asking Mrs. Lion to be my disciplining wife. Since this is about punishing me when needed, my erotic enjoyment is a hurdle for her to overcome. Fortunately, that’s easy for her, not for me.

To make spanking me a true punishment, it has to go well past the point I eroticize. That means it has to truly hurt and keep hurting. It’s taken Mrs. Lion a long time to being able to really hurt me. She seems to have worked that out. This isn’t easy for her. The only offense she regularly punishes is my failure to set up the coffee pot. It’s hardly a serious offense. Yet, punishment has to be meaningful when I commit it.

We’ve discussed my reaction to being spanked. Obviously, other than calling our safeword, I don’t have any control over how long or hard she spanks me. My usual reaction is yelps and screams. We’ve discussed begging. At least one knowledgeable disciplinary spanker suggests that begging the spanker to stop is an important part of a spanking. Initially, it seemed a little silly to me. It’s never occurred to me to beg Mrs. Lion to stop, even when she is really hurting me.

I’ve told her to stop, demanded that she stop because I’ve had enough. She ignores me when I do. I think that those demands are a sort of growl, a statement that I’m in control and she has to stop because I say so. That’s not the sort of behavior a properly chastened male should display. Demanding that Mrs. Lion stop spanking is a sure sign that I’m not properly submissive. Perhaps when I tell her to stop, it’s the right time for her to say, “Are you ordering me to stop?” followed by some extra hard swats. I obviously need to be reminded of my place.

I don’t even think of begging her to stop. I guess I need to be reminded. One condition in the process of ending my spanking was to be sufficient begging. The begging doesn’t guarantee that Mrs. Lion will stop when I do it. I’m sure she won’t. However, it is a signal that my attitude has shifted, and I am submissive and willing to beg. We’ve established that my initial motivation to expose my bare bottom to her paddle is, to some degree, the sexual aspect of being spanked. Begging for relief is pure submission.

There’s no question that no matter how long or hard Mrs. Lion beats me, I won’t think of begging. Even though I’ve written about begging, it never crossed my mind during the spanking. I’ll need to be reminded and coached. Once prompted to beg, Mrs. Lion can comment on my “sincerity.” Since it is unlikely I will cry during a spanking, the next best form of submission is abject begging. The act of surrendering to abject begging and then realizing that it doesn’t stop the pain is very effective. Once I learn that I have to surrender this way to qualify for Mrs. Lion, considering ending the spanking is powerful stuff. It’s so powerful that I’ve avoided mentioning it up until now. Now the cat is out of the bag.

The lion may be rethinking his suggestion that I swat harder and longer. His buns are sore today after I whomped them last night. I used the spoon-shaped paddle, which is not very comfortable to hold, at least not for longer periods of time. My grip kept slipping. I’ll have to find a more comfortable paddle – for me, not Lion. [Lion — We have some grip tape. I think that should solve the problem.]

Regardless of the paddle issue, I started out slow and gradually ramped things up. I asked him why I was spanking him. In the overall scheme of things, spanking him at 8 pm for an infraction I noticed at 6:30 am is fairly quick. I certainly couldn’t have spared the time before I left for work. Lion was squirming a lot. That has more to do with not having a stable base to put his feet. Ordinarily, he pushes against the garbage can, but that fell over quickly. We’ll have to figure out a better position for him, so there’s less wiggling. The more he squirms, the more likely I am to hit him in an unintended spot.

Over the course of his spanking, I talked to him. I also paused to let him get himself situated after squirming. But I kept going. It looked like some bruises were forming. He also started to bleed a little. The last time he bled, it was so minimal that I thought it was because I was alternating cheeks. I reasoned that each cheek had a chance to regroup between swats. It was probably because I was hitting harder and longer that he bled more. It wasn’t even enough to wipe off when I was done, but it did make my paddle messy. I could have made him sit in the corner for that, but I didn’t think of it.

This morning, as we reviewed the spanking by email, Lion said I didn’t make him beg. My first thought was that he’s never happy with what he gets. My second thought was that he’s right. I should have kept going until he begged. The reasons I stopped were my grip of the paddle constantly slipping, I didn’t want to swat on top of bruises, and I didn’t want him to bleed much more. I think they’re all valid reasons, but I probably still should have continued. However, given his current state of soreness, I think it was a pretty good session. Maybe he’ll remember the damn coffee pot for a while.

Some of our consistently popular pages are the articles in the  “Disciplinary Wives Handbook.” I strongly suspect that men are most of the readers. I wrote it hoping that women who have been asked to spank their husbands would use it to understand what they are being asked to do. Mrs. Lion is probably like most of the women who get this request. She wasn’t very interested in researching it. She worked it out for herself. For a long time, I wondered why easily available information would be ignored by the women asked to try a new activity. Finally, I realized what the reason might be.

Think of it this way: Your wife tells you that she wants daily oral attention from you. She goes on to say that she has specific techniques in mind that she read about. She says that she would get you off once or twice a month using her hand. Would you want to research oral sex techniques? If you are dedicated and altruistic, you might. The chances are that you would sigh and do what she asked. The point is that her request had no direct impact on you. You didn’t see any value in doing research.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that she said she wants specific techniques. There doesn’t seem to be any obvious reason to do research. The second is that you don’t see any direct relationship between you and what you like. Asking your wife to spank you is no different. You are asking her to do something for you that has no obvious value to her. You may feel that she will gain control and your obedience. You assume that she wants those things. Maybe she does, but Mrs. Lion didn’t. She was willing to spank me because she loves me. From her perspective, it was much more fun to read Facebook and visit sites that interested her. Disciplining me didn’t seem to need her to spend time doing research.

Like most guys, I asked her to read selected websites that I felt offered value for her as my disciplinary wife. She usually followed through and read what I suggested. She didn’t share my enthusiasm. All this makes sense. If this is most often the situation, is there value in writing informational guides aimed at women who probably won’t read them?

I can take a cynical approach and pretend to direct my writing to women, all the time knowing my audience is male. A lot of what  I find on the Internet does this. So-called guides for disciplinary women are really hot fiction for men to read. Give the public what it wants. I’m pretty sure that guides written for women aren’t as interesting to male readers. That doesn’t mean that men won’t read them. Our guide is proof of that. It’s just that I could rewrite it with more detailed descriptions of spankings. I could “enrich” the content for male consumption.

We started this blog with a firm commitment to only report the truth. We write from our experiences and knowledge. Over the years, we sometimes contradict ourselves as we learn more. This blog has recorded every orgasm I’ve enjoyed since 2014. Each spanking is memorialized here. You can read about every mistake we’ve made and share our successes. I think this is why we have a lot of female readers.

I generally write my posts the day before they’re published. I am writing this post on Monday morning. I forgot to set up the coffee pot for breakfast. Mrs. Lion will most likely spank me tonight. She gave me a rather brief “just because” spanking last week. This one is going to be full-on punishment. I’m not looking forward to it, though thinking about being spanked is arousing me. It’s this odd reaction that assures I will willingly submit when Mrs. Lion is ready. From what I’ve learned, almost all men who ask for domestic discipline have the same reaction to thinking about being spanked. It’s useful. The spanking isn’t less painful or educational just because we get aroused thinking about it. Once the spanking begins, the arousal is completely gone. The arousal is the lure that gets the fish to bite. Once on the hook, the fun is gone.