Thank you for all the comments on my post yesterday. They ranged from a gentle tap on Lion’s arm to ZAP HIM! Maybe I’ll give him a gentle tap for the less serious infractions and punch him in the head for a major one. (I’m kidding.) I was concerned about his jumping in the air when I zapped him too. Of course, the level of shock is controllable to a certain extent. It can vary based on the contact with the electrodes. Sometimes a low level can send him into orbit if the electrodes are placed just right. [Lion — It depends on whether the electrodes are in firm contact with the underside of my balls. When I’m dressed, they usually are.]

In his post this morning, Lion wondered if the zap would be the extent of his punishment. Nope. The zap is just to let him know he’s in deep doo-doo. A vibration may let him know he’s getting close to the line. The zap means he’s gone over the line. Isn’t that how an invisible fence works for dogs? They get a little vibration to let them know they’re getting close to the fence and then zapped when they’re near it. Years ago, a neighbor put in an invisible fence for their dog. It was funny to watch him walk up to the fence and get zapped. He seemed to like it. And then he figured out that he only got zapped for a short time if he got a running start and went through the fence. So much for the invisible fence.

The biggest problem with the shock collar is finding it. It might be on Lion’s dresser. I think the issue is that we have no idea where the charger is. Until we solve that, I’ll have to rely on some verbal cue. I was even thinking of counting to three as you do with kids. “One” might be the signal he’s heading into dangerous territory. “Two” might let him know he hasn’t fully appreciated “one.” And “three” would be too late. We could put that into effect right away. It’s not limited to when we’re out in public. As a matter of fact, it might be good to practice it, so he’s used to it when we’re out. [Lion — That’s an excellent idea.]

I’m uncertain, at this point, if I should continue at “one” if he corrects himself but does something unrelated later on. Would it be fair to give him a “one” for being snarky to a waiter, have him correct it, and then give him a “one” later for interrupting me? I know Lion will say fairness has nothing to do with it. It’s hard for me to agree with him. But I’m trying.

Lion’s shock collar. It always makes him jump.

Apparently, Mrs. Lion has been giving thought to how she can communicate with me when I’ve done something to displease her. She’s expressed concern that verbal cues might cause undue attention in public. I thought she had some good ideas on that score. Another idea was to have me wear my shock collar when we are out and about. She could then zap me when she wished to let me know I was getting in trouble.

These are excellent ideas. I’m not too fond of either of them, but I have to admit they would certainly get my attention. What’s not clear is whether the zap or reprimand constitutes my entire punishment. Is Mrs. Lion saying that the instant feedback warns me that the paddle will be coming when convenient for her? Knowing her, it probably won’t. However, regretted as I will, I think a spanking should be part of every reprimand.

A more interesting question is what will provoke these zaps and reprimands? Obviously, forgetting to set up the coffee pot will require that. What will? Is this the solution to the problem of how to begin expressing displeasure at things I say? I’m all in favor of any technique that will help her more actively correct me. It’s uncomfortable for me when I think I’m doing something she doesn’t like, and she doesn’t say anything or do anything.

I may respond immediately to a reprimand or zap, but I can tell you that I’m doubtful to learn any significant lesson that way. I wish it weren’t that way, but I tend to forget the zap or verbal rebuke almost as soon as I get them. I’m far more likely to learn when my instructor is a paddle being applied to my bottom. Mrs. Lion knows this. In a way, this is good news. We both agree that, at least for the time being, I need more spankings, and Mrs. Lion needs more practice delivering them.

Even though we agree on this, implementing any new practice is difficult for us. Maybe we have to go back to the sort of technique we used we first began domestic discipline. Mrs. Lion made sure I had several easy-to-break rules that would get me in trouble more than once a week. I know she’s been thinking about this subject but hasn’t been able to articulate anything yet. I think she might want to consider ordinary conversational niceties. Perhaps requiring me to ask permission before speaking (Yuck!) Or some other practice that would help us get better at our disciplinary roles.

Mrs. Lion has been having problems with her stomach and shoulders. This pain necessarily distracts her from more entertaining activities. I hope she will soon be able to get back on the horse and resume her disciplinary role.

When I did the dinner dishes last night, I saw that Lion had not set up the coffee pot. Didn’t I just whomp him for forgetting it last weekend? Maybe he thinks he gets weekends off. I wasn’t going to remind him, and I figured if he didn’t set it up, it wouldn’t go off at 5:30 in the morning instead of 6:30 because of the time change.

When he went to get his contacts out, he said he still had to set up the coffee pot. He didn’t want a repeat of last week’s punishment. Good idea! It wasn’t till later that I remembered the incorrect time. He hadn’t thought of it either. Not a big deal. I changed it. He did the most important part. He saved his butt.

I’m still hesitant to scold him during punishment. I just started talking to him while I’m spanking. Maybe scolding will happen organically if I continue talking to him. It’s hard to say. I had no idea I’d be punishing him when I first started spanking him. I never know what level of depravity I’ll sink to. (Yes, I’m joking.) But he is just the type of guy my mother warned me about.

Last week, when I said I’d have to find a phrase that lets him know he’s in for a world of hurt, I didn’t mean if I was tired. I meant if we were in the middle of the store and he did something that required punishment, I needed some way to tell him that wouldn’t arouse suspicion from other shoppers. Of course, I could say he earned some swats, but the lady squeezing tomatoes might take offense to that. Maybe I could say something along the lines of “do we need to leave right now?”. That might raise some eyebrows, but no one would know what it really means.

I was thinking about the shock collar too. If he’s getting close to trouble, I could hit with a vibration. If he’s crossed the line, I could zap him. People might look at him if he jumped a mile in the air from the zap, but they wouldn’t know what happened to the crazy person. Perhaps we’ll revisit the shock collar.


The other day I was working in my home office. I’m on a quest to get an agent. It’s a frustrating process that is unlikely to work out. Unsolicited submissions like mine are almost always ignored. Do you know a literary agent that might help me? Anyway, the doorbell rang, and Mrs. Lion answered it. She was home early from work. It was one of her friends who was stopping by on the way out of town. They chatted. I felt odd. I was, as usual, stark naked. Her friend knows me, and I expected her to say hello. I wondered if she would poke her head into my office. She didn’t say hello or poke. I was glad because it would have been embarrassing. I was also a little upset she didn’t say hello. I thought she liked me. [Mrs. Lion — I bet she thought it was a little odd you didn’t say hello to her.]

Saturday night was definitely not frustrating. Mrs. Lion gave me a huge oral orgasm after a nine-day wait. I loved it! In her post yesterday, she commented that I asked her to use her hand a different way when teasing me. I may have offended her a little. I didn’t mean to do that. It just didn’t feel very good, and I had a suggestion that improved things a lot. I hope that feedback wasn’t inappropriate. [Mrs. Lion — Not offended. I was trying to be funny in my post.]

We’ve been discussing adding dialogue to my spankings. Mrs. Lion isn’t sure she can do that. I understand. She had a very steep learning curve to give me disciplinary spankings. Adding scolding is another challenge that may be more than she wants to accept at this point. We received a very instructive comment on the subject from Julie of strictjuliespanks (one of my favorite blogs). Here’s what she said:

“Scolding during spanking and getting a response I find to be very useful as a way of gauging how much to spank that day. When his responses go from a bit surly to heartfelt, contrite, and pleading, it acts as a sort of “yellow” signal that he’s about done. Mind you, as lion says, that’s when you can announce the warmup is over and punishment will now start.

Scolding requires a bit of practice but is really pretty easy in the end. Just don’t be at all concerned with being repetitive. You can ask over and over again “will you ever do that again?”. Add in a few “I think it’s ridiculous that a man your age needs to be punished like a little boy” and you’re all set. Better yet, lion is a writer, and is obsessed, so ask him to print out a long list of scolding phrases that turn his crank. Each time you can pull out 2 or 3 new ones. Once you have a repertoire of a dozen or so, it’s more than enough as you can chain them together in so many different ways.”

It’s excellent advice. I can see how adding this to my punishment can be very challenging. Speaking of challenges, Mrs. Lion agreed that she would find ways to express her displeasure if I am a know-it-all or interrupt her. She can probably give me “the look” when I do it and follow up later. We discussed pre-spanking activities. Often, Mrs. Lion’s shoulder will be hurting, and she won’t feel up to beating me. We talked about her soaping my mouth or doing some other unpleasant, low-energy thing close to the offense and then spanking me when convenient for her. We both agree that spanking is the best way to punish me. The other activities serve as placeholders.