There are surprisingly few differences between the way we live in our self-imposed quarantine from the COVID-19 and the way we live when we can travel freely. A good part of the reason is that we aren’t very social critters. We tend to keep to ourselves except at work. Since I work from home, I’m just plain solitary.

The one thing we haven’t figured out, you would think would be the easiest: when and how to do sexual/BDSM things. Since there is no pressure to meet any particular schedule, I think it would be pretty simple for Mrs. Lion to just set aside a little time for fun and games. The opposite seems to be true. Something appears to be in the way almost all the time. We’ve had less activity in the last week then we have even in the busiest of times when we could go out.

I can’t figure it out. I’ve mentioned, hinted that it would be nice to do something. Mrs. Lion hasn’t risen to the bait. The other day when I forgot to set up the coffee pot she was very good about promptly spanking me. I’m very grateful for that. Consistent discipline works best for me. Less important, of course, consistent sexual activity also works very well for me. The reason it does isn’t that I’m greedy for sexual stimulation; well, I am greedy for that. The real reason is that it keeps the right hormones flowing.

Sexual activity, like any other regular part of life, benefits from routine. I don’t mean that at the same time every day Mrs. Lion masturbates me. I mean that at varying times different things happen. The reason this is useful as opposed to just pleasant is that it provides us both with a very exciting and intimate form of connection. It prevents us from withdrawing too much into ourselves. Mrs. Lion, more than me, is very easily drawn into solitary activities. Regular interaction helps counter that.

Sex for us doesn’t mean anyone’s going to have an orgasm. Mrs. Lion doesn’t want them and I’m only allowed to have them when she decides I should get them. That doesn’t mean we can’t do lots of sexual things. She enjoys edging me. I love it when she does. She appears to enjoy cock and ball torture (CBT). I’m not sure that I actually “enjoy” it, but I do like that she does it to me. Truth be told, I generally have an erection while she’s inflicting painful stimulation.

I’m not sure how she feels about anal activity. I like it the same way I like spanking. It’s very hot to think about, not so hot while it’s going on. Anal has a nice benefit: I can be trained to accept larger insertables as well as learning to tolerate pegging. Mrs. Lion appears to enjoy pegging me.

We don’t normally interact a lot. Mrs. Lion plays games on her iPad or computer and I watch TV. I think we both benefit from more intimate contact. Do we have to schedule “sex time” every day? Does Mrs. Lion need to find more reasons to spank me? Needless to say, I would prefer the sex time to additional spankings. However, which is going to happen is purely up to Mrs. Lion. I believe that we need to do something.

Yesterday, Lion took a shower while I made dinner. I figured I’d shower after dinner and we could settle in to see what developed from there. My friend on Facebook shared a magazine article with me about grocery shopping and how it’s better, right now, to limit contact by having food delivered. I had, not five minutes before her message, tried to have groceries delivered but there were no delivery times available. She was going stir crazy so she was going to the store and wanted to deliver whatever we needed to us so she’d have an excuse to stay out of the house longer. Normally I would have declined but she really seemed to be stir crazy and in need of a distraction.

Since she said she’d be going out in a few hours, I didn’t have a precise time frame for her arrival. It didn’t really matter because she was just going to leave the bags on the doorstep, but I wanted to personally thank her even if it was from across the yard. I stayed dressed rather than getting naked with Lion. By the time I got the groceries put away, it was already about 9. I’d wanted to take a shower, but that’s a little too late. Besides, we were already in the middle of a TV show.

A little while later, Lion asked if I could make scones today. I’d gotten some heavy cream a few weeks ago so I could make him some. At one point I checked the date to make sure it wouldn’t expire before I remembered to do it. I promised to do it. He thanked me and then said maybe we could also have sex today. Excuse me? I said OK, but I was really thinking, “Are you kidding me?”

It’s true that my face was buried in my iPad again, but I was watching TV and paying attention to him. Not paying attention to him, but we were talking. I was also giving up a shower waiting so my friend could deliver mostly salad stuff that Lion likes a lot more than I do. And he’s focused on sex.

OK. I get it. Sex is important to him. I won’t say my iPad is as important to me. That’s more of a distraction. And no, not a distraction from Lion. Maybe it’s not just a distraction. If you play games, you may understand that sometimes you get free lives and getting as far as you can in the games while you have those free games is nice. So maybe I am obsessed with it, but it’s still just a distraction. I guess maybe you can equate Lion’s need for BDSM-type play and my need for my iPad. We could both go without for a while, but eventually, we realize we need it.

I won’t say Lion needs sex like he needs air. Maybe he needs it like he needs vegetables. I know the food pyramid, or whatever shape they use now, says we all need vegetables but I could go a long time without caring if I have them. I guess my point is that I just tried to edge him the other night. Every other day is still the promise, yes? And yes, we’re together non-stop for however long it takes and maybe Lion thought that was a recipe for sex every day, at any point in the day. We’re definitely not on the same page.

When we first started seeing each other, we’d play during the day because that’s when we were free to do so. Once I moved in, we played in the evening. Every evening. Aside from evenings, I worked or if one of us wasn’t feeling well, Lion got an orgasm every night. I know he’s not asking for that now. He can’t. It’s not up to him when or how many orgasms he gets. Every other day doesn’t seem fair to him. We need to meet halfway. Actually, I need to meet him more than halfway. So, Lion, how’s this for a new commitment? I will give you sexual attention for at least six out of every seven days, assuming both of us are feeling well. During our sequestration and weekends in general, I’ll try to do more during the afternoons. Deal?

[Lion — Deal!]

Have you noticed that the vast majority of dominant women’s attention is centered on the male rear end? It came to mind when I was looking for a dominant woman image for Mrs. Lion’s post yesterday. The vast majority of the images showed dominant women providing attention to male and female butts.

lion ass in the air in milking position
Mrs. Lion likes me in the milking position. Everything is accessible. Most of the pictures of me on the site, like this one, show my bare ass. Humiliating! (Yes, I like it)

I suppose that shouldn’t be surprising. Mrs. Lion spends a lot of time looking at my rear end. Last year I did a quick Twitter survey about what part of naked men women prefer to see. A little more than half preferred naked rears. I kind of expected that penises would win by a large margin. I assumed that since the two primary sources of female sexual fun are penises and tongues, the penis would win out over the derrière. Nope.

There are some distinct advantages to paying attention to a rear end. For one thing, there is a wide variety of activities that can be performed without the risk of giving the guy an orgasm. Most of us are inherently embarrassed when we have to expose our asses for whatever attention a fully dressed woman cares to give them. Spanking, probably the most popular activity, has the dual benefit of humiliation and safe administration of pain. It’s no secret that Mrs. Lion spanks me when I need punishment.

In addition to convenience and safety, the ass is defenseless. Spanking is easily accomplished without risk of reprisal. The anus has no teeth and can be safely penetrated with or without the permission of its owner. Put another way, the derrière is a sensation receiver. It has no real ability to transmit sensations to the person attending to it. This is in distinct opposition to the penis, which is also a sensitive receiver of sensation. The difference is that the penis is capable of administering sensation too. It can provide pleasure through intercourse. It can also be messy.

In addition to the other benefits of that rear-facing part of a man’s anatomy, it also puts him in a position that makes it difficult-to-impossible for him to see what you’re doing. That provides an element of surprise. It also means that he is limited in how much verbal feedback he can give you. If he’s in the kind of position I usually assume, he’s up on his knees with his face in the covers of the bed. It takes quite a bit of effort to rise up and make a comment. If Mrs. Lion doesn’t like the comment, she can use her paddle to provide immediate feedback to me.

ginger root on its way up lion's ass
Carved ginger root is on its way up my butt. No lube, of course, that would block the burn. It went up surprisingly easily anyway.

I’ve noticed that many women enjoy penetrating a man’s anus. I’m not sure what the root of this is, but there seems to be some particular pleasure in sticking something up a guy’s ass. Mrs. Lion has a large array of anal implements I’ve purchased for her. She’s also bought some of her own. I’ve never found anal penetration stimulating, or for that matter, even comfortable. I do get a sense of accomplishment when Mrs. Lion is able to penetrate me with something larger than I thought I could handle. Over the years, she has trained my rear end to accept up to four of her fingers and plugs almost 2 inches in diameter.

There is something inherently submissive about presenting a naked rear end to a partner. When Mrs. Lion tells me to get into the milking position, she has access to my cock and balls as well as my butt and anus. It’s all there for her to see and enjoy. I am acutely aware of my vulnerability. If she has me lie on my back with my legs apart, I don’t feel particularly vulnerable. I feel excited that something interesting and sexual will happen. This is true even when I know that she plans some painful play. Very often I remain aroused and erect while she covers my balls with clothespins or Icy Hot. I almost never sport an erection when I’m getting rear attention.

I like this feeling of vulnerability. It’s exciting in its own way. Sex feels better after a session of anal stimulation. What can I say? I love that milking position.

Lion wonders what I feel when he breaks a rule. Sometimes I’m amused. Sometimes I just can’t believe he broke that one rule (whatever it might be) again. Sometimes, like yesterday, I’m unsure if we’re still playing the “game” anymore. He was upset with me and not showing much interest in my kisses or anything. Was I supposed to waltz into the room and say, “Nanner, nanner, nanner! You didn’t do the coffee again. I get to spank you!”? From my point of view, he could have told me to take a flying leap.

When it comes to the actual punishment, I’m hit and miss whether I tell him, or make him tell me, why he’s being punished. If I remember Lion likes pomp and circumstance, I go through a whole spiel about why he’s being punished and how he could have easily avoided it. Sometimes I tell him he’s bleeding all over my paddle like it’s all his fault, which it is since he caused the spanking by not following the rules. I think it all depends on how much I’m in character.

Of course, I have to be in some sort of character to punish him. “Just me” wouldn’t do it. I’m not sure Lioness 1.0 or 2.0 would either. Lioness 3.0 can get into it to some extent. Lioness 4.0 doesn’t care if he’s bleeding. She will keep going until she’s done. Maybe it was 3.5 who spanked him yesterday. She sort of cared that Lion said the swats were too hard, but she didn’t stop. It couldn’t have been 4.0 because she stopped when it looked like there would be bruising and some blood appeared. (There was no bruising, nor any sore spots afterward.)

I like to hear his report of how sore his buns are. If I’ve done a good job then he has trouble finding a comfortable position to sit. I know I’ve made a lasting impression. Maybe he won’t forget that rule again for a while. I’m not happy I’ve hurt him. Well, “just me” isn’t happy. But I realize this is something he needs and I can do it for him. It’s not like I feel guilty about doing it. I don’t need therapy. I don’t need to join a twelve step program for wives who spank their husbands. Unlike Lion telling me he can give up BDSM and our lifestyle, I can actually give it up. Lioness 4.0 would fade into the background, never to be heard from again.

That definitely does not mean I want to give it up. We’ve come a long way from my silly little barely-felt swats all those years ago. Lion must have wondered what he got himself into. “I’m sorry. Was that an actual swat or did a breeze blow through?” Now he knows what he got himself into and he hopes for a breeze to cool his fiery buns off. What a difference seventeen years can make!