naked man wearing chastity device
I like how I look without body hair.

Fortunately for us, we live in a sparsely populated part of the world. Our house is small-but-adequate for the two of us. It’s far enough from our neighbors so that they can’t hear my yelping when Mrs. Lion spanks me. It’s also fortunate that we are reasonably isolated in view of the concern about this new virus. It may or may not be more deadly than any other flu, but we don’t have any built-in protection from it. This makes it particularly dangerous to people with vulnerable immune systems. As Mrs. Lion wrote in her post yesterday, we are potentially vulnerable. She more than me because she works in the place where members of the public come in and out. I work from home and don’t have to go out often at all.

In fact, last week, I only had clothes on twice. Both times it was only for an hour or two. That’s not completely true. I wear a T-shirt during the day most times. Mrs. Lion made this rule a long time ago. I guess I am an enforced nudist. I’ve been this way for the last 15 years. It’s just part of me now. We probably spend more money on gas and electricity keeping the temperature high enough for me to exist comfortably. However, I save a lot of money on clothing. [Mrs. Lion — Actually, Lion asked if he should have a rule that he’s naked when at home. I said that was fine. Like many of our rules, he suggests and I usually agree.]

Maybe because most of the time I see myself naked, I decided I like the way I look without body hair. I’m not quite sure when I started losing my pubic hair. I believe that was at least 25 years ago. That hair removal began because my partner at the time didn’t like pubic hair. She had barely any and didn’t like what I had. One day she tied me down and removed it. She wanted to shave under my arms as well but I begged her not to. Later, she shaved my rear end as well. I had no problem with that since I can’t see it.

A year or two ago I shaved my chest and pits. I liked the look. I kept myself shaved for a while. At the time, Mrs. Lion had begun waxing me. She gave me Brazilian waxes regularly. Waxing is ideal for removing pubic hair. We tried everything else with some success and a lot of pain. Waxing keeps me fairly clear of hair for at least a month. It doesn’t hurt me. I asked Mrs. Lion to extend the waxing to my chest and pits. She also did my back and shoulders.

I never liked the artificial-looking border between my thigh hair and my Brazilian area. I asked her to wax further down. She ended up taking all the hair off my legs. I really like how that looks. Unfortunately, she hates waxing my legs. I offered to go to a waxing parlor for them. I can’t do that now; it’s too dangerous. I think it might be easier to do if we don’t wait too long between waxings. The hair grows back finer, and more slowly. If she catches it early enough, it should go very quickly.

The 21st century has caught up with me. It’s very common for men to remove body hair. It almost looks a little odd to see men who don’t. I’m proud of myself for being a trendsetter.

When we went to Costco the other day, they were out of a lot of things. Apparently people are panicking about this virus going around. As I understand it, the danger for otherwise healthy people is similar to the flu. People react the same way when a big storm is coming. They’re afraid they won’t get out of their houses for months. Better stock up on toilet paper. We’re going to be here a while. Lion and I have enough food to last us a long time. We may not be happy eating all of it, but we can if we have to.

Lion had a doctor appointment this afternoon. His blood tests all look good and his doctor is happy with his health. Of course, there’s not much that particular doctor can do to help his sight or balance but we’ll take what we can get. On the way home we stopped to pick up a few prescriptions and some necessities. You know, orange juice, bread, cookies…the necessities. One endcap was low on stock. When I looked at it, I saw a label for peroxide. Peroxide? Who thinks they need peroxide to combat a virus? Oh well.

I’m not sure why, but Lion wasn’t in the mood for play last night. It was sort of late when I asked and I was actually considering begging off for the night. He asked if it was alright that we didn’t play. I was surprised but I didn’t ask why he didn’t want to. It’s always alright if he doesn’t. Punishment, on the other hand, requires a very good reason to be postponed. He better be sick or in pain. Simply not wanting to be punished won’t fly.

As a matter of fact, I had a good reason to punish him. He’d interrupted me. I growled at him instead. I guess the same thing that made me not want to play also made me not want to swat him. Although I wasn’t falling asleep, I was still tired. I just didn’t feel like summoning enough energy needed to whomp him. Did he get away with it? Perhaps. I mean, he knows what he did. He knows it’s wrong. So, in that respect he didn’t get away with it. But he didn’t get punished. Win some, lose some.

Since we’ve done our shopping, we’ll be staying in for the duration. Lion heard that anyone over the age of 60 should avoid going out of the house. I’m close enough to 60. I’d be happy to stay home. Lion has been working from home for a long time. Now his office is telling everyone to work from home anyway. Why can’t my job tell me to work from home? Oh well. I’ll be happy staying home for the weekend.

lion flat on tummy
Lion lying flat.

On Wednesday night Mrs. Lion had some batting practice with a wooden paddle. She told me to get into the milking position and proceeded to spank me. It hurt like hell. I don’t think it was as bad as the rubber paddle, but it was bad enough to get me howling right from the start. Her theory is that because my skin and muscle are stretched tight, the impact isn’t dampened. It’s true that when she spanks me lying flat, the muscles are relaxed. However, when she starts swatting me, I almost always tighten up. The clenching of my butt muscles seems to make it hurt a little less.

lion in milking position
Me in the milking position

If you think about it, lying flat and clenching my butt, presents a firmer mass which may be somewhat protective. In the milking position, the muscles are stretched out making them thinner. The skin is also stretched which probably brings the nerve endings closer to the surface. Mrs. Lion has demonstrated that I have a much harder time managing the spanking milking position. She has also decided that the milking position has a particular advantage when she wants to spank inside my crack. In that position, my cheeks naturally separate quite a bit. She’s grown quite fond of that little perversion.

In her post yesterday she said that she didn’t like the fact that if I know that the milking position means crack spanking, she can’t surprise me. I consider that a dubious surprise. I don’t feel any particular anticipation for her paddle being applied to any particular piece of my rear geography. If anything, it’s more humiliating because I’m being required to change my position to facilitate more convenient punishment

If all of the stuff we’ve been doing teaches anything, it shows that things most people believe are instinctive benefit from thoughtful experiments. Okay, you have to go quite a few steps when you get down to spanking experiments. You have to accept the fact that spanking is a good thing to do in a relationship. Then, you need to believe that there’s an educational process involved in becoming an effective spanker. You’re pretty much far out on the limb by the time you get to that. Mrs. Lion and I are at the end of that limb. Good thing it can support our weight.

I’m lucky that Mrs. Lion likes to experiment. Maybe lucky isn’t the right word. Sometimes her experiments end up making things much nicer for me. Other times, I find myself yelping loudly. Her famous spanking experiments are a prime example. In order to “scientifically” train me to hold still during a painful spanking, Mrs. Lion created a standardized spanking battery (never has that word been more accurate in describing a scientific process). She delivered 300 swats to me at each session. The idea was to start off with relatively light swats and each day increase the force.

Her objective was to push me to the edge of where I had to squirm away. Her experiments were designed to train me to stay still and accept any degree of spanking she cared to deliver. These experimental spankings ended up being more severe than most of the punishments I get. She was successful. I can stay still for any spanking she cares to give me. That is if I’m on my stomach. In the milking position, all bets are off.

She seems to be of a mind that a new set of experiments in the milking position won’t be as fruitful as her original study. I tend to agree. On the other hand, if she makes up her mind to teach me to hold still in the milking position, I will learn. It may take a while but she knows how to train me.

lion spanked with small blue paddle

I was falling asleep at work yesterday. By the time I got home, I was ready to crawl under the blankets and take a quick nap. And I did. Then my mother called to see if we were anywhere near the coronavirus outbreak in Seattle. We aren’t. Since I was up I made dinner. Lion was snoozing a bit but he woke up when I came out of the shower.

I whomped his butt with a wooden paddle to test the theory that the previous night’s spanking was painful only because I’d used the rubber paddle. The paddle didn’t matter. He was still yowling. I think it’s the stretched skin that matters. He says it may not be possible to spank as long with him in the milking position. Perhaps I’ll have to use it only when I want to swat his crack. That will definitely show my hand though. Once I tell him to get on his knees, he’ll know what’s coming. Oh well.

A while after I swatted him, I gave him the beginnings of a handjob. I don’t think he got close at all but I know it felt good. Sometimes that’s all you can hope for. As long as we’re touching and it feels good to him, I’m happy. The rest is just frosting on the cake.

I don’t think I’ll spank him tonight. Our questions have been answered. Any lengthy spanking will have to be done while he’s on his tummy. I’m sure we can modify things with a few pillows but other than that it is, as they say, what it is.

Tonight I’m hoping I have a little more energy. It doesn’t look good at the moment but I need to do more for Lion. I should be playing with him more to get him excited. I can’t just suck him or yank on him. He needs Icy Hot or tiny clothespins. (I just felt him cringe.) Maybe I’ll make him happy and tie his balls tightly. He really likes that. I do too.

lion's balls tied apart