No, I’m not all better yet. I definitely feel better than I did at the beginning of the week, but still not quite there. I ate some Activia yesterday. Vile stuff. Today I’m trying acidophilus. I’ve had this, whatever it is, before but it never lasted this long. Maybe I’m old and this is just one more system that is letting me know I can’t eat or drink whatever I want to anymore. Of course, I have no idea what I might have eaten or drunk to cause this, but that’s part of the fun of life.

Lion ordered some lube. I think it may be the same as the lube we already have that’s lost in a box somewhere. Naturally, that’s the way it works. You can’t find something, so you order another, and inevitably, the original shows up again. It’s magic. Anyway, we’ll have to take this lube for a test run. Will he get an orgasm out of the deal? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just tease him. Maybe I’ll go further. He won’t be getting a blow job if he’s slathered with lube, but handjobs are working again, so we shall see. I think I’m feeling well enough to jerk him off.

Lion  being spanked on bare bottom

I have to get back to unpacking. We have a habit of ordering things that have no homes, and they just sit around. My once-clean table is covered with stuff again. Lion usually blames clutter on me, but on more than one occasion, I have taken my clutter off the table, and it’s still more than half full of his clutter. With a three-day weekend, I intend to make the house more presentable. I know I won’t get through all the boxes, but things are just tossed around. If I organize the mess, it will look better.

And, of course, an extra day off means more time for Lion fun. If that fun involves spanking, I’m not sure how much fun he’ll have, but he can reminisce about his spanking after the pain dies down a bit. He’s wired like that. (I just noticed that “wired” and “weird” have the same letters. Coincidence? He’s weird like that, too.)

As promised, I gave Lion a handjob yesterday. I forgot it was supposed to be a hand job until he reminded me. It was his first in a very long time. They used to be the go-to method for his orgasms. Then they weren’t. Between my sore shoulders and his, what we now know as, need for a helper drug, hand jobs just stopped working.

Ironically, even with the Edex, my shoulders tend to hurt more during oral sex than they did yesterday jerking him off. Go figure. I’m sure it was such a novelty yesterday, my shoulders forgot they were supposed to hurt. I guess from now on he can either be sucked or jerked.

On Saturday night, I whomped him good. The pain didn’t last very long afterwards, but he was definitely not pleased with me. That’s okay. He shouldn’t be. He should be concentrating on what he did wrong and how to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But mostly, he was focusing on how much each swat hurt.

Once his glow faded from his orgasm, he went to take a shower. On his way back, he forgot his pills. I know he’s forgotten them before and had to go back to the bathroom to retrieve them. He did not catch his mistake until it was too late last night. Poor Lion. Was another whomping in his future?

I took pity on the forgetful boy. All of his blood was still near his weenie and hadn’t quite made it back up to his brain. I really can’t punish him for that. I’m surprised he could even manage to find the bathroom, let alone take a shower. How could I expect him to follow a rule? Luckily, his brain seems to have recovered. Any forgetful thing he does now is his own fault.

I forgot I have to make up an hour a day at work because I left early for Lion’s doctor appointment on Monday. I had just made a mistake and was asking for help when Lion wondered what time I was planning on spanking him. I realized then it was already 4:30, but I needed to fix my mistake. Then I remembered I had to make up time. I was stuck until 5:30.

As soon as I finished repairing my boo-boo I could spank him so he could shower. He decided to put off his shower because I said I was going to slather him with lube. I was really only going to use it on my weenie, but he opted for a shower after the festivities anyway. I don’t usually take an afternoon break so I snuck away for five minutes to give him his punishment day spanking. That way he had a little while to recover. He doesn’t really need much time. It’s not like it’s a full punishment spanking.

After work, I set up the massage table. Rather than using lube, I decided to use the same oil I use for waxing. If Lion was showering anyway, he could get rid of the oil easily. I think it’s slipperier than lube too. Before I got that far, I rubbed him all over. I don’t think it did anything for him, but I liked feeling close to him. Of course I spent some time on weenie and the boys.

When I thought he was ready, I oiled up my hands. One good thing about slippery hands is that I couldn’t pinch his nipples. He hates when I do it so he was happy to have that off the table. And he was glad to have my slippery hands on my weenie.

Whether I use lube or not, I have a problem keeping my strokes even. The other day I went too slow to keep him interested. Too fast is no good either. GoldiLion likes it just right. I get caught up listening or watching for cues that he’s getting close, and I don’t realize I’ve sped up or slowed down. I must have been doing something right because he had a nice orgasm. He even gave me some cream filling. Oil be damned, I lapped it up.

True to form, we didn’t play last night. We got home from Lion’s appointment and I started doings things around the house. Lion watched TV while waiting for the dilation drops to wear off. Two things needed to happen that were time sensitive. Well, three, but two absolutes. I needed to get the garbage out to the curb and I needed to change the bed. Obviously, I can’t change the bed with Lion in it, so that waited until he was in the shower. The third thing, that only occurred to me after I made the bed, was that it was punishment day. If I swatted him when he got out of the shower, then we couldn’t play. If I didn’t swat him, I’d be breaking another promise. So, I did what I always do when faced with a decision with no winners, I did nothing. Actually, that’s not entirely true. As I was heading to make dinner, I told Lion I was postponing his spanking to today so we could play after dinner. He told me we didn’t have to play. See? No winner.

Now, here we are on Tuesday, with a spanking due and I still haven’t played with Lion. Yes, the thought did occur to me that I can spank him after we play. That seems anticlimactic. Sort of like continuing to jerk him off after he’s cum. Why do it? That’s just mean. However, I do owe him both. Maybe I’ll spank him just before his shower. That will give him a few minutes to “recover”.

For days, I’ve been thinking about jerking him off with lube. I’ve also been thinking about rubbing the lube all over him. Of course, that’s a bit too messy if he’s just had a shower. I don’t even know if he’d like to be rubbed/massaged all over, much less with lube. We’re not really touch-feely people. I could always do it anyway. He’ll just have to suffer through having me touch him all over.