Lion assured me he was horny yesterday. When I released him from his cage, the evidence was there. Deep grill marks in the head of his penis. Poor Mr. Weenie had been straining to get out of the cage.

We started out the night with some punishment swats. There was only one penny in the Lion bank this time. He had eaten before me at lunch over the weekend. I guess I lull him into believing I’m not paying attention and then pounce on him when he does something. Sometimes he’ll say he was sure I ate already. Other times I just get a sheepish grin. Usually, if I know I’ll take a while getting ready to eat, I’ll tell him he can start. I don’t want the poor boy to starve. For the most part, he is a good boy and waits patiently.

I had completely forgotten about his sweet spot on his left cheek until I hit it and he launched off the bed. It’s not like I’m aiming for it maliciously. It is, after all, prime real estate on the Lion butt. Perhaps I just need to toughen it up with more regular spankings. He never had this problem before. Clearly he’s out of practice. 2.0 can fix that.

Lion has been very tired the past few days. He hasn’t been sleeping well. Maybe 2.0 isn’t wearing him out enough. She’ll need to be more demanding. Perhaps a mid-week sling session. Maybe multiple edging sessions a night. I’ve never thought about edging him, letting him rest and then edging him again. Maybe that’s just what he needs. 2.0 can probably tire both of us out.

I assured Lion this morning that 2.0 is here to stay. That is, of course, unless she morphs into 3.0.

As Mrs. Lion wrote yesterday, I ate too  much of a very good dinner Sunday night and was more interested in snuggling than sex. Mrs. Lion was great about that and after some CBT with clothespins, we cuddled together. By the way, if you’ve wondered why my posts always seem a day out of date, it’s because I don’t get up obscenely early to write my daily post. I write it the day before. That means, today’s post for example, is being written Monday afternoon. I have no idea what will happen tonight (last night when you read this). Mrs. Lion generally writes her post the same day it is published. So she delivers the most up-t0-date news.

I’ve been thinking about communications between Mrs. Lion and I. I wonder how much influence I have over what she does. I know she listens to what I say and write and she often does what I suggest. Though since she has become lioness 2.0, she generally puts her own spin on acting on my suggestions. I still worry that I have more control than I should. We both know I am not submissive by nature and I have spent most of my life in the dominant role. I still write about dominance on the Dominant Guide. I don’t find any conflict with that, nor does Mrs. Lion.

Knowing my nature is far from submissive, it worries me that I am having too much influence at home. Neither of ever imagined that we would have a lioness dictatorship. We make most decisions jointly, though she is the tie breaker if we disagree. The worry comes in about play. I’ve been a D/S educator for many years and I love to share what I know. Most of the teaching I have done with Mrs. Lion was years ago. So since I’ve surrendered to her my effort to teach her has been minimal. I have introduced some new ideas and she has adopted a few. The shock collar and TENS units were my ideas. Her use of the shock collar for “instant messages” was purely her own.

In my power exchange fantasies, control is taken from me and I don’t get to provide any input. In real life that would never work for me. But I don’t want to control things either. The Journal and our emails have been very helpful. However, Mrs. Lion sometimes forgets I am just making suggestions and not expressing expectations that will upset me if they aren’t met. Lioness 2.0 gets this and has a much better attitude in my opinion.

So much that I read online prescribes what we should do in a female controlled marriage and in enforced chastity. Some guys want to develop their submissive side and put their own spin on how they believe men in FLR’s should act and even think. I disagree with a lot of what I read. My basis is that I was a 24/7 master to a female slave who was extremely submissive and actively worked to serve with her entire heart and soul. She might be the role model for many submissive-aspiring guys. From my perspective as her master, it was a very difficult way to live. I think most of us need collaboration way more than we need control.

Control, particularly sexual control, is the icing on the cake. The substance of a relationship is all the mundane stuff that supports our daily lives. Being put into the position of decision maker for everything was pure pressure for me. As a dominant, I wanted to make the decisions I chose to make. The rest could be joint or hers. Now that I am on the other end of the paddle, I work hard to maintain my partnership with Mrs. Lion. I will surrender any control she wishes to have. That’s what FLR means to me, at least. But otherwise I will continue to pay most of the bills, decide issues we agree I should, and share decisions on the rest with her. When it comes to sex and play, she is the sole authority and I exist totally at her pleasure.

I hear a lot about topping from the bottom. In our world, that’s a punishable offense. The same way I try to avoid eating first or dropping food, I try to avoid topping from the bottom. If I do, my lioness could catch it and send a strong message back to me that I better stop. If she doesn’t catch it, I hope I do and stop before she stops me. My point is that topping from the bottom won’t send you straight to hell. It also won’t destroy your power exchange; at least not at first. It’s just a bad habit that needs correction and self control. It’s like eating ice cream once in a while when you are on a diet. If you don’t do it too often, you’ll still lose weight. If you make it a habit, things could go badly. ‘Nuff said.

Lion was not horny last night. He said he ate too much and his stomach was battling itself. 2.0 didn’t care. She put easy clothespins on his boobies and balls. They caused Lion a lot of pain. More so than normal. 2.0 took pity on him and took off the booby clothespins. After a while we decided that playing wasn’t having much effect since Lion was too full to enjoy himself. So we snuggled.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with snuggling instead of playing. We can’t play all the time. If one of us isn’t feeling well, we take a break. 2.0 can power through most things, but if Lion isn’t feeling well, there’s no way around it. Plus, we enjoy snuggling. Any time together is nice, but snuggling is better. The only one who doesn’t enjoy it is the jealous dog who has decided that Lion is hers and gives me dirty looks occasionally when I’m too close to him.

I did tell Lion he wouldn’t be getting an orgasm any time soon if he’s this uninterested in play the day after. Of course, he was dealing with tummy issues so it wasn’t his fault. Except that he ate too much. Oh well. 2.0 is understanding. Sometimes. She didn’t hold anything against him but herself. If it becomes a habit, she might dole out some punishment.

Lion didn’t necessarily have the fun weekend he might have anticipated. He didn’t have any sling time. No menthol rub or nasty clothespins. No figging or anal play. All he got was an orgasm. (Which is a big win for him.) On the other hand, he didn’t wear diapers or panties. His toenails remained Lion color. He only had to deal with the shock collar and if I could have figured out how to do Morse code on it, he might not have had so much trouble finding me. Instead, he got a single zap to let him know he was close.

I’d still classify it as a good weekend. An orgasm trumps all other play or non-play. I think Lion can agree with that. [Lion — Absolutely!]

lion's shock collar
When I shortened the collar the first time, I didn’t bring the male connector right up to the shock unit. This made it fit so loosely most of the shocks went unfelt.

We went out shopping yesterday. Mrs. Lion told me to wear the newly modified shock collar for our outing. It’s a small dog shock collar that I shortened the collar to sort of fit around my cock and balls. It never fit quite right. The longer strap (image, right) was still too long and didn’t provide firm contact with my perineum. I didn’t shorten it further because the long side had the antenna sewn in.

Still, we used it with very mixed results. A few weeks ago, I decided to revisit the device to see if I could find a solution. On further examination, I discovered that the antenna wire was just slipped into a sleeve on the outside of the nylon strap. It didn’t go all the way to the buckle. So, I removed the wire and shortened the strap another couple of inches. Then I cut a new slit in the antenna sleeve and reattached the receiver.

Sadly, while the device fit very well, the fused end of the strap scraped the sensitive skin around my genitals. Contact was more reliable, but still not very good. I now had an uncomfortable device that failed to shock me reliably. I did some searching on the Web and saw some other devices, vastly overpriced at $300 each. At least one used a strap with velcro closures. Ah ha!

I looked around and found an old, padded collar that I had tried wearing in the old days. It was two layers of cloth with foam sewn between them. Perfect! I cut a piece out of it long enough to go around my cock and balls with enough left over for velcro to grip. I punched holes for the contacts, glued velcro in the right spots and Voila! a new, more comfortable device.

Unfortunately, the contacts were still missing a good part of the time. I found my way to the Petsafe website and found their accessory page. I found flex contacts that extend the contact area with a flexible body. The contact was now a full 5/8″ long. Long enough to stay firmly in contact with my skin no matter how I moved.

We field tested the modified device on our trip to the warehouse store. Mrs. Lion gave me a light zap and it worked perfectly. I had to go to the men’s room and on my way back I had trouble finding my lioness. While I was wandering around, I felt a light zap. It was her signalling me that she could see me. Unfortunately, I still couldn’t see her, so I wandered a little longer until we met.

It turns out that the shock collar is not only a correction device. It is a useful, not-painful-when-turned-down signalling device. Who knew? Mrs. Lion.