magic wand vibrator
Lion’s new best friend, the cordless Magic Wand vibrator.

I thought I was Lion’s best friend. It turns out his best friend is battery operated. We played with the Magic Wand again last night and he’s said several times that he really likes it. This from the man who said vibrators do nothing for him. Apparently he just hadn’t found the right one.

I know Lion is very horny right now and maybe that has a lot to do with his being enamored of the vibrator. Alas, he was not horny enough to warrant an orgasm. I don’t know. There was just something missing. I got him close, but I wasn’t feeling it. He didn’t achieve beautiful penis status. Too bad. Maybe we can try again today. We’re going out tonight so if it doesn’t happen this afternoon, it’s not happening until tomorrow, at least. Who knows? He may actually make it till his next scheduled orgasm before he gets the last one.

I realize I’m playing with fire though. Sure, he’s horny right now. Yesterday was the fifth day so he is at the height of horniness. After day seven he sort of drops on the horniness scale. If his penis is not beautiful by tomorrow I may have to hit reset and give him an orgasm anyway. Maybe, if I have to do that, it should be a no frills orgasm. Is there such a thing? I mean no fanfare. Just a boring reset. Maybe no edging. Just right to the orgasm and be done with it. He shouldn’t enjoy a reset, should he? Yes, he’d get an orgasm which he should enjoy anyway, but if it’s a bare bones (no pun intended) orgasm then it wouldn’t be as enjoyable. I think. I don’t know. I’m making this up as I go along.

On the other hand, if I threaten a reset orgasm, he might just pull a beautiful penis out of thin air. It’s difficult to tell how Lion’s mind will deal with things like this. I’ll have to think about it for a while.

After all the years I spent as a top, I should know better than to want so much variety in our play. People like Mrs. Lion (and I in some ways) like things to be the same most of the time. Variety can mean risk and does expend energy. I’m talking about the different things we have tried over the last couple of years. This morning I walked past the cabinet where our bedroom TV audio and video equipment lives. The top of that cabinet is a kind of junk pile where we put things after we use them and intend later to put away. Of course they end up living there.

Right on the edge was the dusty shock collar that we used the summer before last. It had a lot of promise. Mrs. Lion could correct me in public at a distance. My reaction made her smile. I liked the control it gave her, if not the shocks I received. There are lots of things like that in our house. We have our own island of lost toys. I understand how this happens. It isn’t that she doesn’t want to play with them. They simply get forgotten.

Interestingly, that same cabinet top is where she keeps the toys she uses almost every time we play. There are a few paddles there, a zip lock bag of CBT toys including the dreaded dollhouse clothespins, as well as other stuff buried under the pile. Most nights, Mrs. Lion selects a paddle and her bag of CBT toys and begins our session. Sessions start at around 9pm and on most nights begin with either punishment, maintenance, or fun spanking. Then I roll over for CBT and teasing.

I’m not complaining. It’s more than most people get in a week or more. Mrs. Lion works hard to make play “interesting” for me. She succeeds very well. Thursday night I groaned inwardly when the Velcro came out of her bag. That always hurts a lot. I didn’t want pain right then. At least that’s what I told myself. My penis thought otherwise. I was hard so fast she didn’t get to put a Velcro strip on while I was flaccid. She had to settle for a semi. When I think, “Oh no! Not again!” I realize that it doesn’t mean I don’t want what’s coming. It means I don’t know my own mind.

I would like to see us use more of our toys. But I don’t want Mrs. Lion to feel pressured to remember what we have and then use the various items. There has to be an easier way for her. She tried writing activities on pieces of paper and then drawing one each time we played. That was helpful but I don’t think she really liked it. Would a menu listing stuff we have be helpful? I’m not sure it would. She would have to remember to consult it and then dig out whatever it was that struck her fancy.

From my perspective as a greedy bottom, I would love to go back to the shock collar and other toys we liked but somehow “lost”. I remember what a pain it was for me as a top to have to remember to dig stuff out to use again. The familiar is always much easier.

There’s another, more important reason why things get forgotton: If the activities are just for my benefit, meaning that Mrs. Lion doesn’t truly get a lot of pleasure from doing them, then even with the best intentions we will tend to get into a rut. When something is fun, it’s far easier to prepare and execute the activity. If it is for someone else’s “entertainment” then it can be more work than pleasure. That’s just human nature.

I think that most keyholders and tops have far less ambitious desire for play than their bottoms. It isn’t unique to us. I’ll always want more. It’s my nature. That doesn’t mean I expect more.  I know better.

Topping isn’t the only life situation that involves activity that, while not unpleasant, isn’t our first choice at the moment. The way I handle those things is to look for ways I can turn them into  enjoyable or entertaining experiences. One big example is winter. I always hated the cold, snowy weather where we used to live. I finally figured out how to find a way to like it. I learned to ski. I never really loved skiing, but liked it enough to turn winter into a time of year I could enjoy. I did the same with cooking. I discovered that learning to make things I never thought I could have at home became a fun challenge. I like to cook now.

The same is true of topping. An activity can become enjoyable if the challenge of becoming great at it is picked up. Similarly, even if  you aren’t someone who likes power, it can be fun to “train” someone to behave in a different way. In our case, it could be a challenge for Mrs. Lion to train me to hold still for any spanking she gives. Figuring out how to do this will take research and practice, but there is real pleasure in mastering a skill.

The skill doesn’t have to be one you would choose on your own. For example, I know Mrs. Lion has no overwhelming interest in conditioning me. But that isn’t really the point. The point is setting a goal and doing everything necessary to reach it. In addition to making play much more intense and purposeful, it helps develop a very useful life skill. We all could use practice setting and meeting goals.

Lion has decided that “I like when he’s horny” translates into his not getting an orgasm until he is at his plateau and presumably isn’t very interested. I’m not sure where he got that idea from. Why would I want to give him an orgasm if he isn’t very interested? I’ve done it before, yes, but I think my point is that I want him so frustrated that he can almost spontaneously orgasm. If I wait too long we’ve both lost out. He no longer cares and I don’t get that incredibly hard cock straining to have its moment of glory. I’m not sure how to describe it, but when Lion is really, really ready, he gets so hard his penis gets that nice curve to it and the head is very pronounced and the skin is stretched tight. It’s beautiful, if you can call a penis beautiful.

So that’s my goal. Maybe from now on, even when we get to a scheduled date, if he’s not horny enough he won’t get his orgasm. He has to prove to me that he wants it. He doesn’t have to do it all by himself, of course. I’ll be giving him a helping hand or mouth, along with clothes pins, paddles, Velcro, and other assorted things. But he has to show me that beautiful penis if he wants an orgasm. And I know I’ll cheat. I give him bonus orgasms all the time. I’m a horrible top, except that when I want to give him an orgasm just because, as a top, I’m well within my rights. But there will be times, like now, when I want to see that beautiful penis and know that he is oh-so-close and so damn frustrated he would hump a tree if he could.

Lion is now a few days past his scheduled orgasm and we’re still working on getting him horny enough. He may be very frustrated right now, but I know he’s loving every minute of it. Well, maybe not every minute. [Lion – Most minutes]

This is probably the worst time for me to write a post like this. I am extremely horny and my imagination runs wild when in this state. OK, you’ve been warned. I’ve been thinking about Mrs. Lion’s latest declaration. She said that she likes it better when I am very horny. I asked her why. She said that I get hard almost immediately and I am very easy to tease. I asked if there were any changes in my non-sexual behavior. She said I whine more. I commented that extra whining must be annoying to her. She replied that she didn’t say she doesn’t like that kind of whining.

She’s decided to continue withholding orgasm until she feels the time is “right”. That’s a very hot thought to me. I really like her decision. I take it to mean that when stimulating me gets more difficult, she may consider giving me an orgasm to start the ball rolling again. That’s just my interpretation, not a fact.

I’ve also been thinking about putting a “price” on orgasm when she decides it might be time. It could be having me accept 50 fast punishment swats without moving. If I move, sorry we will try again another time. Or, it could be holding a number of tiny clothespins on head of my penis for a period of time. When I suggested that maybe there could be a price on orgasm, her reply was, “You’ll just say you will wait.”

That’s been true up to now. But she never pushed me hard enough to find out if there is a time I will make a painful trade. Or maybe the price can go down the longer I wait. In any case it may provide some additional amusement for Mrs. Lion.

One of the blogs I regularly read, “Real Women Don’t Do Housework“, had an interesting post about motivation. It’s a brilliant idea on how to avoid whining and arguing about chores or other decisions.  It uses the desire for release to control practical matters in a very humane way.

I realize that when I consider motivation for me, it is always the threat of painful punishment. In my mind I see the ability to give me pain as a strong statement of power over me. Of course it is, but an even stronger statement is made when my lioness shows sexual control. Edging me is very pleasurable, but it also makes the strong point that no matter how much I want release, I won’t get it unless Mrs. Lion decides she wants me to have an orgasm.

Impromptu edging, just once to make a point, as “Real Women Don’t Do Housework” suggests, not only sends a powerful message, it uses male hormones to produce an amicable result to a situation that could have been unpleasant. Since I am always locked in a chastity device, that spur-of-the-moment edging requires removing at least my cage. The ring can remain on. That’s a logistical problem for us since my key is in a lion-proof strong box under the bed. That can be too much trouble for Mrs. Lion. I had a thought about that. Maybe we could put the key on a necklace that she could wear when she is up and about at home. Other times it could go back into the strong box.  Alternatively, she could let me run wild when we are alone together and both awake.

With the ability to use either the paddle or the penis as a way of modifying my behavior, I think that Mrs. Lion has a lot more opportunity for control. I think it is very interesting that edging sends two messages: It is the most pleasurable sensation a male can enjoy other than full orgasm, and the fact that the orgasm is withheld sends a very strong message about who has the power. I guess we are truly able to be led around by our cocks if the right technique is applied