Why is it that when you’re at work, a day lasts so long, but when you have a four-day weekend, it’s over in the blink of an eye? I had plans. (Actually my plan was to sleep until Saturday, which I pretty much did.) We were going to play and have fun. We’re still planning to play, but how did it get to be Sunday already?

Last night I did manage to tie Lion’s hands to the bed and then I brought out the menthol rub. I’ve been passing that little jar of blue fire for over a week, thinking I should slather it on Lion’s balls. Well, I finally got there. I only did a little dab though. Last time I slathered it. Lion was in a lot of pain. Too much blue fire, even though he poked fun at it being only 5% menthol. That may be the last time he says anything about a menthol rub. This morning, however, he told me I can be a little more liberal with it. Aside from remembering last time, Lion also had a few sore spots from manscaping. I didn’t want to take a chance to get the menthol in those areas. Next time, though, watch out!

My plan for play today is to get Lion in the sling. He hasn’t been in it for a very long time. Once he’s in it, I’m not too sure what to do with him. I can certainly use some more menthol on him; but I just did that. Two other options are anal play and spanking. He hasn’t had either in a while. I’m talking about play spanking. Of course, I can do both this afternoon. He won’t be able to take much anal play right away. We can start out with my fingers and some small dildos. It will take some time to build up to larger dildos and butt plugs.

I think Lion will be happy with a play spanking. It’s definitely different from a punishment spanking; for both of us. I have to be sure to start slowly and build up. I can use my hands at first. I can’t do that with a punishment spanking which needs to be fairly severe right off the bat. My hands would hurt worse than his butt. I think that may be the case even with a play spanking. My hands are stinging and Lion is just smiling away with a red butt. Of course, Lion has a tough butt; except, it seems, when he’s receiving a punishment spanking. Then I think sometimes he can be classified as a wimp.

Sometimes I don’t think I am very bright. Here I am on this blog having written over 1,000 posts and the light bulb finally goes on. I finally get it.

Let me back up a bit. Last night we went out to dinner and then spent a few hours playing the slots at a local casino. This time I remembered to put on the training collar. This is the longest I’ve worn it. Mrs. Lion didn’t zap me once. We joked that she could use it to find me if we were separated in the casino. She could follow the yelps.

Anyway, I noticed that I was watching her carefully to be sure I didn’t eat first or interrupt her. I asked her if I behaved better when wearing the training collar. She told me that I am always on my best behavior when I have it on.

Ah ha!

When she zaps me with the training collar, I am always surprised, even if I know it’s coming. As a correction it is close to perfect. I really want to avoid it. During dinner Mrs. Lion had her phone on the table with the training collar app open. I got the point. It’s not that I am afraid of being zapped. I just don’t like it one bit. The best way to avoid a zap is to be on my best behavior. My memory of the right things to do seems to be perfect when that collar is around my balls.

The big ah ha has nothing to do with the collar per se. It’s about the entire point of domestic discipline. I’m turned on by the idea of being spanked. Even though I don’t like a punishment spanking, the idea is arousing. I understand that a lot of guys feel this way. I also find the idea of wearing the training collar hot too. I like the idea that I have to wear it. I also like that I get spanked. Then why does wearing the collar act as a true deterrent and a spanking doesn’t?

There are a few differences between the corrections. The collar is immediate and often public. I have absolutely no control over it. Cooperation isn’t needed. All Mrs. Lion has to do is touch the button on her app. She doesn’t have to be physically near me (within 30 feet or so). Spanking, on the other hand, requires me to bare my butt and lie on the bed. I know what is coming and my feedback can often reduce the severity of the punishment.

I’ve been doing research on the Net about domestic discipline. I’ve been corresponding with a woman who disciplines her husband. Between her blog and our email exchange, I’ve gotten a lot of insights on a mature, domestic discipline relationship. Between that new information and what the training collar has taught me, I think I understand a lot more.

I think it’s fair for me to say that my speakings to date are for my benefit. By that I mean Mrs. Lion spanks me because it is something I want her to do. Also, she is getting experience in her role as my disciplining wife. I never considered how to tell if a punishment is effective. I don’t think Mrs. Lion gave it much thought either. Thanks to the training collar, I now get it.

A spanking, or any punishment for that matter, is effective if my behavior changes so I can avoid another. That is the only measurable result. Mrs. Lion can clearly observe whether I am on my best behavior or not.  If I’m not, I must not be too concerned about the consequences. Seems like a reasonable way to judge effectiveness. If my behavior doesn’t change for the better, correction is required. The intensity of the correction really has nothing to do with how I feel about it. Apparently my behavior changes without any need for me to think about the consequences.

In psychological terms this makes a lot of sense. I am conditioned by the adverse stimului to avoid behaviors that will get me more. The training collar is a very effective way to administer adverse stimulus. Spanking is too. Much of my reading on disciplinary spankings give suggestions on how to tell the punishment is effective. Signs like sweating, tears, and passive acceptance are all valid indications that the stimulation is intense.

What isn’t clear is when I have received enough. That can only be judged by my subsequent behavior. If I am on my best behavior for a few hours after the punishment and then revert to my “forgetful” self, there is a need for a stronger reminder. If only a few swats that barely make my butt pink cause me to be on my best for days, then that is enough.

The main reason for punishment is conditioning. It isn’t fear of another punishment that is the motivator. I’m not afraid of the training collar. It’s just a very effective source of correction. So effective, that just wearing it is enough to change my behavior. That effect will wear off after a while. But a few strong zaps will refresh my subconscious and my behavior will immediately improve.

It’s exactly the same with spanking. After some period of time, the conditioning will start to wear off. Another spanking will renew my memory. What’s so surprising to me is that these changes aren’t conscious at all. I am not thinking, “Uh oh. I better watch out or I will get punished.”

It’s nothing like that. I just want to do what Mrs. Lion wants. Go figure. I never believed the accounts I’ve read about guys changing just because they have to wear a chastity device. Or stories of a strong spanking making a real change in a guy. I attributed the changes to fear of another spanking. That’s not the point at all.

Domestic discipline isn’t about horrid beatings. That’s the fantasy. It’s no different than the fantasies about being locked in a chastity device for life. Hot fantasies tend to be extreme. My enforced chastity includes lots of orgasms. But I know they are strictly at Mrs. Lion’s pleasure. I’ve learned to be fine with that. My punishments are supposed to hurt, but they aren’t administered to satisfy some inner need of mine or some sadistic fun for Mrs. Lion. They have a real purpose.

I now understand how things are supposed to work. I see that there are objective measures to determine if a punishment is intense enough. There is also an objective way to know when another is needed. I don’t think either of us considered this information as particularly useful. Now I get it.

Even though I understand how all this works, I realize that my changes aren’t conscious. Yes, I can watch my step to avoid a punishment. But that sort of attention doesn’t last very long. The subconscious conditioning is the real benefit. The act of putting on the training collar triggers a positive response in me. I wonder if some physical sign that reminds me of being spanked would have the same beneficial effect. I also wonder if Mrs. Lion agrees with my latest revelation. Stay tuned.

training collar
Ben Franklin doesn’t like the training collar either. Lion wore his training collar to the casino last night. He was lucky twice: he won some money and I didn’t zap him

Last night we went out for Chinese food. Before we left, Lion made sure to put on the training collar. He didn’t want to be punished for forgetting it again. He’s been very observant since he wracked up two infractions in one night. When he wears the training collar he seems to be even more observant.

Throughout dinner he kept an eye on my hand that was closest to the phone. I had the “zap” app open and ready to use. Any time I picked up my phone he must have shuddered a little.

“Will this be the time I get zapped? I don’t remember doing anything wrong.”

But I never zapped him.

When we were done with dinner we went to a nearby casino. There was a time that we spent what seemed to me like every waking minute in this casino. In hindsight, I wonder if it was Lion’s substitute for the sex he wasn’t getting. I didn’t think of that till just now. We’ll have to discuss and get back to you. Lion likes to sit next to me when we play the slots, but we rarely win on the same machines. He said he had to stay withing 35 feet of me or the training collar wouldn’t work. I told him he could go off in search of a winning machine. I could always look for him by trying to connect to the collar. Of course, we also had our phones to message each other.

As I played, from time to time I’d try to connect to the collar with no success. No big deal. Lion was off having fun. He messaged me about a big bonus round. When I was done with the luck on the machine I’d been playing, I moved on. And on. And on. And then I went searching for Lion. I walked around and pushed the button to connect to the collar. No luck. Then we almost bumped into each other. Now the collar connected.

We sat next to each other for the rest of the night. I buzzed him a few times (with the vibrate button – he likes that) when he got a big bonus round or if I just wanted him to know I was thinking about him. I know he was right next to me, but the zapper wasn’t getting any use. He always seems to be on his best behavior when he’s wearing the training collar. It’s almost counterproductive. Of course, I want him to behave, but I never get to zap him. Oh well. I’d rather have a well-behaved Lion than have him misbehave and need me to zap him. I guess the threat of punishment, in this case, is good enough.

Lion just doesn’t want to get on Santa’s naughty list.

spanked bottom
The point isn’t the color. It’s how much it hurt to get that way. Pain is the point of spanking.

Thursday night, I received punishment for forgetting my training collar and for eating first the same night. After the spanking, we discussed what happened. I (stupidly) commented that the spanking was fairly mild, but it was painful. Mrs. Lion responded that the spanking was all about causing me pain. That gave me pause. She really gets it! I don’t think that I did, not fully. The entire point is to make it hurt, a lot.

I’m not sure what I thought it was all about. That may sound silly, but I never considered pain as the reason I get spanked. I thought it was all about technique, marks afterward, and duration. In my mind, pain was an unavoidable part of the process. Much of my “advice” was based on minimizing the pain while getting my imagined result. Worst of all, Mrs. Lion was buying into it.

Back to the drawing board. Spanking is supposed to hurt as much as possible without causing lasting injury. If the spanking is particularly effective, the spankee’s bottom is sensitive for an extended tine after the spanking has been completed. I’ve been suggesting ways to make bruises and do other things that might make the sensations last, but not ways to make it hurt more.

We even went so far as to have me put Lidocaine cream on my butt to desensitize it. The reason was to make it hurt less in the beginning so that I wouldn’t wriggle away and end the spanking before Mrs. Lion had time to provide a lasting effect. Silly me! That isn’t the point at all. I read about a technique where the spanker pauses between volleys of swats to allow the male to settle before continuing. Eventually, a natural lessening of sensation will occur and it will be possible for the male to remain fairly still for continuous beating.

My mistake is to consider that spanking me requires me to provide any input at all. My job is to hold as still as I can. Mrs. Lion’s job is to cause maximum pain; enough to make me think twice before “forgetting” or breaking a rule. I break a rule more than once, that is feedback to Mrs. Lion that she didn’t make a strong enough point the last time she spanked me. She knows how to fix that.

All those physical signals I sent for her to stop, were actually signs of her success. I have to learn to shut up. My job is to do as I am told. Mrs. Lion will take care of the rest.