tenderizer paddle
My scorekeeper. Lion got to meet it over 100 times during the game.

Lion’s buns were unhappy with him last night. He suggested two swats for each point scored in the football game. He had over 100 swats. It’s true that they were in bursts of six or fourteen and they weren’t really that close together, but it’s still over 100 swats with no warm up. And that’s in addition to the zaps that launched Lion off the bed despite the fact that I kept turning the “volume” down. The best part about the whole thing is that the Giants actually won. I know! I’m shocked too.

I did something different yesterday. I forgot to have Lion pick from the Box O’Fun on Sunday night so I took four pieces of paper and wrote things on them like butt plug, clothespins, etc. along with the numbers one through four. When Lion sent me an email, I told him to pick a number between one and four without telling him why. He obediently chose number three. Lucky Lion picked a play spanking. Since we were doing the football swats last night and I’m off to a work function tonight, he’ll have to wait until Wednesday for his play spanking anyway but it’s the thought that counts. It also gives Lion something nice to look forward to.

I’m very proud of Lion for just picking a number without asking why he was picking. It’s not like I spring things on him, but he does like to know what’s going on. It’s impressive that he would go with the flow. Good job, my pet!

Lion escaped punishment this morning by losing weight. I gained about what he lost, thus proving that weight isn’t really ever lost so much as it’s passed from one person to another. I also think that I’ve been eating more since he’s gotten home than I did while he was away. And I was eating salads versus “regular” food which won’t help with weight loss. In short, Lion is sabotaging me. I’m kidding. He’s not doing anything on purpose. But he is quick to tell me when I have a snack since that adds extra calories, even if it is a banana. What I really need to do is exercise more than just making more trips up and down the stairs at work.

On Thursday, Lion worked from home while his car was being repaired. Since he was home, I thought it would be the perfect time for him to wear the new cage. That way, if he needed to get out of it in a hurry, he could. We both forgot before I left the house, so he asked in an email if he could remove the Jail Bird himself. It was the first time he’s ever removed it. He said it was a bit difficult. Good! That’s one thing I don’t want it to be user-friendly; at least for him.

When I removed the new cage last night, he had similar sore spots as the first time he wore it for a few hours. He’d smoothed out the texture on most of the ring, but he must have missed a few spots. He asked to be wild last night to let it heal. Of course, I said yes. This morning he says he thinks he could wear the Jail Bird. He’s still sore, so I’m letting him remain wild. I also relieved him of wearing the training collar so it wouldn’t irritate the area either. Don’t worry. I’ll be keeping a close eye on him.

It will be interesting to see if Lion’s good behavior holds even though he’s not wearing the training collar. I don’t usually zap him while we’re out, since he seems to mind his manners. Will he be a brat without the collar? We have a lot of chores to do this weekend. That’s plenty of opportunities for him to slip up. I know he’ll try to be a good boy. Let’s see if he makes it.

training collar under lion's balls
Hair of the dog. Next time Lion forgets to wear this, when we get home he will get a few zaps to remind him to wear it next time.

Yesterday we went out to do some shopping. I think the entire population of every nearby town was on the road. We quickly decided the best idea was to wait until around dinnertime to shop. When we got to one store later, however, the shelves were bare in quite a few areas. No one was restocking. It seemed like very poor planning on their part. That’s the problem with stores cutting staff to maintain a healthy stock price. We decided to go over to the competition. They had similar sales, but the shelves were adequately stocked. I’m hoping we got everything we needed and we can stay huddled in the house until Tuesday when it’s time for work.

Because we shopped so late, we got home late. Lion was horny, but tired. Playtime didn’t go as well as expected. Earlier in the day, Lion said he had no say in when he gets an orgasm, but he remembers the old schedule had him coming on Christmas eve and Christmas day. He doesn’t like the arrangement of back to back orgasms. I was going to give him one last night, but Mr. Weenie wasn’t in sync with Lion’s mind. We decided that an earlier start to the festivities would help. Tonight we will certainly do that.

I’ve been thinking about Lion’s punishment spankings in relation to punishment spankings in other blogs. I’m not entirely sure I’m willing to make his more severe. I have no desire to reduce Lion to a blubbering mess. I swat until I think I’ve proven my point. That could be accomplished in five swats or twenty-five swats. It depends partly on Lion’s reaction and partly on the state of his buns. If I see bruising happening quickly, I first try to avoid that spot, and then if the bruising continues there or elsewhere I stop.

Naturally, it all depends on the paddle I’m using. Some will create bruising more quickly than others. Should I designate one paddle as the punishment paddle? I guess I could. But I like having a variety of paddles for both punishment and play spankings. Theoretically, I should be able to prove my point with any paddle.

As I write this, I’ve decided that Lion’s punishment for forgetting his training collar should be a zap or two with said training collar. A little hair of the dog that bit him, so to speak. It seems only fitting to me that he should be punished with the very thing he forgot to wear. After all, when I know it’s on, I give him little vibratory thank yous to let him know he’s a good boy. A few zaps after we get home would definitely let him know he wasn’t a good boy for forgetting. I bet that will help him remember.

Happy holidays!!!!

training collar
Ben Franklin doesn’t like the training collar either. Lion wore his training collar to the casino last night. He was lucky twice: he won some money and I didn’t zap him

Last night we went out for Chinese food. Before we left, Lion made sure to put on the training collar. He didn’t want to be punished for forgetting it again. He’s been very observant since he wracked up two infractions in one night. When he wears the training collar he seems to be even more observant.

Throughout dinner he kept an eye on my hand that was closest to the phone. I had the “zap” app open and ready to use. Any time I picked up my phone he must have shuddered a little.

“Will this be the time I get zapped? I don’t remember doing anything wrong.”

But I never zapped him.

When we were done with dinner we went to a nearby casino. There was a time that we spent what seemed to me like every waking minute in this casino. In hindsight, I wonder if it was Lion’s substitute for the sex he wasn’t getting. I didn’t think of that till just now. We’ll have to discuss and get back to you. Lion likes to sit next to me when we play the slots, but we rarely win on the same machines. He said he had to stay withing 35 feet of me or the training collar wouldn’t work. I told him he could go off in search of a winning machine. I could always look for him by trying to connect to the collar. Of course, we also had our phones to message each other.

As I played, from time to time I’d try to connect to the collar with no success. No big deal. Lion was off having fun. He messaged me about a big bonus round. When I was done with the luck on the machine I’d been playing, I moved on. And on. And on. And then I went searching for Lion. I walked around and pushed the button to connect to the collar. No luck. Then we almost bumped into each other. Now the collar connected.

We sat next to each other for the rest of the night. I buzzed him a few times (with the vibrate button – he likes that) when he got a big bonus round or if I just wanted him to know I was thinking about him. I know he was right next to me, but the zapper wasn’t getting any use. He always seems to be on his best behavior when he’s wearing the training collar. It’s almost counterproductive. Of course, I want him to behave, but I never get to zap him. Oh well. I’d rather have a well-behaved Lion than have him misbehave and need me to zap him. I guess the threat of punishment, in this case, is good enough.

Lion just doesn’t want to get on Santa’s naughty list.