Sometimes Lion is wimpy. Things that shouldn’t hurt him too much send him into orbit. It usually happens when I swat his balls. I understand they are sensitive, but even little love taps make him wince a lot. Last night, I decided to do the tiny clothespins. Then I decided I’d go for the lesser tiny clothespins. They’re slightly bigger and I don’t think they have quite the bite of the nasty little fuckers. At least I didn’t think they did.

After I unlocked him and he had all pieces of the cage off, I made sure he was hard and moaning a bit before I put the first clothespin on. Granted, I didn’t warn him, but he jumped and asked what the hell I was doing. The hell I was doing was pinching the edge of the head of my weenie. I don’t think I need to warn him or tell him what I’m doing. I usually do but I didn’t this time. I’m not sure we’ve ever discussed the need to warn him. If he was blindfolded he wouldn’t know. Anyway, the lesser tiny clothespins seem to be as bad as the tiny ones. Maybe he was just wimpy last night. If I try again in a few days he may be more able to handle them. It’s sort of a crap shoot.

Once I decided he wasn’t able to take the less than tiny clothespins anywhere, I tried pinching him with my fingertips. I thought maybe he could handle that better than a clothespin. He did a little better but he still was not having any of it. What could I do? I gave up.

I suppose I could institute a rule that if Lion can’t handle whatever I want to do to him, he forfeits any sex for the day/night. That would be a 4.0 move. The truth is, sometimes he’s just not in the mood for certain things. Who’s to say he wouldn’t have been fine with Icy Hot or figging? For that reason, I don’t think I should punish him for not wanting a certain thing. When he reads this he’ll probably say I should. It’s not like I had my heart set on the lesser tiny clothes pins. I just figured it was something different to do. If he had asked for a butt plug, I could have done a butt plug. I do take requests although, I admit, sometimes I’m not in the mood to do certain things.

Since there was no rule, I continued on to edge Lion orally. It was day fifteen and I left him panting and needing a few minutes to compose himself. The same thing will happen tonight, assuming both of us are ready, willing and able. For the record, I don’t have a date or length of time in mind. I’m not sure if it would be better or worse to announce that he has to make it to October 3. We had scheduled orgasms for a while. As I recall, they didn’t always work out. On one hand, he’d have something to look forward to. On the other hand, if he has no date in mind, every day might be orgasm day. I’d think the latter would be preferable.

Tonight’s the night. Is it? Maybe. Maybe not.

We pick up a lot of sayings from TV shows. On “Mom”, they talk about one of the supporting characters making a disappointed sheep face. Lion did that to me yesterday. Well, let’s just say I was trying to avoid his disappointed sheep face.

I cleaned up quite a bit. I still have a lot to do, but I did make a dent. When Lion was getting ready to make dinner, he noticed that the bottom part if the blender was where it shouldn’t be. He started to say something and then thought better of it. He’s already on thin ice when it comes to saying the house is messy. He went to take a shower and, to avoid his disappointed sheep face, I put the blender parts back together (I was waiting for the container to dry after making doggie ice cream) and put it away. I also cleaned off the entire window seat. I don’t think we’ve seen it since we moved in a year ago.

In the past, when Lion has complained about the kitchen table being full of junk, I’ve cleaned up my part of the mess and left his for him to do. It’s been mostly his stuff. I think that’s still true, but he’s less able to clean it up himself now. I never really thought it was fair for him to complain if it was mostly his stuff or if it was our stuff that he put there. We’re both bad about putting things on flat surfaces.

Anyway, the window seat is clean. The table is cleaner. And the stack of recipes I set aside for Lion to go through is back on the table. I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle. Maybe we need a five second rule for flat surfaces. Maybe if it doesn’t belong there, it needs to be put away within a day. I’ll probably be the one moving it even if it isn’t mine, but I need to know where it goes if it’s Lion’s.

This isn’t Lion’s problem alone. He’s just more vocal about things being messy. I’m a slob. I don’t care if that bag of vitamins we bought at Costco is still in the bag on the floor of the kitchen two weeks later. I don’t expect Lion to clean up my mess though. I only left his kitchen table mess because he always made it seem like the whole mess was mine. We both need to do better.

So it looks like we have a new rule. Anything on the bed, kitchen counter, table, window seat, etc. that doesn’t belong there has to be moved within one day. If it doesn’t have a home, why did we buy it? “I don’t know where we want to put it” shouldn’t be a thing. Find a home for it, even if it winds up in the pantry. (It’s the catch all and is looking like it needs to be cleaned again. Guess whose job that is.)

Obviously, I’m not going to get punished for leaving crap around. But I do think it’s fair for Lion to be able to nag me about it. If it’s my widget, then I need to take care of it. If I brought home X, I need to put X away. And Lion shouldn’t be punished for nagging me about it. He will, however, be punished if he orders “this really cool thing I thought we could try” and it languishes where it doesn’t belong.

This time it’s a rule for both of us. Maybe a day isn’t realistic so we can tweak it as we go, but for now it’s a day. What do you think, Lion? Fair?

[Lion replies — Let me see if I understand this. I’m allowed to nag to get things put away if they are Mrs. Lion’s or general household stuff. If I don’t put away things I buy or order as well as my possessions within 24 hours, I get spanked. Ok, that sounds about as fair as things get around here.]

When I made dinner, I realized Lion hadn’t set up the coffee pot. I always debate with myself whether I should give him a hint. I know it’s been a while since he’s been spanked. We’re trying to figure out what to do if he’s followed his rules and goes for a long time between punishments. If I warned him, he’d miss another punishment opportunity. So I didn’t say anything.

He went into the kitchen to check on the progress of our dill pickles. We should see bubbling by now, according to the recipe. No bubbles. The first batch of dills we made are very salty. This batch doesn’t seem salty enough. I wondered if we forgot to put the salt in. I don’t know how that figures into the fermentation process, but I thought it could be part of the problem. He went into the kitchen again so we could check the recipe and maybe add the forgotten salt. But we didn’t forget the salt.

When I gave the dog her medicine and ice cream, I got our dessert too. The coffee pot was still in pieces in the dish drainer. Again, I resisted reminding Lion. He needs to remember on his own. I can’t keep telling him how to do his job. I don’t remind him about punishment day. Why would I remind him about the coffee pot. Then, after the dog went out, Lion wandered into the kitchen again. Did he remember? I wasn’t sure until this morning when I told him he narrowly escaped punishment. This isn’t technically true. There have been a few times he’s gotten up earlier than I have and sneaked into the kitchen to correct his mistake, but last night was still pretty close.

If he’d forgotten, it certainly would have taken care of our spanking dilemma. I would have whomped him and restarted the clock. Now, it’s been about two weeks since his last spanking. Should I spank him for not getting himself in trouble? Should I spank him for making me get out of practice? My swatting arm needs a workout. Maybe he should get in trouble for falling asleep watching TV. I think I’d be exhausted enforcing that rule. No. I know he can’t help it. But there must be something I can catch him doing so he earns more swats. He’s not a saint.

My thinking cap is on.

We stayed up later than usual last night. Lion has trouble sleeping, then he snoozes during the day, then has trouble sleeping at night, etc. Rinse and repeat. I’m trying to maintain a more normal schedule since I actually have to be up for work on weekdays. Although we canceled our trip, I still took Thursday and Friday off. I’m undecided about Monday. Anyway, Lion is still sleeping, blissfully unaware that he’ll be in trouble when he wakes up. He forgot the coffee pot again.

Again? Yes, I know. He’s been pretty good, but it’s still fairly soon since the last time. He doesn’t venture into the kitchen much at all, but he did go for a drink yesterday. I guess he didn’t notice the coffee pot parts still in the dish drainer. I almost reminded him. Then I decided he was on his own. I’d already forgiven his mistake of eating first at breakfast. How nice am I supposed to be? Plus, he was upset with me for not asking the “right” questions when I took the dog to the vet. Doesn’t that vet know what she’s doing? He’s coming with me to the follow-up. I think he should have come to the initial visit, but his stomach was bothering him. But I digress.

The point is that Lion missed putting the coffee pot together again. It’s a minor infraction in the overall scheme of things. He’s not able to do much around here so I’d appreciate if he could do the things he can. And if one of those things happens to be a rule, then he certainly should do it. If he fails, it’s up to me to remind him. As you know, my reminders of broken rules are painful. The more often rules are broken, the more painful those reminders have to be. It was Lion’s idea to have the punishments increase in severity. In the real world, jail times (theoretically) increase as you re-offend. It makes perfect sense for Lion’s punishments to increase. He is master of his own demise.

I have yard work to do today, but I’ll have to keep a good amount of energy in reserve to whomp Lion. On the other hand, it might make more sense to get a good rest and whomp him tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll be scurrying into the kitchen to put the coffee pot together today. Of course, if he doesn’t, I’ll have more to whomp him for tomorrow.