As you may recall, Lion and I have been trying to lose weight. I got the idea that this weight loss procedure should play into our FLR. As incentive for Lion losing weight, I decided he should get punished if he gains weight. If his weight stays the same or if he loses weight, his buns are safe.

Aside from his kidney surgery, he has steadily lost weight. Before his surgery, he wasn’t eating so it stands to reason he would lose weight and then gain weight once he started eating after the surgery. He was sick so I didn’t punish him when he gained weight at that point. I’m not a monster.

I don’t have a minimum weight he needs to lose each week. As long as he maintains or loses, I count that as a win. Lion does too. Otherwise, he gets spanked. He does not want to be spanked. I’m not sure if the spanking itself or dreading it is worse.

This week didn’t go very well at our weigh-in. We both gained weight. Of course, we were not adhering to our low-carb diet as well as other weeks. I think eating well takes more effort and it’s boring. It’s much easier to grab a pizza or burgers. Tastier too, to me.

Right now, Lion is dreading the punishment for his weight gain. How many swats will he get? How hard will they be? What can he do to avoid it? Will I forget to punish him? He’s just a poor, injured Lion. Why would I be so mean as to punish him?

Ha! Poor Lion. He may fear the punishment, but on some level, he looks forward to it. He knows it means I care enough to hold him to his rules. If I tell him he’s earned punishment and then forget enough times, he’s upset because it looks like I don’t care. What’s the purpose of the rules if I don’t enforce them? Why should he follow them?

The truth is, even when I say the rules have been suspended, Lion tends to follow them anyway. For example, when he has his kidney stones, he still waited until I ate before he ate. Right now, many of the rules have been suspended because of his shoulder. He still follows them. Once he has his surgery, I’m sure he’ll falter, but that’s okay. They’ve been suspended for just that reason.

When I see him adhering to the rules, I try to recognize him. I think it’s important, maybe more so, to tell him when I see him doing something right. He likes to hear “good boy” too. Good boy isn’t really natural for me yet. I say it sometimes, but I bet he’d like to hear it more often. I generally just thank Lion for waiting to eat. It’s a work in progress.

Lion wonders what today will bring. Well, we talked about diapers. Lion has a problem with keeping his pants up. You see, he has no butt. None. So his pants try to slide right on down. No matter how tight he pulls his belt, his pants do not cooperate. This is sometimes amusing, but generally he needs to keep one hand free to grab them if they start to go. I thought a diaper would escalate this problem. They have a somewhat slippery exterior. I turns out, the bulkiness may actually help the pants situation. So Lion will be wearing a diaper today.

As soon as we get ready to go out on our errands, Lion will put his diaper on. When we get home, he will continue to wear diapers. He will have to wear one for two pees and change just before the third pee so he’s always in a wet diaper. I know they don’t necessarily feel wet, but they sag when wet and that’s what I’m going for. Because he’ll be wearing diapers, he does not need to wear his training collar. He forgot it yesterday anyway. I’ll punish him at some point today for that transgression.

We continue to learn/talk/plan for his shoulder surgery. Last night, after he said he was horny all day and I decided to give him an orgasm because it’s been a few days and he needed something good to happen, (how’s this for a run-on sentence) I hit upon the idea of the Lion show. I didn’t call it that last night, but it fits. I presented Lion with the idea of asking for play, edging and/or orgasms while we wait for surgery and during his recovery period. He’s the only one who knows how much pain he’s in. Rather than having me pester him with unwanted advances, he can decide what he wants and when he wants it.

This idea may fly in the face of female led marriage, male chastity, and domestic discipline, but we’re all about experimenting and deciding what works for us. Other people may have had shoulder surgery or other surgeries, but people are different. Lion may be able to take more or less pain than someone else. It may depend on the type of pain. He may be able to endure a punishment spanking, but the shoulder is killing him. Perhaps a broken toe wouldn’t be much of a problem, but a tendon tear is excruciating. My mother once said that a cracked kneecap was the worst pain she’d ever experienced. This woman has had more broken bones and other pains than anyone I know.

So, from last night until I decide he’s out of pain sufficiently, Lion will ask for play, edging and/or orgasms. That doesn’t mean I necessarily have to grant them. It also doesn’t mean that I can’t offer to do them. My job is to take good care of Lion any way I can. Right now, he’s scared and worried. I’ll do anything I can to help.

Lion remembered his training collar both times we went out this weekend. He got the customary vibration to let him know I knew he was wearing it. First, I try to connect. If I am successful then I give him a vibration. Obviously, if I can’t connect I can’t give him the vibration. I usually wait until we’re driving away from the house before I tell him I can’t connect. That way he can’t rectify the situation. If he’s caught, he’s caught.

He may have been good about remembering the collar, but he did interrupt me. He has a habit of assuming he knows what I’m saying and trying to finish my sentence. Sometimes he is correct. Other times he’s not. Every time he is wrong to interrupt. On Sunday, he got zapped for his indiscretion. We were home at the time and he was sitting on the bed starting to undress when I let him have it. It almost shot him off the bed. Despite the abruptness and surprise, I’m sure he’d rather have that than a sore butt. It also crossed my mind that he might have to wear a diaper for the rest of the day, but then the zap was too good to pass up.

When Lion was sick with his kidney stones, I allowed him to be wild. It didn’t seem fair to cage my weenie when he wasn’t feeling well. And then, of course, he had a stent in my weenie and that really wouldn’t have been fair to cage him. On our first trip out of the house after he felt better, I reminded Lion to wear the training collar. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but it had been so long I didn’t want him to get in trouble for something it was logical he’d forget. Now, all bets are off. If he forgets, he’ll be punished. No more Mrs. Nice Lion. At least as far as the training collar is concerned.

I have been nice about the cage. Recently, I’ve been thinking that if Lion isn’t horny he can be wild. Plus, this week he has a doctor’s appointment so he’ll remain wild until after that. I’m still sort of trying the orgasm-a-day experiment and I figure that will keep him less horny. So far, he’s had orgasms every other day or so. That’s probably more doable than every day. We’ll see how that works out for a while. He may still have trouble with that.

It’s all just part of our recent experiments.Try a dab of this, a pinch of that, and see what we come up with. Sometimes it’s successful. Sometimes it’s not. You never know until you try.

Lion had his first chance to choose his own paddle for punishment. He spilled food on his shirt during dinner. He picked a light-ish wooden spoon. Ordinarily, I might have told him it was too light. However, I wanted to prove to him that it doesn’t really matter how light a paddle is. I can still make his butt burn. As a matter of fact, his butt bled a little. I think it was because it’s a slotted spoon and the slots are not exactly smooth. Maybe we can sand the edges to make it smoother.

The stinging/burning lasted a very long time. I guess he’s not safe no matter what paddle he chooses. I was actually thinking I should make sure there are no light paddles to choose from. Apparently it’s not an issue. He also felt the need to tell me he wasn’t happy that he had to choose his own paddle. Awwww, poor thing. If he doesn’t want to choose a paddle, he shouldn’t get into trouble.

The problem with making his butt sting is that it was harder to get him aroused later on. I think I only managed to edge him once. Then I decided we could pick up with the orgasm of the night experiment. I’d told him if he was horny, he’d have to go back into the cage, but, I reasoned, if he had an orgasm he wouldn’t be horny. Not horny, no cage. So I worked him up to the edge and he was bucking away. And then it stopped. Done. All gone. No orgasm. No erection. Of course, Lion said he must be broken. My theory is that he was bucking and must have landed on his butt in such a way that he felt the stinging again and that was all she wrote.

This morning he reports that the Lion weather is hot. If he can make it without punishment today, he may get lucky tonight. Last night he said he didn’t really want to come anyway. Obviously it doesn’t really matter what he wants. He didn’t want to get punished either and he saw how that worked out for him.