I cleaned part of the house when I got home last night. And I worked on the laundry. Lion made dinner. I had my shower and I folded the last of the laundry. I’ve been battling a would-be migraine for a few days. It’s just floating around in the back of my head like a ghost, ready to pop out at any moment. Needless to say, I was spent.

Lion asked if I wanted to snuggle. I didn’t. He said I didn’t have to, but how can I explain to him that I’m fried? It’s times like these that I think our priorities are much different.

It’s not that he always thinks about sex, but how can he think about sex while I’m running around like an idiot? And, no, snuggling isn’t sex but it’s not a priority in my mind even though Lion is a priority. Does that make any sense? I know! It’s my fuzzy brain thinking.

When Lion’s eye drops were all in and we were just about ready for bed, he said he guessed the multiple day punishment was over. Damn! That should have been on my to do list. That is a priority. I missed it. If I can’t even keep my own priorities straight, how can I tell Lion his are wrong?

The truth is, it should always be a priority to snuggle with Lion. I can’t let life get in the way of that.

lion's penis in double cock ring
Lion’s locking cock ring. I meant to get it on him last night, but with all the other things we had to do, I forgot to put it on him.
(Click image to see a full NSFW view of it)

I didn’t have much luck getting Lion excited last night. It was late and I was tired. I’m sure he was too. We had some errands to run after I got home from work and then we had dinner at Panera. I still have too many things to do to get ready for our trip so when I finally snuggled in with Lion it was 9:30.

Lion reminded me, in the midst of my chores, that I owed him a spanking. Oops. I would have forgotten. I made sure to give him harder swats and more of them. I think I was a few swats short of drawing blood. He had the tell tale spots forming on his right cheek. When we snuggled he said his buns were still warm.

I was going to lock Lion in the locking cock ring, but by the time I was done with the dog’s ice cream and letting her out, I was feeling a little out of it. I was probably just tired, but I forgot all about the ring. As a result, Lion is still wild. I’m not really sure how much the locking cock ring does for him in terms of feeling my control. It’s true he has something locked on him but it’s not the same as the Jail Bird keeping him from getting hard.

It probably doesn’t make too much sense to lock Lion away now anyway. We have a few days before we leave and being locked up causes more trouble than it’s worth when we’re camping. When we get back, I’ll lock him in something. I don’t know if it will be the locking cock ring, the Jail Bird or the new Chinese cage. I just know Lion needs something to make him feel all warm and fuzzy.

Until he has to pee, that is.

Lion had two little (approximately five inches) round rosy spots on his tushy after the first installment of multiple punishments. He was squirmy and yelping while I was swatting but said the effect wore off shortly afterwards. Either I didn’t hit hard enough or 200-ish swats are not enough to leave a lasting impression. Of course, Lion’s hide is notoriously difficult to harm.

[Lion — Much as I hate to say this, I think harder swats and more of them would make a stronger and more lasting impression on my bottom. I’m not claiming last night’s spanking didn’t hurt. It did. But it was considerably gentler than Mrs. Lion’s experiments.]

This, of course, is a sort of experiment. I have no idea if Lion will respond more favorably to multiple days of punishment. Furthermore, should today’s punishment still be spanking? Would a mouth soaping be an alternative? Or corner time? Those last two have been used as “dessert” but can they effectively be used on their own?

So I had an idea for a new rule percolating in my head yesterday but I couldn’t remember what it was until this morning. As you’ve probably read, Lion bought a new cage. I’m expected to lock him in it when it arrives. And that brings me to the rule. I’d like him to talk to me before buying things he wants me to use. This can also head off any issues of having four paddles that are sort of what I’m looking for but not actually it. Obviously, if it’s a gift or a surprise then he shouldn’t have to discuss it. But did we really need two Fleshlights that don’t really work the way I’d hoped? For someone who is advocating for downsizing, Lion still buys a lot of stuff.

Lion and I will discuss this new rule to see if it is viable. I don’t want to cut him off from every purchase but he gets a little fast and loose with toys and cages sometimes. Maybe I need to lock his credit card in a cage so he can’t play with it.

I didn’t get a lot done yesterday but, as they say, it is what it is. We snoozed a bit, watched a movie and went to the casino. Lion has been wanting to go for a while. My plan was not to stay too long but hours have a way of zipping by.

Once we got home we needed showers. The casino spews some perfume-y air freshener that hangs on to clothes and people. To save time, Lion took his own shower so there was no opportunity for weenie washing. I got the dog settled in with her ice cream and let her out. By the time Lion was done, I was ready for my shower.

As promised, I locked Lion back into the Jail Bird. He may be spraying pee all over the place but my weenie is safely off limits. I’ll need to unlock him so we can play Zapardy! tonight. He’s charging the shock collar in anticipation.

When we ate lunch yesterday, Lion was looking at his shirt and hurriedly brushing something off it. I waited to see if he would confess to getting food on it. He did not. He waited till I asked. Silly boy. He should know by now that I notice things like that.

This morning, he reminded me that today is punishment day. He asked if I would be doing the multiple day spanking fiesta. It’s funny that he would call it a fiesta. Last week at work we had at least four Mondays in a row again and I said we needed a piñata filled with mini airplane bottles of booze. We could take our frustrations out on the piñata and have booze to numb our pain. I told Lion he’s my piñata. I suppose the fiesta reference would have been even better if it was chips and salsa that got him in trouble. Oh well.

This will be the first time I try a multiple day punishment on him. How many days should it be? How many swats each day? Which paddle? How hard? To be determined. It will be more than two days and probably more than 150 swats each day. I’m sure I’ll find just the right paddle at the time. And if I’m trying to prove a point, I think they need to be fairly hard swats. I don’t think I’ll try to bruise him but by day three, who knows what his buns will look and feel like? (I bet he’s trying to get hard as he reads this.)

[Lion — No I am not! I imagined that each day of a multi-day punishment, the number of swats per group would increase in the total number of swats for that spanking would also get larger. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.]